
Codebase for AUV/USV perception, planning, and controls software.

Primary LanguageC++

🌊 Underwater Robotic Perception Software

A codebase with examples of visual-inertial odometry, mesh-based obstacle avoidance, underwater image enhancement, and stereo depth estimation.

Patchmatch GPU implementation example Underwater navigation demo

💡 Background

I spent about 15 months working on a startup called Blue Meadow. Our original idea was to develop an autonomous robot for monitoring and performing tasks on offshore aquaculture farms (primarily seaweed and oysters). This would help farmers detect disease, optimize growing conditions, and reduce labor costs through fewer visits to the farm site.

Most ocean robots are extremely expensive due to their reliance on acoustic navigation (e.g sidescan sonar). One of our main goals was to reduce hardware cost by adopting a visual-inertial approach to navigation, which relies on a cheap IMU and camera. To help the vehicle constrain its absolute position in the world, it also receives range measurements from one or more acoustic beacons attached to the farm.

Eventually, we moved away from the idea of a mobile task-automating robot, and started developing and simpler static sensor package. Since I spent a significant amount of time developing a vision-based navigation system for our original idea, I thought I'd make the code public in case it's useful or interesting to others.

NOTE: This codebase is not in a very user-friendly state right now, but I'm working on making it easier for others to use. If there are particular modules you're interested, let me know and I can prioritize those.

📺 Demos

📝 Repository Overview

Software Modules

The main software modules are located in src/vehicle:

  • core: widely used math and data types
  • dataset: classes for working with a few underwater stereo datasets
  • feature_tracking: classes for sparse feature detection, optical flow, and stereo matching
  • imaging: underwater image enhancement algorithms
  • lcm_util: utils to convert between internal C++ types and LCM types
  • mesher: applies Delaunay triangulation to tracked stereo features in order to approximate local obstacles
  • params: a home-grown system for loading params into C++ classes
  • patchmatch_gpu: faster CUDA implementation of the Patchmatch stereo algorithm
  • rrt: ignore; not fully implemented or tested
  • stereo: classic OpenCV block matching and a Patchmatch implementation
  • vio: a full stereo visual odometry pipeline, using GTSAM as a backend
  • vision_core: widely used computer vision types

Most of these modules have correspond tests in the test directory.

If you're taking a quick glance at this codebase, the modules I'm most proud of are vio, mesher, and patchmatch_gpu.

Configuration Files

We use a homegrown system for loading YAML configuration files into C++ classes, allowing parameters to change without recompiling. It also avoids having to write massive contructors for classes, or set lots of class members manually.

The YAML configuration files in the config folder. For a guide on how our param system is designed, see src/vehicle/params/README.md.

LCM (Lightweight Communications and Marshalling)

We use the LCM library for communicating across processes and languages. This allows us to define a message type once, and generate bindings in C++, Python, and our C# Unity simulator.

See lcmtypes for message type definitions.

🚧 Next Steps

  • Make repository public
  • Add better demos and pictures of outputs
  • Stop using catkin; switch to cmake and make build more lightweight
  • Improve setup/build/demo documentation
  • Add documentation to each module
  • Remove abandoned modules

🔨 First-Time Setup

Installing GTSAM

GTSAM is the Georgia-Tech Smoothing and Mapping library. It's used widely in the robotics community to represent and solve problems as factor graphs.

I'm working off of a fork of GTSAM here. It has a couple factors that aren't fixed/merged into the GTSAM develop branch yet.

To install this dependency:

  • Clone the fork of GTSAM
  • git checkout develop just to be safe
  • mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
  • Can run tests with make check
  • sudo make install to put the custom library into /usr/local
  • This repo should include from and link against the installed fork version

Installing LCM

I had to install Java before building and installing LCM from source to get the lcm-spy tool.

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
  • Clone our fork of LCM
  • This has a fix for lcm-spy (latest version 1.4.0 fails on Ubuntu 18.04)
  • mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && sudo make install

Building this Repository

Use the usual cmake process:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j8

❓ Other

Some Notes on Using Eigen

  • https://github.com/ethz-asl/eigen_catkin/wiki/Eigen-Memory-Issues#mixed-use-of-StdVector
  • I've run into a boatload of issues when using Eigen types and structs containing Eigen types with std::vector, std::make_shared and other memory-allocating things.
  • DO NOT include `eigen3/Eigen/StdVector> and try to use that workaround. It only caused lower-level bugs to show up.
  • DO use EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW in any struct that has an Eigen type member
  • std::bad_alloc exceptions seem to implicate an Eigen type allocation issue