
Python implementation of a bipartite directed multigraph extracted from the Reactome biological pathway database.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



The package is a python implementation of a bipartite directed multigraph extracted from the Reactome database. Its underlying implementation uses networkx.

The graph represents reactions and physical entities as nodes. Edges are instead classified into 5 categories:

  • input
  • output
  • catalyst
  • positiveRegulator
  • negativeRegulator

The package provides a wrapper for the networkx.MultiDiGraph class: the ReactomeGraph. Each graph instance is associated with a certain species and can either be:

  • loaded from pre-built binaries shipped alongside the package
  • built directly from a Neo4j instance running on the user’s machine

NOTE: the user may prefer the latter option in order to control which specific version of Reactome’s database is used to generate the graphs. The latest supported version for this package will be periodically updated.

When building from a Neo4j instance, the package extracts data from the Reactome graph database.


git clone https://github.com/marinoandrea/stargate-x.git
cd stargate-x
pip install .


In order to use the pre-built graphs, just call the load method passing the species as an argument:

from stargate_x import ReactomeGraph, Species

hsa_graph = ReactomeGraph.load('Homo sapiens')
# or
hsa_graph = ReactomeGraph.load(Species.HSA)

In order to build a graph directly from Reactome's database, an active Neo4j instance is required. The connection URI can be specified in the options (it defaults to bolt://localhost:7687):

from stargate_x import ReactomeGraph, Species

hsa_graph = ReactomeGraph.build('Homo sapiens', options={'neo4j_uri': 'bolt://<YOUR_HOST>:<YOUR_PORT>'})
# or
hsa_graph = ReactomeGraph.build(Species.HSA, options={'neo4j_uri': 'bolt://<YOUR_HOST>:<YOUR_PORT>'})

API Reference


Represents a graph for a certain species.

event_nodes Set[str] Set containing all the event nodes identifiers.
entity_nodes Set[str] Set containing all the entity nodes identifiers.
compartments Iterable[Compartment] List of all cellular compartments for this graph instance.
pathways Iterable[Pathway] List of all pathways for this graph instance.
top_level_pathways Iterable[Pathway] List of all top level pathways for this graph instance.

get_pathway_subgraph pathway: str - pathway identifier ReactomeGraph Generate subgraph using nodes from the given pathway.
get_compartment_subgraph compartment: str - compartment GO identifier (eg: GO:0005886) ReactomeGraph Generate subgraph using nodes from the given compartment.
load species: Union[Species, str] - species name or enumeration ReactomeGraph Factory method, builds a Reactome graph from a pickled python object.
build species: Union[Species, str] - species name or enumeration ReactomeGraph Factory method, builds a Reactome graph. Requires a working Neo4j instance containing Reactome data.


Enumeration with valid Reactome species (source).


Dataclass containing basic pathway information.

id str Reactome pathway identifier.
name str Reactome display name.
is_top_level bool Whether the pathway is a top level pathway.
in_disease bool Whether the pathway is part of a disease.


Dataclass containing basic cellulare compartment information.

id str GO compartment identifier (starting with 'GO:').
name str Reactome display name.


Obtain a subgraph relative to a specific pathway:

from stargate_x import ReactomeGraph

hsa_graph = ReactomeGraph.load('Homo sapiens')
signal_transduction_subgraph = hsa_graph.get_pathway_subgraph('R-HSA-162582')

or to a specific cellular compartment:

from stargate_x import ReactomeGraph

hsa_graph = ReactomeGraph.load('Homo sapiens')
plasma_membrane_subgraph = hsa_graph.get_compartment_subgraph('GO:0005886')

Here is an example where we obtain centrality measures for all nodes in a specific pathway:

import networkx as nx

import stargate_x as sx

signal_transduction_subgraph = sx.ReactomeGraph\
    .load("Homo sapiens")

# calculate different centrality measures for every node in the subgraph
lapl = sx.laplacian_centrality(signal_transduction_subgraph, deg_type="out_degree")
hidx = sx.h_index_centrality(signal_transduction_subgraph, deg_type="out_degree")
levr = sx.leverage_centrality(signal_transduction_subgraph, deg_type="out_degree")

Here is an example where we analyze the connectivity features of a single node in a specific compartment and pathway:

import networkx as nx

import stargate_x as sx

# select the cytosol compartment subgraph in the nucleotides metabolism pathway
cytosol_nucleotides_metabolism_subgraph = sx.ReactomeGraph\
    .load("Homo sapiens")\

# find all nodes reachable from ATP using standard networkx functionalities
reachable_nodes_from_atp = nx.descendants(cytosol_nucleotides_metabolism_subgraph, "R-ALL-113592")

Here is an example of how to obtain participating compounds given a reaction node:

import stargate_x as sx

signal_transduction_graph = sx.ReactomeGraph\
    .load("Homo sapiens")

# find all compounds participating in the Phosphorylation of complexed TSC2 by PKB
# within the Signal Transduction top-level pathway
compounds = signal_transduction_graph.neighbors("R-HSA-165182")


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.