Molecular Sets (MOSES): A Benchmarking Platform for Molecular Generation Models
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About the REFERENCE dataset
#115 opened by tszslovewanpu - 3
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Either docker or Git not working.
#114 opened by supershiye - 11
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some issues of
#110 opened by someonebuymelon - 0
Boron in MOSES
#109 opened by shozebhaider - 0
Incompatibility with pandas 2.0
#108 opened by gregory-kyro - 1
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Distributed torch evaluation
#106 opened by dgm2 - 0
Any recent update?
#105 opened by atabeyunlu - 1
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JTN-VAE model implementation
#103 opened by gcc17 - 0
ChemVAE support
#101 opened by Naghipourfar - 4
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RuntimeError: 'lengths' argument should be a 1D CPU int64 tensor, but got 1D cuda:1 Long tensor
#97 opened by viko-3 - 0
On which distribution and version is 'pip install molsets' supposed to work?
#93 opened by UnixJunkie - 1
Not a gzipped file when get_dataset()
#92 opened by charlesxu90 - 2
Regarding Vocabulary
#46 opened by meghanakanapaneni - 0
Training ORGAN on cuda error
#91 opened by Binbose - 0
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Make compatible with newer versions of torch
#81 opened by Dom303 - 0
Regarding of tests/
#89 opened by hmkim - 0
Comment on this database.
#87 opened by Kexin-Zhang-UCAS - 2
multi gpu experiments
#83 opened by trinayan - 7
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Pre-trained models or model checkpoint
#82 opened by chetankm1992 - 2
Long time for training
#47 opened by meghanakanapaneni - 4
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#78 opened by yuhuafang - 0
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Posterior collapse for the VAE
#45 opened by maxime-langevin - 4
RuntimeError when executing the
#53 opened by vandan-revanur - 1
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#2: Request for exact steps to run each of the 5 models and required packages with versions
#66 opened by webservicereco - 3
where is ddc_pub?
#69 opened by toushi68 - 2
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Update benchmarking results using dataset_iso_v1
#34 opened by zhebrak - 3
Insights on VAE's KL annealing scheme
#42 opened by maxime-langevin - 6
value of FCD Test and FCD Test SF
#44 opened by xusworld - 1
Moses on Knime
#19 opened by lcollia - 1
how to use "--addition_rewards" to run organ
#20 opened by toushi68 - 2
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ImportError: /lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found in CentOS after using FCD module
#40 opened by toushi68 - 1
Update benchmarking results using whole dataset
#36 opened by zhebrak - 1
Add computation time
#32 opened by DomInvivo - 2
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Rewrite FCDMetric using fcd_torch
#28 opened by danpol