
Tutorial file doesn't exist: `moveit_ros/moveit_servo/launch/`

VladimirFokow opened this issue · 1 comments


This tutorial says:

The file that launches this example is

But this file doesn't exist on main or iron branches.

For information:

it exists on the humble branch.
It was described also in this humble tutorial (in rolling docs this same page is now rewritten and contains some different info).

The file was refactored in this PR: renamed to + other changes were done to it.

The tutorial was written here by @henrygerardmoore

...P.S. Probably this issue should be in ?

Your environment

  • ROS Distro: Humble
  • OS Version: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Binary build
  • binary release version: jammy-humble
  • RMW: Cyclone DDS

Expected behaviour

Docs should point to existing files,
and the commands should be correct.

Actual behaviour

File doesn't exist,
some commands use the old names - can't be executed.

Yep, seems the MoveIt Servo refactor from last year on main did away with this example.

You can find it on the humble branch of the moveit2 repo, though:

If you are working on this and are able to port this example to the new MoveIt Servo, that would be great.