
Nuscenes data conversion: Unable to run 3D simulation

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, when I was running the dataset conversion for nuscenes, I found that I could render in 2D normally, but I couldn’t render in 3D.
System: Windows 11
Python environment: 3.9.18

>>> python -m scenarionet.sim -d D:\GithubCodes\dataset\ --render 3D
>>> d:\githubcodes\scenarionet\scenarionet\ DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See
  import pkg_resources  # for suppress warning
Known pipe types:
(all display modules loaded.)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\10149\miniconda3\envs\scenarionet\lib\", line 197, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "C:\Users\10149\miniconda3\envs\scenarionet\lib\", line 87, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "d:\githubcodes\scenarionet\scenarionet\", line 52, in <module>
    env.reset(seed=index if args.scenario_index is None else args.scenario_index)
  File "d:\githubcodes\metadrive\metadrive\envs\", line 499, in reset
    return self._get_reset_return()
  File "d:\githubcodes\metadrive\metadrive\envs\", line 504, in _get_reset_return
    scene_manager_after_step_infos = self.engine.after_step()
  File "d:\githubcodes\metadrive\metadrive\engine\", line 396, in after_step
  File "d:\githubcodes\metadrive\metadrive\engine\", line 51, in after_step
  File "d:\githubcodes\metadrive\metadrive\engine\", line 167, in _render_contact_result
    color = COLLISION_INFO_COLOR[COLOR[text]][1]
KeyError: None

I output the variables in the _render_contact_results() function according to the log, and found that the variable text is None.

I solved this problem by modified the _render_contact_results() function in \metadrive\metadrive\engine\

    def _render_contact_result(self, contacts):
        contacts = sorted(
            list(contacts), key=lambda c: COLLISION_INFO_COLOR[COLOR[c]][0])
        text = contacts[0] if len(contacts) != 0 else None
            color = COLLISION_INFO_COLOR[COLOR[text]][1]
        except Exception as e:
            text = 'red'
            color = COLLISION_INFO_COLOR['red'][1]
        if time.time() - self.engine._episode_start_time < 10:
            text = "Press H to see help message"
        self._render_banner(text, color)


Thank you for the feedback.

Could you provide your MetaDrive version? This should be fixed on the latest main branch already.

Hello, I installed it from the GitHub repository. The most recent commit ID displayed locally is: 653431be036c818e38856f0148789aea13c4f5fc, 4 Oct 2023 23:52, Add pull asset hint (#510)

Thanks. Could you try the latest MetaDrive main branch? It should be fixed now.