
Every new projects obtains automatically internall UUID code...

Opened this issue · 3 comments

...that would work merely like an authentication token.

Motivated by: mastodon-sc/mastodon-collaborative#16

Use cases:

  • If I share a .mastodon file with someone and get it back edited, I can check if it is the original project.
  • If client-server collaborating env is established, clients can be warned when talking to a server hosting data of a different project
  • Mastodon plugins can benefit from maps: UUID -> {set of various settings of that plugin} (like here), e.g. prefilled GUI params per project (e.g., here)

Hello @xulman

This issue relates to an enhancement, but there has been no work on it since quite some time. Are you ok to close it for now?

This may be relevant for mastodon-sc/mastodon-git#12
Thus at least hereby I would like to make the link to that other issue.

xulman commented

I would put this on the roadmap of reworking app model, so that the new (forgot the class name, so making up one now) MastodonProject main class would offer two methods

  • int getProjectID() - firm ID, immutable, created random when a project is saved for the first time (project is created)
  • int getProjectHash() - reflects on the current content of the project, can be used to detect if something has changed (e.g. after running some other plugins), this method would merely collect hash() from "important data structures"