
cache problem of google chrome browser or server httpd setting?

yesonse opened this issue · 3 comments

I got a problem that bothered me for a long time.

I run well with a ucsc cell browser on a ubuntu server and keep adding new datasets into it.
But each time when I finished adding a new dataset and want to check it in my laptop, the new dataset did not show up instantly, so can not be opened with my google chrome browser in my mac laptop, only those old datasets showed. The new dataset would show up the second day, but not instantly after I finished building it, reloading the webpage did not work too.

Is it a some cache issue with my laptop google chrome browser or an issue of my ubuntu server http setting? my ubuntu httpd server setting is the default one of ubuntu system without anything changed.

I also wander if this happened to others.



Thanks, shift + reload seemed works!
They are part of collection, not the "top-level" datasets.