Headless Chat SDK to build your own chat widget against Dynamics 365 Omnichannel Services.
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Unable to send messages RN
#361 opened by kennychh - 3
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Unable to successfully startChat()
#320 opened by maurice-baez - 0
Error starting chat: ChatSDKError { message: 'UnsupportedPlatform', httpResponseStatusCode: undefined }
#346 opened by ezeamalukamsiyo - 1
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How to setAuthToken on client side?
#300 opened by jie-meng - 0
unable to run with next js
#318 opened by ahmed-adly-khalil - 1
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setContextProvider SDK Method doesn't work with custom chat widget (built)
#286 opened by lewisdoesdev - 3
Error: MessagingClientConversationJoinFailure
#252 opened by akashvekariya - 1
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Is there a webhook which we can subscribe to for messages send to the customer?
#250 opened by ferodom - 1
Getting issue when trying to start a new chat.
#205 opened by supreetssethi - 1
omnichannel-chat-sdk cannot work on React Native
#232 opened by jie-meng - 1
Live Chat Transcript email is not being sent
#182 opened by aanand07 - 3
Agent not sending any system message when agent changes the activity state
#175 opened by amitNinjax2730 - 1
SDK refers to react-native which is not in SDK's package.json, and this causes build warnings
#178 opened by persistentant - 3
sendTypingEvent triggers onTypingEvent
#135 opened by alecam - 1
OC-sdk sends different sender id's onNewMessage Event and onTyping Event.
#165 opened by amitNinjax2730 - 9
Can't resolve 'react-native'
#137 opened by maniskasyap - 1
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CORS and GetParticipantsFailed
#153 opened by crtdaniele - 2
Error while building project due to stale/unupdated dependencies in @microsoft/ocsdk
#151 opened by aanand07 - 3
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ACSClientJoinConversationFailed Error
#134 opened by jelly1029 - 9
Client Side Auto Disconnect after 3 minutes
#109 opened by jelly1029 - 3
Split adaptive cards with Omnichannel SDK
#84 opened by johan-developer - 1
Get Post Chat Survey Context fails after end chat
#105 opened by xTEddie - 1
D365 Transcript Analytics not working
#126 opened by xTEddie - 1
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Support for xamarin.forms
#97 opened by swapnil591 - 2
Post-chat Survey (roadmap?)
#83 opened by marcorm - 1
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[botframework-webchat-control] Update BotFramework-WebChat to the latest version
#16 opened by iMicknl - 3
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Can't start new chat after failing to reconnect to an existing one with liveChatContext
#73 opened by alecam - 3
Unable to send message to chat bot from client
#54 opened by skipper09 - 7
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Can't pass customContext in startChat
#45 opened by hyderlyger - 9
Escalation to Voice & Video - CORS Error
#22 opened by hyderlyger