DN-Splatter + AGS-Mesh: Depth and Normal Priors for Gaussian Splatting
- 5
degrading issue as training progresses
#68 opened by JH-CPG - 2
Regarding the OOM issue, I would like to ask if it can be solved with multiple GPUs. What should I do if I can?
#87 opened by ruiqiyan - 10
- 1
Normal supervision - Is normal properly expressed in camera coordinates before rendering ?
#75 opened by gaetan-landreau - 3
background color
#50 opened by yungommi - 0
2DGS Evaluation with scannet++ iPhone dataset
#89 opened by Rickyeeeeee - 0
- 5
Is transforms.json required for training?
#86 opened by seulqxq - 5
- 20
How to export train result as ply
#84 opened by Knni9ht - 18
Load pretrained pointcloud model to train
#83 opened by ferryman123 - 4
Load chechpoints error
#65 opened by Kairui-SHI - 2
- 0
- 3
- 7
The training effect of custom data is poor
#78 opened by cici19850 - 8
- 2
Mesh + Texture
#71 opened by didiemme - 1
How can i get a texture
#30 opened by yang1hu - 16
Mesh Quality Discrepancy Using Scannet++
#35 opened by Valentina-Zhang - 7
training with pre-generated depth
#61 opened by deephog - 1
Code Issue
#66 opened by Kairui-SHI - 2
Training with sdf loss
#67 opened by mkrishnan9 - 2
The last commit probably miss a file
#69 opened by didiemme - 3
Plans to Move to Nerfstudio
#63 opened by peasant98 - 2
How to set "load_depth" false
#62 opened by Kairui-SHI - 9
Misplaced Options
#60 opened by Kairui-SHI - 1
- 1
Sampling strategy for train images
#58 opened by Kush0301 - 4
- 2
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- 1
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I have the depth map but have no surface normal, can I train without surface normal?
#53 opened by PearsonChen123 - 21
KeyError: 'background'
#48 opened by karthik101200 - 6
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No initial point cloud support?
#40 opened by cmh1027 - 1
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Import errors
#43 opened by efyphil - 0
Crop setting for gs-mesh
#39 opened by Eldoprano - 0
About running colmap on Replica
#38 opened by HLinChen - 0
colmap image undistortion bug / question
#36 opened by ccarlsonpb - 3
Computation Requirements
#34 opened by rohit7044 - 2
Issue using DTU dataset
#33 opened by danperazzo - 2
Viewing methods for trained models
#32 opened by wangjinhoon - 2
question about
#24 opened by pwais - 2
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sfm depth and mono depth scale and shift
#29 opened by hardikdava - 0
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