This Denoising Force Field (DFF) codebase provides a Pytorch framework for the method presented in Two for one: Diffusion models and force fields for coarse-grained molecular dynamics.
- alshedivatNew York, NY
- amoreheadUniversity of Missouri
- ANakaScience Corporation
- ArnovanHilten
- arturtoshevTU Munich
- aswanthkrishna
- bestquarkUofT
- bondrewd
- bsuleymanov
- dongzhuoyaoPKU->University of Amsterdam-> LMU
- gongshuai0606
- hardikudeshi
- hodakamori
- Immortals-33Shanghai
- ISosnovikAutodesk AI Lab
- jlingfordMelbourne, Australia
- jmhb0
- knowbodynosBoston, MA
- lollcatUniversity of Cambridge
- mancevd
- mooninrainHelixon
- mrauha
- MusfiqshohanPurdue University
- pablo-arantesUniversity of California,
- pablo-unzueta
- Potter-Dai
- raulminan
- rohithsrinivaasBerkeley Lab
- Sancran19Forschungszentrum GmbH
- ShawnKSThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- ShreJais
- shuntiisUniverstiy of Tokyo
- tkersey@thisisartium
- weilong-webDP Technology
- ymatsunagaSaitama Univ
- ZurichoChinese University of Hong Kong