R wrappers to connect Python dimensional reduction tools and single cell data objects (Seurat, SingleCellExperiment, etc...)
- Amz965PKU
- apblairUCSF
- awinroth
- bio-liucheng
- blacklixian135
- bschilderImperial College London
- ck37Harvard Medical School, Mass General Hospital
- Cortalak@RausellLab
- Enterprise-D
- ffanchengMonash University
- gloknarAlicante, Spain
- hk20013106SMU
- jakeyeung
- lambdamosesNew York, NY
- LovelyMonkey123
- MagpiePKUBeijing, China
- MalteThodbergUniversity of Copenhagen
- millersan
- MohamedRefaat92
- pangxueyu233Sichuan University
- philthefeel
- piotrlitwaGliwice
- ppalantir
- renjun0324
- Roger-GOAT
- salmonellixGliwice
- shaniAmareMonash Biomedicine Discovery Institute
- soulongShanghai
- studymeow
- Sudolin
- talegariGames24x7
- toobiwankenobiUniversity of Zurich
- VallinPCochin Institut
- wu-ycFudan University
- XuuChen
- zhanghao-njmuNanjing Medical University