
Error in JaccardAnalysis

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I have been coming across this error when running the JaccardAnalysis() step on the new CellTag workflow.

Error in as(Jac, "dsTMatrix") :
no method or default for coercing “simil” to “dsTMatrix”

I initially thought this was a size issue, although I was able to reproduce the same error with a very small subset of my data. Notably, I am using the "slow" version of the function. I tried a few troubleshooting steps from Issue #15, including migrating my object to a new object with no success. I re-installed CellTagR when I first got the error, and that also did not help.

Please let me know how to best address this error.

Thank you!

Hi, are you able to reproduce this error using the Demo_V1.Rds object included in the package?

Alternatively, you could run Jaccard analysis in fast mode and use the following code to plot the correlation plot manually:

Jac <- celltag.obj@jaccard.mtx
diag(Jac) <- 1
corrplot(Jac, method = "color", order = "hclust", hclust.method = "ward.D2", cl.lim = c(0, 1), tl.cex = 0.1)