I share my 100 Days of Code Challenge. I really recommend it! It kept my constancy and showed me how much I've learn during those days!

Follow me: @melisadigiacomo


Skills and resources

R Python GIT GitHub HTML5 CSS3 Javascript Bootstrap MySQL RMarkdown JupyterNotebooks VSCode Office

Day by day challenge

Day Project Description Language/Resource
01 HTML test Passed HTML test HTML
02 New Dev Community Interacted with new fellows of bootcamp Social Media
03 ggplot2 plots Improved some plots and practice ggplot2 R
04 Plot evolution Added a new repo on GitHub with plot evolution R
05 Vacations info web Developed a simple web to share vacations info HTML - CSS
06 HTML test and Netlify Passed HTML test and opened a Netlify account HTML
07 CSS theory Studied color theory, shapes and positions CSS
08 Layouts Practised different layouts HTML - CSS
09 {CSS animation} Studied and practised CSS animation CSS
10 Layouts Practised layouts for different devices HTML - CSS
11 CSS GRID and Flexbox Studied and practised CSS GRID and Flexbox HTML - CSS
12 Portfolio Started craning my web portfolio Pen - Paper
13 Contact card Developed a contact card HTML - CSS
14 CSS positions Studied and practiced CSS positions CSS
15 Linktree clone Developed my own Linktree page HTML - CSS
16 CSS flexbox Practised CSS Flexbox by playing games CSS
17 Icons links page Developed an icons links page HTML - CSS
18 Tech talks Attended TechNFest Globant inspiring talks Talks
19 Simple website Developed a website while coding live in class HTML - CSS
20 CSS theory Studied CSS {transition} and {animation} CSS
21 CSS practice Practised CSS {transition} and {animation} CSS
22 CSS animation Practised keyframes - CSS {animation} CSS
23 CSS media queries Practised media queries CSS
24 Responsive navbar Developed responsive navbar with hamburger menu HTML - CSS
25 Animated plot Coded in Python with plotly for an animated plot Python
26 Portfolio First approach to my future portfolio HTML - CSS
27 Bootstrap Studied and practised Bootstrap CSS - Bootstrap
28 Portfolio Started a contact page for my portofolio HTML - CSS
29 Javascript theory First approach to Javascript JS
30 Javascript theory Javascrit class JS
31 Javascript theory Practised JS fundamentals playing games JS
32 Responsive navbar Responsive navbar with hamburger menu in JS JS
33 Javascript theory if, ?, swithc, loops and functions JS
34 SPA Developed a single page application for a brand HTML - CSS - JS
35 Responsive SPA Made single page application responsive HTML - CSS - JS
36 Javascript theory Practised arrow functions JS
37 Javascript theory JS callbacks and closures JS
38 Javascript theory JS promises and async/await JS
39 Username search app Developped a simple app using JS and GitHub API HTML - CSS - JS
40 Javascript theory JS arrays and their methods JS
41 Weather app Developed a JS weather app HTML - CSS - JS
42 Data analysis class Coded in Python using pandas Python
43 Javascript theory DOM and its methods JS
44 Art Gallery webpage Started developing a page to show my artwork HTML - Bootstrap
45 Art Gallery webpage Finished and deployed page on Netlify HTML - Bootstrap
46 Javascript theory localStorage and sessionStorage objects JS
47 Portfolio Worked in form validation using JavaScript JS
48 Portfolio Improve my contact form: functional and secure HTML - CSS - JS
49 Vue.js introduction Was introduced to Vue.js in class Vue.js
50 JS frameworks Made a deeper search on different JS frameworks React - Angular
51 Linktree clone Developed a custom Linktree clone for my IG HTML - CSS - JS
52 Hide token/API keys Searched different forms to hide a token or key Tutorials
53 Hide token/API keys Used environment variable to hide API key dotenv
54 Portfolio Looked for free hosting for my portfolio Netlify - Vercel
55 Portfolio Deployed my WEB PORTFOLIO HTML - CSS - JS
56 Portfolio Shared things I took into account for portofolio HTML - CSS - JS
57 Portfolio Modified projects section to let the user select HTML - CSS - JS
58 Databases Relational and non-relational databases Databases
59 Databases Create database, insert into table, select from SQL
60 Stocks data analysis Data analysis of active stocks Python
61 Stocks data analysis Finished active stocks analysis and report Python
62 Databases Data Definition Language (DDL) SQL
63 Databases Data Manipulate Language (DML) SQL
64 Databases Data Control Language (DCL) and TCL SQL
65 Databases SQL JOINS SQL
66 Databases SQL aggregate functions SQL
67 Databases MySQL practice with world database SQL
68 Shiny App workshop Signed up for LatinR and attended a workshop R
69 LatinR talks Attended interesting talks: R + Science R
70 Data Viz repo Started a repo with charts and R codes R
71 Data Viz repo Added more chart types to the repo R
72 Python theory Python for back end, refreshing concepts Python
73 Python theory Built-in data types Python
74 Python theory Python operators Python
75 Python theory Conditions and loops Python
76 Python theory Python functions Python
77 Data Viz website Developed an R dataviz cheatsheet website HTML - CSS - JS
78 Python theory Lambda Python
79 Python theory Lists and arrays Python
80 Python theory Object-oriented programming (OOP) Python
81 Python theory Object-oriented programming (OOP) Python
82 Biological webpage Developed a webpage to present in a congress HTML - CSS
83 Python theory Errors and exceptions, how to handle them Python
84 Python theory Recursive functions Python
85 Python practice Random walks, list searchs and seconds lived Python
86 Python practice Fibonacci, Pascal triangle, tower simulation Python
87 Python practice Sorting algorithms Python
88 Python practice Sorting algorithms II Python
89 Data Viz website Update website and repo by adding new plots R - HTML
90 Python tests Passed Python tests of the bootcamp Python
91 Django introduction Installed it and started my first project Django
92 Django theory Read Django documentation and practiced Django
93 Django debugging Debugged in VSCode and Django Debug Toolbar Django
94 Django theory Django templates Django
95 Django practice Developed an Employees Management App Django
96 CSS Art Christmas tree in pure CSS CSS
97 Django theory Django and form Django
98 Django practice Forms and databases in Employees Admin App Django
99 Django practice Static & dynamic content in Employees Admin App Django
100 Django practice Reviewing HTML, CSS, JS, SQL and Python All

#100DaysofCode Challenge

Day 01

After starting a Python Full Stack bootcamp a few days ago, I passed my first HTML test.


Day 02

Started to interact with other fellows of the Full Stack course. Good communication and group support are key to clearing up doubts and discussing different approaches.

Day 03

Practiced with ggplot2 to improve some plots.


Day 04

I added a new GitHub repo showing plot evolution.


Day 05

Practised some HTML and CSS. I created a simple web to organize and share with friends the info for our next weekend vacations.


Day 06

  • Passed my last HTML test.
  • Opened a Netlify account for my future hostings.
  • Started my own list of useful websites and twitter content for web dev.

Day 07

Dived deeply in color theory, shapes and position in CSS. My first steps in the front-end web dev!

Day 08

Practised and compared different layouts! Composition, balance, and how to manage a good structure.

Day 09

It was all about movement! I played around while learning {animation} in CSS.
GitHub repo


Day 10

Practised layouts for different devices. GitHub repo


Day 11

Studied and practised CSS GRID and Flexbox. Used it to display testimonials of Uritorco mountain located in Argentina. Inspired by my next mountain trek!
GitHub repo


Day 12

Started craning my web portfolio for the final frontend project.

Day 13

Making some progress in a link page and a contact card. GitHub repo


Day 14

Studied and practiced CSS positions. Sunday of coworking with family.


Day 15

Coded my own Linktree page with HTML and CSS.


Day 16

Practised CSS Flexbox by playing games.
Flexbox Froggy
More CSS games


Day 17

Developed another links page.
(A) Linktree™ clone and (B) icon links page.
GitHub repo


Day 18

Explored some inspiring talks of #TechNFest organized by Globant.


Day 19

We coded live on the class and I developed a simple website with some of the slide of CSS that I've made while studying. We practised semantic tags, flexbox and much more!


Day 20

Studied and compared CSS {transition} and {animation}.


Day 21

Put into practice yesterday lesson of CSS {transition} and {animation}.
GitHub repo


Day 22

Monday fun day! And more Pac-man! I learned a lot more of CSS {animation}.
GitHub repo


Day 23

Experimented more of responsive design using media queries.


Day 24

Developed a responsive navbar with a hamburger menu with HTML and CSS while practising media queries.
GitHub repo


Day 25

I had to make an animated plot for data viz, so I coded in Python using plotly.
GitHub repo


Day 26

First approach to my future portfolio! Made it from scratch.


Day 27

I'm getting into CSS frameworks, specifically into Bootstrap!

Day 28

Started the contact page for my portfolio. Practice with forms, flexbox, media queries and some Bootstrap.

Day 29

The day has come! I met JavaScript for the first time! I started with some theory of Javascript basic concepts.

Day 30

Student's Day in Argentina, celebrating it with a JavaScript class.


Day 31

Learning is fun so I tried Grasshopper App and completed Javascript Fundamentals I and II.
Grass Hopper Game


Day 32

I wanted to make a responsive navbar with hamburger menu using JavaScript.
GitHub repo


Day 33

Another JavaScript class! ‘if’ statement, conditional operator ‘?’, ‘switch’ statement, loops and functions.

Day 34

Developed a single page application (SPA) for a brand to show its products. GitHub repo Live


Day 35

Made SPA responsive. LIVE
I applied for the GitHub Student Developer Pack!

Day 36

Rewrote many functions using arrow functions to practise their syntax () => {}


Day 37

JavaScript callbacks and closures.

Day 38

Dived into Javascript Promises and async/await.


Day 39

Developed a username search app using JavaScript and Github API. Learned a lot in the process! I used callbacks and Promises.


Day 40

JavaScript [Arrays] and their methods.


Day 41

Finished the weather app and practised a lot more of JavaScript. I used OpenWeatherMap API and Unsplash Source, an API for embedding photos from Unsplash.
GitHub repo


Day 42

Python coding for a data analysis course! Pandas module.

Day 43

DOM and its methods! I was already manipulating DOM with JS in some projects but in today’s class we dived more into the fundamentals.

Day 44

Started building a page to show my artwork! Hope to finish tomorrow! I am a huge fan of photography, videos, digital illustration and gif animation.

Day 45

Publish my art gallery page on Netlify. Developed using Bootstrap. GitHub repo Live


Day 46

JavaScript class: web storage objects localStorage and sessionStorage. Their methods and properties.

Day 47

Worked in form validation using JavaScript!

Day 48

Continued to improve my contact form. I used an API to fetch the submissions and added a honeypot to detect bots.

Day 49

In today's class we were introduced to Vue.js! I need to keep practising Vanilla JavaScript to then jump to a framework. I asked how to choose a JS framework and preferences and got awesome advices:
Link to tweet


Day 50

I made a deeper seach on different JS FRAMEWORKS. Really good advices in this thread! This community is so supportive!

Day 51

Developed a custom Linktree clone for my instagram. I've already developed one but this time I'm trying to apply the new resources I've learned.
GitHub repo


Day 52

Searched different forms to hide a token or key from the GitHub repo. I looked for GitHub encrypted secrets, Netlify functions and dotenv

Day 53

I tried to save my API key in an environment variable in an .env file. I have not manage to make it work yet!

Day 54

Almost done with my web portfolio. I was looking for the best free hosting. I got to know Netlify, GitHub Pages, Vercel and Firebase.

Day 55

Big day: I deployed my WEB PORTFOLIO!!
I’ve made it from scratch using plain HTML, CSS and JS.
It is so cool to see how much I’ve learned during the process.
GitHub Repo


Day 56

I shared things I took into account for my portfolio development!

  • Code with plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

  • Four HTML pages: home, about, projects and contact.

  • Aesthetics: clean and simple design with attractive visualization.

  • Responsive design with 4 breakpoints: desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile.

  • Functional contact form: validated with JavaScript and secure (honeypot to detect bots and encodes email within an API).

  • Appearance: Fontawesome icons, Google fonts and custom gifs and images.

  • Grid on general page layout and Flexbox for positioning components within the layout.

  • Transformations (color and scale changes) and transitions (smoothness).

  • Share code in GitHub Repo

  • Free hosting in GitHub Pages.

  • Free domain thanks to GitHub Student Developers Pack: melisadigiacomo.codes


Day 57

I modified my portfolio thanks to a colleague's suggestion! I added two buttons to let the user select which project section to display!

Day 58

DATABASES! I learned of relational and non-relational databases. Entities, attributes, relationships and data type concept. Primary key and Foreign key. I installed MySQL!


Day 59

More of MySQL! Create database, create table, insert into table, select from.

Day 60

Some Python coding! Data anlysis of active stocks, diving on Financial stuff! Helping my sister with her report!


Day 61

Finished with stocks report!
GitHub Repo

Day 62

Back to Databases! Data Definition Language (DDL): CREATE, ALTER, DROP.

Day 63

Data Manipulate Language (DML): SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.

Day 64

Data Control Language (DCL): GRANT, REVOKE. Transaction Control Language (TCL): COMMIT, SAVEPOINT, ROLLBACK.


Day 65



Day 66

SQL aggregate functions: SUM(), AVG(), MIN(), MAX(), COUNT()


Day 67

More SQL! SQL practice with world database. Upload SQL queries to GitHub.
GitHub Repo

Day 68

Today I signed up for LatinR! I dived into their GitHub and attended a Shiny App workshop.

Day 69

More #LatinR2021!
Attended interesting talks! R + Science: R for proteins, R for meteo data, R for consummmers’ perspectives and R for twitter job alerts.

Day 70

After attending #LatinR2021, the talks encouraged me to started my own data viz repo with a variety of charts and R codes. I was thinking about develop a website with this content, combining web dev & data viz skills.
GitHub Repo

Day 71

More R coding for my Data Viz cheatsheet! Added more chart types.

Day 72

Hello Python again! This time I will use it for back end! So excited! These next days will be for Python basics, good to refresh concepts!

  • Docstrings
  • Variables
  • Indentation
  • Python keywords

Day 73

Python fundamentals.

  • Built-in data types:
    • Text type: str
    • Numeric types: int, float, complex -Sequence types: list, tuple, range
    • mapping type: dict
    • set type: set
    • Boolean type: bool
    • Binary types: bytes, bytearray, memoryview


Day 74

Reviewing Python fundamentals.

  • Python Operators:
    • Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, //, %, **
    • Assignment operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=
    • Logical operators: and, or, not
    • Comparison operators: <, >, ==, !=, <=, >=
    • Identity operators: is, is not
    • Membership operators: in, not in
    • Bitwise operators: &, |, ^, ~, <<, >>

Day 75

Keep reviewing Python concepts.

  • Conditions:
    • if/else/elif
  • Loops:
    • for
    • while

Day 76

Python functions:

  • Create
  • Call
  • Arguments:
    • One or more arguments
    • Arbitrary arguments (*args)
    • Keryword arguments
    • Arbitrary Keyword Arguments (**kwargs)
    • Arguments with default values
  • Return
  • Pass

Day 77

Developed an R dataviz cheatsheet combining dataviz and web dev new skills!
GitHub Repo


Day 78


  • Syntax: lambda arguments: expression
  • Common use: one line of code functions or as an anonymous function inside another
  • Return a single result
  • Not necessarily associated with a function name
  • Always check whether or not is clearer than a regular funct

Day 79

Python LISTS:

  • Store multiple values in one single variable
  • Access elements by index
  • len() method to return the length
  • FOR loop to walk through all the elements
  • List methods



Lists and arrays are used to store data and allow indexing, slicing and iteration. Both are ordered, mutable, enclosed in [] and able to store non-unique items.

  • List: built-in data structure. Elements can be of different data types. Advantage: useful for short sequence of items without importing modules.
  • Array: data structure that must be declared by using array module (requires all elements to be of the same type) or NumPy package (support different data types). Advantage: arrays are more efficient for storing large amounts of data and handle better math operations.

Day 80

Object-oriented programming (OOP)

Programming paradigm based on the concept of OBJECTS, which can contain data and code: data as attributes/properties and code as methods. It focuses on creating reusable code.

  • Python Objects and Classes
    • Create classes and objects
    • __ init __ function
    • Object Methods
    • self parameter


Day 81

Object-oriented programming (OOP)

  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation


Day 82

Developed a webpage to present results in a biological congress! I enjoyed using new skills in combination with my background! Science + Data Viz + Web Dev I presented advances in a sensory analysis of tomato bredding lines.


Day 83

More Python:

  • Error types
  • Exceptions types
  • Handling exceptions:
    • try/except
    • finally
    • raise
    • assertions

Day 84

Recursive function
A function that calls itself.

  • Base case: define one or more base cases that stop the recursion.
  • Recursion case: make the recursive call.
  • Convergence: the reduction made in the recursive case needs to converge to the base cases, so that the recursion ever ends.

Day 85

Python practice:

  • A program that calculates the seconds I’ve already lived: 957.80M seconds.
  • A list search and inversion program.
  • Random walks 1D and 2D.

GitHub Repo


Day 86

Python practice: OPP, recursion and iteration.

  • Fibonacci sequence
  • Pascal triangle Up-pointing
  • Paper sizes ISO216
  • Control tower simulation

GitHub Repo

Day 87

Python practice: Sorting algorithms.

  • Bubble sort.
  • Selection sort.
  • Insertion sort.
  • Merge sort.

GitHub Repo


Day 88

Python practice: Sorting algorithms.
I took a question of a twitter user and played around with different list complexities:

  • Random lists.
  • Reversed lists.
  • Sorted lists.

This time I compared execution time of bubble, selection, insertion and merge sort.

GitHub Repo


Day 89

Kept working on my R data viz cheatsheet. Update the website and repo by adding new plots.

GitHub Repo


Day 90

Completed and passed all Python tests of the bootcamp!


Day 91

Introduction to Django! I installed it and started my first project.

Day 92

Kept reading Django documentation and practiced for continuing the project!

Day 93

Practice debugging Django app in VSCode and got to know Django Debug Toolbar.

Day 94

It was the turn of Django templates.

Day 95

Live coding on class! We developed an Employees Management App using Django.

Day 96

The day of the Christmas tree and I learned to do it in pure CSS. Pretty simple but it was my first CSS art and I had so much fun! GitHub Repo


Day 97

More Django, working with forms.

Day 98

Another live coding class! We practiced forms and MySQL databases to keep modifying Employees Administration App using Django.


Day 99

Kept working on Django Employees Administration App. I added more static and dynamic content.

Day 100

It was study day. I was reviewing many concepts of HTML, CSS, JS, SQL and Python since I was about to take the final exam of the bootcamp. Spoiler alert: I passed with 10 points.


Final thoughts

  • Community: I am so happy of the community I got to know thanks to the challenge. I learned a lot from everyone. They are all so supportive and are there to help anytime.

  • Constancy: It is a great way to keep constant. It really helps to self-motivation.

  • Progress: it documents your progress. Take time to think how much you have improve is awesome.

  • Resources: people share their roadmaps and resources. There's a lot to learn and as many are self-taughts, knowing where to start or following a plan helps a lot. I discovered bunch of cool stuff that I didn't know they existed.

I 100% recommend this challenge! Take a day or more if you need to, but keep going, the results are allucinating! I will keep going myself and continuing to share with this amazing community. Thank you for making so far!