
A ros package to extract and convert data from rosbag files to Matlab mat files

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This pkg is now part of rosbag_toolkit and is moved to rosbag_toolkit/bag2mat, Checkout new version at https://github.com/neufieldrobotics/rosbag_toolkit/tree/master/bag2mat


  • Takes a rosbag file and converts it to a matlab mat file based on settings specified in a Dictionary and a yaml config file.

    • Dictonary: The dicionary file specified which variables from each message type should be moved to the matlab array. eg sensor_msgs/NavSatFix: t.to_sec(), m.latitude, m.longitude, m.altitude See config/bag2mat_dic.yaml for full example.
    • Configuration: This file specified which topic names should be transferred to matlab and under which variable name. A list of -[topic name, message type, name for variable in matfile] See config/bag2mat_config.yaml for full example.
  • Currently needs the following packages:

    • rosbag
    • roslib
    • scipy
  • Put this repo in the src folder of ros workspace and run

    source devel/setup.bash
    usage: bag2matpy [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-d DICTIONARY] [-i input_bagfile] 
    Complete List of Arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -i INPUT_BAGFILE, --input_bagfile INPUT_BAGFILE
                          Input rosbag file to input
    -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                          Output dir for matfile
    -c CONFIG_FILE, --config_file CONFIG_FILE
                          Yaml file which specifies topic names to convert
    -d DICTIONARY, --dictionary DICTIONARY
                          Dictionary file which specifies how to read the topic
    -s, --subtract_start_time
                          Boolean flag to specify whether to include offset_time obtained by subtracting bag start_time from all timestamps