
Question - Linking cellBrowser through another web-app with dynamic data selection

tkakar opened this issue · 9 comments

I'm building a web-app (vue + node) where I want to link cellBrowser (hosted on a local S3 bucket) for our own data selected dynamically and was wondering if anyone else has done it? My understanding is to add the data in the output directory and update the configuration file. Or having all the data in the output directory and only select the needed one (dynamically selected via the app) in the configuration file. Would love to hear any suggestions or other ways to achieving this. Thanks.

by dynamically selecting data, I meant a particular patient that a user on the web-app is interested in and want to explore their single cell data. The gene expression, tsne coordinates etc are provided for each patient.

That seems much easier. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try that.

Hi, @tkakar, if all is good with Max's '?ds=' suggestion, can we close this ticket?