Stuff I read to learn about robotics system & software design and more, e.g., design interview questions, design discussion topics.
- Airbotics blog
- Apex.AI Blog
- Applied Intuition blog
- Blog
- blog
- Cruise news
- Foxglove blog
- PICKNIK blog
- WAYVE Blog
- ROSCon
- Physical Continuous Integration — CI on Real Robots!, 2016
- Determinism in ROS – or when things break sometimes and how to fix it, 2017
- Concurrency in ROS 1 and ROS 2, 2019
- Rosbag2 for Power Users, 2021
- Tracing ROS 2 with ros2_tracing, 2021
- MCAP - A Next Generation File Format for ROS Recording, 2022
- Improving Your Application's Algorithms and Optimizing Performance Using Trace Data, 2023
- Leveraging a functional approach for more testable and maintainable ROS code, 2023
- Octomap is dead long life Bonxai, 2023
- Real-time Data-flow extension for ROS 2
- Simulate robots like never before with Open 3D Engine, 2023
- Surviving the Flood (of Rosbags), 2023
- What is Robotics Observability? Scaling ROS from Prototype to Production, 2023
- How We Test openpilot, 2021
- Amazon re:MARS
- BazelCon
- CppCon
- CI for Embedded Systems
- Comprehensive CI/CD System Design
- Hardware-In-the-Loop for Connected Automated Vehicles Testing in Real Traffic
- Improving Embedded Software Development through CI/CD
- Amazon re:MARS 2022 - Functional safety product development for autonomous mobile robots
- Functional Safety Assessment of an Automated Lane Centering System | NHTSA
- ISO 26262, SOTIF, and Simulation in Autonomy Systems
- Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) for Autonomous Vehicles
- A Safety Standard Approach for Fully Autonomous Vehicles
- A Literature Review of Performance Metrics of Automated Driving Systems for On-Road Vehicles
- Title Key performance indicators for assessing the impacts of automation in road transportation Results of the Trilateral key performance
- Quantifying Known and Unknown Metrics in ADAS and AV Development
- ISO 26262-1:2018 - Road vehicles — Functional safety — Part 1: Vocabulary
- ISO 11270:2014 - Intelligent transport systems — Lane keeping assistance systems (LKAS) — Performance requirements and test procedures
- Prometheus vs. OpenTelemetry Metrics: A Complete Guide
- Robo-Observability
- First Mile Observability and the Rise of Observability Pipelines
- Surviving the Flood (of Rosbags)
- What is Robotics Observability? Scaling ROS from Prototype to Production
- Improving Your Application's Algorithms and Optimizing Performance Using Trace Data
- An Introduction to Tracy Profiler in C++
- An introduction to C++'s SFINAE concept: compile-time introspection of a class member
- The C++ Bestiary
- Reflection in C++ Part 1: The Present
- Challenge your performance intuition with C++ magic squares
- Brain Unrolling TBB Data Flow graphs in Robotics
- C++ medley
- Context is Everything
- Async stack traces in folly: Improving debugging in the developer lifecycle
- Real-time programming with Linux, part 1: What is real-time?
- The Danger of Atomic Operations
- In Defense Of Linked Lists
- coffeeintobugs
- Coffee Into Bugs: Life After Threads, Coroutines
- An easy-to-implement, arena-friendly hash map
- CPP Optimizations Diary
- - Backend | DevOps
- scikit-learn - Choosing the right estimator
- Software Architecture Styles
- The Map of Control Theory
with publically available slides and/or homeworks (problems).
- Georgia Institute of Technology: Interactive Linear Algebra [1553]
- Georgia Tech CS 3630: Introduction to Computer Vision
- Georgia Tech CS x476: Introduction to Computer Vision
- MIT 6.4210/6.4212 - Robotic Manipulation
- University of California, Berkely CS 287 Advanced Robotics
- University of Washington CSE 571: AI-Robotics
- University of Washington CSE 478: Autonomous Robotics
- University of Washington CSE 599g1: Introduction to Deep Learning
- University of Washington CSE P576: Computer Vision
- Grokking the System Design Interview
- Preparing for the Systems Design and Coding Interview
- The System Design Primer
- tssovi/grokking-the-object-oriented-design-interview
- Autonomous Systems Interview Preparations
- EvalAI
- Kaggle
- LeetCode: Data Stream, Design, Matrix, Simulation, Bit Manipulation
- mint-lab/awesome-robotics-datasets
- NeetCode
- PythonRobotics
- SadServers