
Play Mode Host : Host Mode, doesn't respect the burlconfig.conf and appconfig.json

reidsneo opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, Sorry to bug again,
somehow I cannot get the Host Mode working correctly,
which is burlconfig.conf setting is ignored on Host Mode, it should load the URL / IP defined in config
but this is not


same setup work on Mac, but Linux Ubuntu is not working,
not sure if I'm missing something, what possibility that I need to check?


You’re missing an appconfig, need to export an appconfig in SteamingAssest (use editor).


Hi Thank you for replying!
I did, as the title it ignore the generated burlconfig.conf setting on Host Mode
really weird, currently only on Linux, Mac is good

Dev on linux is not recommended and also I didn't test on Linux. But you can modify the program yourself to fix Linux compatibility.