Custom colors for each attribute
cancerGen opened this issue · 8 comments
I was just curious if you already have in place the ease of assigning and storing colors for each attribute. For instance, I want to always color all the microglia cells purple or green, etc. Currently, every time I restart the browser I have to manually set colors for each attribute. Maybe there's a slot somewhere in the json file that will allow me to assign and store colors?
Sorry for the inconvenience, but the colors parameter is allowing me to assign colors to just one attribute. I was looking specifically to have pre-assigned colors for clusters/mutations/Gender. I tried providing multiple color files but that doesn't seem to work. I also tried providing colors for all possible attributes in a single file but that doesn't work either.
Sorry for the confusion.
I mean I want to have pre-assigned colors for multiple fields at the same time. For instance, I have three fields: clusters, mutation, and Gender. Currently, the cell browser allows me to pre-assign colors only for any one of the mentioned fields. My objective is to assign colors to all the fields in the metafile.
I hope this clears my question.
Thanks for the solution.