
move Precancerous Condition Type from Clinical Tier 2 to Clinical Tier 1 Diagnosis

Closed this issue · 5 comments


This model change is proposed to capture information on, and to clearly identify, precancer cases.

Proposed changes:

  1. Move the data element Precancerous Condition Type from Clinical Tier 2 to Clinical Tier 1 Diagnosis template.
  2. Changing the requirement from optional to required.
  3. Add one permissible value, 'Not Applicable,' to allow opt-out for cases reporting tumor.

At present, only two records have been submitted with data in the Precancerous Condition Type field (they are HTAPP participants HTA2_225 and HTA2_229).

Proposed change 2 above impacts data already submitted too significantly, we could omit change 2 and proceed with changes 1 and 3.

How important is this feature?

  • 🌗 Medium - can do work without it; but it's important (e.g. to save time or for convenience)

It would be ideal to move this into the current sprint, if possible.

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here

Implementation checklist

  • Branch created
  • HTAN.model.csv editied and pushed
  • HTAN.model.jsonld validated and created by Github action
  • PR opened
  • PR approved
  • PR merged into main
  • New Component added to ncihtan/HTAN-data-curator (if required)
  • DCA update requested
  • DCA updated

@adamjtaylor do you think we can add this one to our current sprint?

@kristenanton will dig into this a bit more and consider a suitable strategy here. May submit a separate ticket relating to ICD codes

@adamjtaylor notes that this is a good opportunity to leverage data model modularization approach that other communities have leveraged, which maintains valid values separately. Consider whether to file a separate ticket on this.

I'm happy that we can do changes 1 and 3 now.

I would suggest NOT updating the two HTAPP participants at this stage.

We can do two (make required) ahead of the renewal once we have locked all HTAN 1.0 data submission

Completed 1 and 3 as part of 24-3 close out.

2 will be completed as part of future data model work in the renewal