
steps per second e.g. FPS = 0 while training

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While training with jetbot the FPS drops to 0. At most I'm only seeing 2 FPS. Both seem low. What is an expected FPS? Or how can I increase it?

| current_lr | 0.0003 |
| ent_coef | 0.023513975 |
| ent_coef_loss | 0.19573997 |
| entropy | 1.6002797 |
| episodes | 35 |
| fps | 0 |
| mean 100 episode reward | 131 |
| n_updates | 19800 |
| policy_loss | -19.272217 |
| qf1_loss | 2.0728447 |
| qf2_loss | 1.9528334 |
| time_elapsed | 8822 |
| total timesteps | 4635 |
| value_loss | 0.9012158 |


FPS is calculated including the time for slope calculation. Jetson nano requires a lot of time to calculate the gradient, so the FPS is very low. This value is calculated by stable_baseline2. If JetBot is working fine then don't worry.