Collection of lectures and lab lectures on machine learning and deep learning. Lab practices in Python and TensorFlow.
- adifatolPorsche Engineering
- balancap@Graphcore
- beedotkiranNavya
- beeekuFactoryPlus
- bexciteex-Ouster
- bhatiarajeshCalifornia
- code4sSan Francisco
- cyrilledelabre
- cyrtaMetamedia Technologies
- deepnarainsinghGalvanizeU
- engaineer
- esoltyCalgary
- floriansalihovicHamburg/Hamburg/Germany
- gregth@true
- hardsettingAptosLabs
- harshknBengaluru, India
- hulegCambridge, MA
- jadhavanWorcester Polytechnic Institute
- jeremyjordanRaleigh, NC
- jorcusJorcus
- khursani8Kuala Lumpur
- mcka1nDüsseldorf, Germany
- naxtyinsurevisionai
- NedNoriega
- neiblaAuckland, New Zealand
- npatta01Walmart
- officer-rosmarinoItaly
- oleonardolima@bipa-app
- rohts-patil@PhonePe
- romanroibuBerlin, Germany
- shadimsaleh
- ShinjiTeramoto
- szon0111Linethree inc. / Matchark Ltd
- thedriftofwordsGoogle
- tiberiuichim@eea @eaudeweb
- wfarid