- 8
Sensor triggers in air
#172 opened by RealHaltewunsch - 5
No trigger on probe after full movement
#198 opened by terri1769 - 24
warning:triggered at 0mm
#199 opened by GoTVm - 2
#196 opened by leftouterjoins - 8
Internal error on command:"BED_MESH_CALIBRATE"
#200 opened by ACrook311 - 0
[BDsensor] section title in the WIKI is correct but not on the website directions
#197 opened by Beartech - 9
BUG: warning: triggered in air, 1015
#195 opened by mninja79 - 3
Consist issues with triggering in midair
#190 opened by bombsquad85 - 16
No data or corrupt data from BDsensor(), Please check connection
#185 opened by MDegelmann - 1
Dual pass enable
#194 opened by ManiekJG - 0
Probe offset XY
#193 opened by ManiekJG - 3
not really an issue, but a question
#192 opened by bombsquad85 - 9
Always triggered
#191 opened by Nmorelm - 0
RTL setup and Bed Mesh "issue"
#189 opened by KrizalidPC - 0
Can't Flash BD Sensor
#188 opened by ceb0610 - 0
Feature request. Enable use of a separate endstop
#187 opened by mninja79 - 2
Poor first layer with bd sensor mesh
#184 opened by josh-hutchinson - 3
Starting klipper mcu protocol error
#186 opened by emesys - 5
- 10
- 15
Collision sensing for Marlin
#153 opened by aero4 - 1
not working with MKS-THR36-THR42
#181 opened by mninja79 - 2
Triggering in mid air, only when bed is hot.
#180 opened by bombsquad85 - 0
Marlin - G34 command does not account for probe range
#179 opened by F0mx - 5
Bed Distance Sensor data error2:10.24
#178 opened by bombsquad85 - 6
Z does not follow the mesh (motors stopped)
#177 opened by Liquidus-tech - 4
- 1
SKR 1.3/Klipper No Data
#176 opened by HelmutPirker - 2
BD sensor on IDEX printer
#174 opened by Sundancer78 - 2
Internal error on command:"Z_TILT_ADJUST"
#173 opened by NexGen-3D-Printing - 2
Sensor in CNC DIODE?
#171 opened by TheChapus - 3
collision_calibrate returning wrong value
#170 opened by soleshoe - 4
problem with M119
#169 opened by tjengbudi - 4
Query Only - bed_mesh 'fade' klipper config
#168 opened by KiwiChrist - 0
Add support for DK (Danger Klipper)
#167 opened by thbl - 7
- 0
Sonic Pad G28 internal error
#166 opened by madalarcon - 7
Trouble adding to ramps1.4 board
#165 opened by peterstevey - 4
Internal error during mesh calibrate
#163 opened by heinrichWeichert - 1
- 3
Center of the probe mark
#160 opened by BittorB - 2
STC version lacks contact probe firmware
#161 opened by oliof - 10
Error 10.24 sfter flashing STLink
#159 opened by rety4 - 3
- 4
Internal error on command:"BED_MESH_CALIBRATE"
#155 opened by legacy23 - 2
Issue after last update with no_stop_probe
#157 opened by luco85 - 2
- 10
Error no data
#151 opened by alhanon - 1
#154 opened by Eloura74 - 3
QGL Shuts Down Klipper
#152 opened by KiwiChrist