
Invalid read written

marc-sturm opened this issue · 1 comments


I have re-analyzes our samples with ABRA2 (they were done initially with ABRA), and encountered one case where it runs through, but the output BAM file is not valid:

#make indel_realign
java -jar /mnt/share/opt/abra2_2.17/abra2-2.17.jar --in SIBPlatte2A11_01.bam --out SIBPlatte2A11_01_realign.bam --target-kmers kmers.bed --threads 4 --ref /tmp/local_ngs_data//GRCh37.fa --mer 0.1 > indel_realign.log 2>&1
samtools index SIBPlatte2A11_01_realign.bam
[E::bam_read1] CIGAR and query sequence lengths differ for D00388:195:CAUD5ANXX:6:2208:3316:13407
samtools index: failed to create index for "SIBPlatte2A11_01_realign.bam"

You can download a minimal example that reproduces the problem here:
You just have to adapt the paths for abra2, samtools and GRCh37.


Thanks for the bug report and test data. This should be fixed in release 2.18. Please let me know if you continue to run into problems.