
The goal of this project is to bring most of Event-B and refinement calculus into Python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Cyber Resilience for Python

This repository includes (a) two Event-B models for vehicle platooning, which can be imported from the Rodin IDE version 3.5; (b) a Jupyter Notebook with a formal verification framework in Python with an encoding for safety and liveness properties and a formal model for vehicle platooning manually ported from Event-B.

Event-B models for platooning

Files rodin_platooning.zip and rodin_platooning_simplified.zip are two Rodin project files. They can be imported in Rodin version 3.5 (File, Import, Existing Projects into Workspace).

Unit Testing

File eclipse_single_platooning is an Eclipse project that contains manually-written unit tests for the platooning system. We used the EventB2Java code generator to generate Java code from the Event-B model of platooning.

Jupyter Notebook

File B2Py.ipynb is a formal verification framework for Python. It can be imported from Google Colab or JupyterLab.