Pssdiag/Sqldiag Manager is a graphic interface that provides customization capabilities to collect data for SQL Server using sqldiag collector engine. The data collected can be used by SQL Nexus tool which help you troubleshoot SQL Server performance problems. This is the same tool Microsoft SQL Server support engineers use to for data collection to troubleshoot customer's performance problems.
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Error 468 Cannot resolve the collation conflict when running XE query inside MiscPssdiagInfo.sql
#157 opened by PiJoCoder - 1
SQLDIAG Error opening HKLM key . Function result: 5. Message: Access is denied.
#233 opened by udara0306 - 2
Update ADO pipeline to use 1ES host and template
#236 opened by PiJoCoder - 1
Refactor: Update some XML related API calls based to newer and safer methods
#231 opened by PiJoCoder - 0
Clean up or remove some unused .BAT or .CMD files in the Diagmanager project
#219 opened by PiJoCoder - 0
Refactor: Switch serialization classes for optimization and security in ObjectCopier.Clone<T>()
#226 opened by PiJoCoder - 0
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Prefix the output folder name with the name of the tool gathering the output
#227 opened by suresh-kandoth - 0
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Ensure that the memory grant diagnostic queries do not use query execution memory themselves or will they get stuck waiting for grants
#223 opened by PiJoCoder - 7
WaitForExe.cmd placed in quarantine
#218 opened by jdschuitemaker - 0
Enhancement to perfstats snapshot script for db scoped configuration is_default_value column
#217 opened by PiJoCoder - 0
Modify MultiCopy.cmd into a Powershell file
#205 opened by PiJoCoder - 0
Provide an Informational Dialog to alert users about using the modern toolset in SQL LogScout
#216 opened by suresh-kandoth - 0
Minor fix - Add application name or hostname in connection string in PlanGeneratingNeverEndingQuery.ps1 to identify the connections
#214 opened by PiJoCoder - 1
Add SQL 2022 as choice for collection
#161 opened by gambit9009 - 0
Upgrade Diagmanager to use latest supported .NET Framework 4.8 or multiple frameworks
#168 opened by PiJoCoder - 1
Consider only getting ERRORLOG files below a certain size and for the remaining large files get first and last 500 lines or so
#174 opened by PiJoCoder - 0
If you check an individual task/item in a CustomDiagnostics group the file is not copied into .zip folder
#207 opened by PiJoCoder - 0
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Full text custom collector needs a minor correction to database placeholder for db names with spaces or numeric values at the beginning
#193 opened by PiJoCoder - 0
PSSDIAG custom service with /A is not unregistering successfully when using pssdiag.ps1 -A "app" -U.
#194 opened by PiJoCoder - 0
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Issue with database_scoped_configuration
#191 opened by asavioliMSFT - 1
Possible way to call SQLDiag without opening 2nd window but still acts as expected.
#146 opened by gambit9009 - 1
MiscPSSDiagInfo ... ServerProperty. Error may occur collecting data and it isn't clear what we might be missing
#149 opened by gambit9009 - 4
Update TempdbUsage script that captures information about tempdb space usage
#150 opened by PiJoCoder - 2
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Create CDC Xevents as options in the Xevent GUI
#158 opened by PiJoCoder - 1
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Duplicate information collected in Perfstats Snapshot and MiscPssdiagInfo scripts
#162 opened by PiJoCoder - 1
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For -R param(Resister as a Service), consider passing in current path for -P if -P is not given
#175 opened by gambit9009 - 1
Ensure we append server_instance to the Errorlog file names so we can distinguish logs from multiple instances
#183 opened by PiJoCoder - 0
When running the pssdiag against SQL2008R2, I get that error saying it is not finding the sqldiag.exe version 10.5. For SQL 2008, it runs fine
#188 opened by PiJoCoder - 0
Perf Stats Snapshot Script Case Sensitive Issue
#186 opened by asavioliMSFT - 3
Remove DiagUtil.exe from being packaged in the file since its functionality is now replaced with PS1 file
#178 opened by PiJoCoder - 1
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Create some system to warn both the DiagManager user and PSSDiag runner that the collection has possible higher resource usage
#166 opened by gambit9009 - 0
Get pssdiag_xevent.sql so we understand what XEvents were configured to be run in the PSSDiag.
#165 opened by gambit9009 - 0
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Power plan capture may be misleading.
#148 opened by gambit9009 - 0
Clean up old PerfMon counters
#154 opened by gambit9009 - 1
filed bug in wrong repo
#159 opened by gambit9009