
Send Config Item Notification Upon Reach Alert Date Time (Email / Telegram)

Primary LanguagePerlGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Znuny Config Item Notification

  • Send Config Item Notification Upon Reach Alert Date Time (Email / Telegram).
  • Based on Znuny 7.0.x

To use Email notification only, skip no 1, 2 and 3.

  1. A telegram bot must be created by chat with @FatherBot and obtain the token via Telegram.

  2. Create the 'CI Telegram Notification' via Import Ready2Adopt web service at Admin > Web Services.

  3. Update the telegram bot token at the created webservice.

    a) Znuny as requester > Network transport (HTTP::REST) > Configure

    b) Endpoint : https://api.telegram.org/bot<TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN>

     e.g: https://api.telegram.org/botABCDEGH823742734984HJDFHhsdjghjjd

    c) Save and finish

  4. .OPM will automaticall create New General Catalog class with its item name. Do check.
    If not, manually create via Admin > General Catalogue > Add Catalogue Class.

     	Catalog Class: ITSM::ConfigItem::AlertType
     	Item Name: Email
     	Item Name: Telegram


  5. Update CMDB class definition with additional field via Admin > Config Items > Class.

     - Key: AlertDateTime
       Name: Alert Date Time
       Searchable: 1
         Type: DateTime
         YearPeriodPast: 0
         YearPeriodFuture: 2
       CountMin: 0
       CountMax: 1
       CountDefault: 0
       - Key: AlertType
         Name: Alert Type
           Type: GeneralCatalog
           Class: ITSM::ConfigItem::AlertType
           Required: 1
       - Key: AlertReceiver
         Name: Receiver (Email/Telegram Chat ID)
           Type: Text
           Size: 50
           MaxLength: 100
           Required: 1
  1. These field should be available at your new or edit CI screen.
    Do fill in Alert Date Time and Alert Type (Email/Telegram) and the Receiver.

     If Alert Type = Email, Alert Receiver must be email address (single value). 
     If Alert Type = Telegram, Alert Receiver must be Telegram Chat ID (single value). 

    ci_field1 ci_field2

  2. Upon submit, it will be add to the task scheduler.


  3. Result

    telegram-alert email-alert