
Project Digital Design II

Primary LanguageVerilog


Project Digital Design II

How to simulate:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Open ModelSim and compile all of the .v files
  3. In ModelSim, click at the riscv_soc_tb and simulate it image
  4. Design is loaded successfully when the transcript shows something like this image
  5. In transcript, type run 250, in order to simulate with 12 clock cycle, and see how values of registers and data_mem changes overtime.
  6. You can add wave of riscv_soc_tb/rv32/id in order to see the changes of control signals image

How to synthesize:

  1. Use Vivado
  2. Take riscv.v as the top-level module for synthesis.
  3. Note: Leave out inst_mem.v, data_mem,v, riscv_test.v, rischv_test_soc.v and other .txt files