- 3
Question/feature request
#34 opened by DanielSundberg - 0
npm audit vulnerabilities
#76 opened by marer - 6
Output only a html file ?
#26 opened by Owumaro - 0
Feature Request: use globbing for --input
#75 opened by SetTrend - 0
Local links are rendered incorrectly
#74 opened by SetTrend - 0
hrefs in toc faulty
#73 opened by sissibieber - 0
GitHub dark theme
#72 opened by akhilesh-balaji - 1
- 3
Current project status
#68 opened by DanielRuf - 0
- 1
How to disable syntax highlighting by default
#41 opened by AaronNGray - 1
- 0
`Could not parse metadata from` by adding 3+ dashes
#67 opened by lil5 - 0
Change output html filename?
#65 opened by Raiondesu - 0
- 0
github style: Bold not preserved with code
#64 opened by arkadianriver - 0
Hide render console message?
#63 opened by duckscofield - 2
Add support for maths mode?
#61 opened by nodingneu - 0
Generated HTML has self-closing tags
#62 opened by nodingneu - 0
how to highlight another language
#60 opened by jianyunli - 0
Links and special characters
#59 opened by rekna1 - 0
Different color of same format
#53 opened by zyf0330 - 0
- 1
File contents deleted
#55 opened by welchr - 0
- 0
"include" feature
#47 opened by kylecordes - 3
Question mark(?) is replaced by hyphen(-) in the header links in the conversion process
#43 opened by jitendersandhu - 15
Can not resolve the Chinese title!
#49 opened by weihong1028 - 3
Metadata handling weirdo
#39 opened by csandor - 0
- 9
- 1
EJS is not working in Markdown files
#46 opened by slavafomin - 1
Can't find generate-md command
#32 opened by LacieJiang - 0
generate-md fails when input is inside user's Documents directory on Windows 7
#44 opened by thauk-copperleaf - 2
- 2
- 2
- 2
Lack of license
#27 opened by LacieJiang - 3
- 2
Metadata in the actual MD files
#28 opened by SegersIan - 11
using meta.json
#22 opened by parmentelat - 8
Programmatic usage?
#14 opened by tomek-he-him - 2
Add viewport to all layouts
#23 opened by xcv58 - 1
Wrong separator when copying non-markdown files
#24 opened by mniinio - 3
Same titles need different id
#20 opened by xcv58 - 2
Option to ignore unknown files
#18 opened by pmaselkowski - 0
Feature request -> Input file without folder
#17 opened by erf - 6
Not working on win7/64bit
#15 opened by IGRACH - 11
Error: Cannot find module 'yargs'
#16 opened by chaosink - 1
$" will be parsed to {{content}}quot;
#11 opened by janpieper