
Subscript out of bounds when convertCellTagMatrix2LinkList data

lk754673712 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, I have tried to tracing my cells using only v1 library, but the error "Error in *tmp*[[jj]] : Subscript out of bounds" appears whenever I convert the matrix, I guess the function of convertCellTagMatrix2LinkList contains v2 and v3 libraries, but I don’t have them in my data. Can you tell me how to run a single library?

Thanks for using the tool!

If I am understanding the question correctly, the cells only have the V1 library. With only one library, lineage cannot be reconstructed, only clones tracked. And the network construction and visualization part work when multiple versions are present. Please refer to our paper for further explanation -


Hi, hopefully your original issue is solved - I will close this issue. For this question, with only one library you can perform clonal analysis but not construct lineage. Also, be careful with slow-growing cells - they need time to expand for clones to be detected, and to be large enough to yield meaningful data. We have an experimental simulator here: to aid experimental design. For extended figures 6 asnd 9 in the paper - these are simple expression heatmaps and cell clustering - has helpful tutorials for similar analyses. Sam.