
Problem of applying the project to our own lidar data

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Jaiy commented

Hi, I'm interested in the great project. I want to segment the ground rings of my own lidar data, but I can only acquire the xyz of the lidar data, and the label in another file, I don"t have the i,r value in the txt file, can the code handle this kind of the data? And I don't understand how to modify the src to fit my own data, could you please give me some suggestions? And I saw the below of the project show that it will come the python version of the project, if it completed, could you please provide me? Thank you very much for your kind help!

Hi, to get the r value you just need to compute r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), however you should be able to work without the i and r values. You would need to modify a struct called point_XYZIRL that I defined in "include/structsPCL.h"

Also, I am still working on the python version and still debugging the C++ one.

Sorry for the late reply, hope it's still useful.