No camera found while retrieving list of cameras
Closed this issue · 22 comments
System Description
Camera Name and Model:
Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04
Spinnaker Version: Version 2.0 (tried versions 1.29 and 1.23 also)
ROS Version: Melodic
Computer details
Using single camera only. It's a USB 3.0 camera.
Do the cameras work with SpinView? YES
When I follow the read me and execute the roslaunch, it says no cameras found while retrieving the list of cameras.
The error message is as follows:
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://perception-NUC7i7DNKE:40367/
- /acquisition_node/binning: 1
- /acquisition_node/cam_aliases: ['cam0']
- /acquisition_node/cam_ids: [19444631]
- /acquisition_node/color: True
- /acquisition_node/delay: 1.0
- /acquisition_node/distortion_coeffs: [[-0.021141875266...
- /acquisition_node/distortion_model: plumb_bob
- /acquisition_node/exposure_time: 0
- /acquisition_node/frames: 3400
- /acquisition_node/image_height: 1536
- /acquisition_node/image_width: 2048
- /acquisition_node/intrinsic_coeffs: [[1886.9232141485...
- /acquisition_node/live: False
- /acquisition_node/live_grid: False
- /acquisition_node/master_cam: 19444631
- /acquisition_node/max_rate_save: False
- /acquisition_node/projection_coeffs: [[913.700317, 0.0...
- /acquisition_node/rectification_coeffs: [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, ...
- /acquisition_node/save: False
- /acquisition_node/save_path: ~
- /acquisition_node/save_type: bmp
- /acquisition_node/skip: 20
- /acquisition_node/soft_framerate: 30
- /acquisition_node/target_grey_value: 0
- /acquisition_node/time: False
- /acquisition_node/to_ros: True
- /acquisition_node/utstamps: False
- /rosdistro: melodic
- /rosversion: 1.14.5
acquisition_node (nodelet/nodelet)
vision_nodelet_manager (nodelet/nodelet)
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [10007]
setting /run_id to 216873d6-b288-11ea-af47-5c879cb840a7
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [10018]
started core service [/rosout]
process[vision_nodelet_manager-2]: started with pid [10025]
process[acquisition_node-3]: started with pid [10026]
[ INFO] [1592610834.347505333]: Initializing nodelet with 8 worker threads.
[ INFO] [1592610834.489925741]: Initializing nodelet
[ INFO] [1592610834.490876691]: [ OK ] USB memory: 1000 MB
[ INFO] [1592610834.490925100]: *** PARAMETER SETTINGS ***
[ INFO] [1592610834.490945474]: ** Date = 20200619
[ INFO] [1592610834.491441243]: Save path set via parameter to: /home/perception
[ INFO] [1592610834.491483187]: Camera IDs:
[ INFO] [1592610834.491828930]: 19444631
[ INFO] [1592610834.492170894]: Camera Aliases:
[ INFO] [1592610834.492196892]: 19444631 >> cam0
[ INFO] [1592610834.492829254]: Unique time stamps for each camera: false
[ INFO] [1592610834.493162301]: color set to: true
[ INFO] [1592610834.493491119]: Exporting images to ROS: true
[ INFO] [1592610834.493804454]: Showing live images setting: false
[ INFO] [1592610834.494128064]: Showing grid-style live images setting: false
[ INFO] [1592610834.494400664]: Max Rate Save Mode: false
[ INFO] [1592610834.494669686]: Displaying timing details: false
[ INFO] [1592610834.494929585]: No. of images to skip set to: 20
[ INFO] [1592610834.495195745]: Init sleep delays set to : 1.00 sec
[ WARN] [1592610834.495436787]: 'fps' Parameter not set, using default behavior: fps=20.00
[ INFO] [1592610834.495681570]: 'exposure_time'=0, Setting autoexposure
[ INFO] [1592610834.495919506]: 'target_grey_value'=0, Setting AutoExposureTargetGreyValueAuto to Continuous/ auto
[ INFO] [1592610834.496127323]: Binning set to: 1
[ INFO] [1592610834.496345954]: Using Software rate control, rate set to: 30
[ INFO] [1592610834.496555329]: Saving images set to: 0
[ INFO] [1592610834.496797395]: Camera Intrinsic Paramters:
[ INFO] [1592610834.496970523]: 1886.923214 0.000000 604.721488 0.000000 1886.666877 493.477267 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
[ INFO] [1592610834.497243447]: Camera Distortion Paramters:
[ INFO] [1592610834.497284725]: -0.021142 -0.373387 2.385983 3.282457
[ INFO] [1592610834.497557189]: Camera Rectification Paramters:
[ INFO] [1592610834.497602440]: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
[ INFO] [1592610834.497879625]: Camera Projection Paramters:
[ INFO] [1592610834.497930061]: 913.700317 0.000000 953.448302 0.000000 0.000000 1063.296631 777.871993 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
[ INFO] [1592610834.497950080]: Camera coeffs provided, camera info messges will be published.
[ INFO] [1592610834.497988918]: Creating system instance...
[ INFO] [1592610834.499554478]: Retreiving list of cameras...
[FATAL] [1592610835.582045522]: ASSERTION FAILED
file = /home/perception/AS_Perception/spinnaker_ws/src/spinnaker_sdk_camera_driver/src/capture.cpp
line = 215
cond = numCameras_
message =
[FATAL] [1592610835.582233508]: No cameras found!
[FATAL] [1592610835.582339655]:
[FATAL] [1592610840.502818594]: Failed to load nodelet '/acquisition_nodeof type
acquisition/capture_nodeletto manager
[vision_nodelet_manager-2] process has died [pid 10025, exit code -5, cmd /opt/ros/melodic/lib/nodelet/nodelet manager __name:=vision_nodelet_manager __log:=/home/perception/.ros/log/216873d6-b288-11ea-af47-5c879cb840a7/vision_nodelet_manager-2.log].
log file: /home/perception/.ros/log/216873d6-b288-11ea-af47-5c879cb840a7/vision_nodelet_manager-2*.log
[acquisition_node-3] process has died [pid 10026, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/melodic/lib/nodelet/nodelet load acquisition/capture_nodelet vision_nodelet_manager __name:=acquisition_node __log:=/home/perception/.ros/log/216873d6-b288-11ea-af47-5c879cb840a7/acquisition_node-3.log].
log file: /home/perception/.ros/log/216873d6-b288-11ea-af47-5c879cb840a7/acquisition_node-3*.log
Which camera model are you using?
@vik748 I'm using a FLIR Backfly S USB 3.0 Camera
If spinview can see the cameras I don't understand why the ROS driver would have an issue. #48 also reported a similar issue. I haven't tested on Melodic, so can't say what is going on.
Similar to 48 can you try setting : binning = 2
launch file to see if that helps.
All we do is GetCameras()
to get list of attached cameras here:
Line 211 in 2f9f14d
This is very similar to the provided example at /usr/src/spinnaker/src/Acquisition/Acquisition.cpp
can you try running that with Acquisition
and see if it detect the camera.
The camera in #48 was ethernet not USB. Its interesting that you are having the same issue.
If your error is "First frame ID was not zero! Might cause sync issues later..."
try commenting out
That is the normal behavior. It means it is working.
@vik748 But it's stuck there and I'm not seeing any image outputs as seen in actual acquisition.cpp example.
It should be publishing to the appropriate topic in ros. You can check by subscribing to it in rviz or rqtimageview.
@vik748 Sorry I didn't get you. What do you mean by that? After the Acquisition, I tried to do rqtimageview and there was no output. (Sorry I am new to using ROS).
Run rostopic list
to see all message topics being publish
Run rostopic echo <topic_name>
to see the messages on a topic
The images should be on something like camera_array/cam0/xxx
You need to run that on a separate terminal. I'd suggest going through the ROS tutorials first.
@shahvi Sure. Thank you so much for the help.
Camera Name and Model:
Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04
Spinnaker Version: Version 2.0
camera type: polarizationmono
ROS Version: Kinetic
roslaunch spinnaker_sdk_camera_driver acquisition_node.launch ... logging to /home/coostar/.ros/log/4a69339c-b6ac-11ea-bc5c-283a4d36ae91/roslaunch-coostar-5714.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://coostar:33323/
- /acquisition_node/binning: 2
- /acquisition_node/cam_aliases: ['cam0']
- /acquisition_node/cam_ids: [19060278]
- /acquisition_node/color: False
- /acquisition_node/delay: 1.0
- /acquisition_node/distortion_coeffs: [[-0.021141875266...
- /acquisition_node/distortion_model: plumb_bob
- /acquisition_node/exposure_time: 0
- /acquisition_node/frames: 3400
- /acquisition_node/image_height: 1536
- /acquisition_node/image_width: 2048
- /acquisition_node/intrinsic_coeffs: [[1886.9232141485...
- /acquisition_node/live: False
- /acquisition_node/live_grid: False
- /acquisition_node/master_cam: 19060278
- /acquisition_node/max_rate_save: False
- /acquisition_node/projection_coeffs: [[913.700317, 0.0...
- /acquisition_node/rectification_coeffs: [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, ...
- /acquisition_node/save: False
- /acquisition_node/save_path: ~
- /acquisition_node/save_type: bmp
- /acquisition_node/skip: 20
- /acquisition_node/soft_framerate: 20
- /acquisition_node/target_grey_value: 0
- /acquisition_node/time: False
- /acquisition_node/to_ros: True
- /acquisition_node/utstamps: False
- /rosdistro: kinetic
- /rosversion: 1.12.14
acquisition_node (spinnaker_sdk_camera_driver/acquisition_node)
process[acquisition_node-1]: started with pid [5736]
[ INFO] [1593068506.463634000]: [ OK ] USB memory: 1000 MB
[ INFO] [1593068506.463696770]: *** PARAMETER SETTINGS ***
[ INFO] [1593068506.463735883]: ** Date = 20200625
[ INFO] [1593068506.464419796]: Save path set via parameter to: /home/coostar
[ INFO] [1593068506.464465352]: Camera IDs:
[ INFO] [1593068506.464950227]: 19060278
[ INFO] [1593068506.465394835]: Camera Aliases:
[ INFO] [1593068506.465410959]: 19060278 >> cam0
[ INFO] [1593068506.466225792]: Unique time stamps for each camera: false
[ INFO] [1593068506.466605430]: color set to: false
[ INFO] [1593068506.467045473]: Exporting images to ROS: true
[ INFO] [1593068506.467535372]: Showing live images setting: false
[ INFO] [1593068506.467966050]: Showing grid-style live images setting: false
[ INFO] [1593068506.468340516]: Max Rate Save Mode: false
[ INFO] [1593068506.468675322]: Displaying timing details: false
[ INFO] [1593068506.468985598]: No. of images to skip set to: 20
[ INFO] [1593068506.469375588]: Init sleep delays set to : 1.00 sec
[ WARN] [1593068506.469767645]: 'fps' Parameter not set, using default behavior: fps=20.00
[ INFO] [1593068506.470117904]: 'exposure_time'=0, Setting autoexposure
[ INFO] [1593068506.470457121]: 'target_grey_value'=0, Setting AutoExposureTargetGreyValueAuto to Continuous/ auto
[ INFO] [1593068506.470786902]: Binning set to: 2
[ INFO] [1593068506.471120730]: Using Software rate control, rate set to: 20
[ INFO] [1593068506.471489898]: Saving images set to: 0
[ INFO] [1593068506.471867903]: Camera Intrinsic Paramters:
[ INFO] [1593068506.472021536]: 1886.923214 0.000000 604.721488 0.000000 1886.666877 493.477267 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
[ INFO] [1593068506.472436011]: Camera Distortion Paramters:
[ INFO] [1593068506.472459806]: -0.021142 -0.373387 2.385983 3.282457
[ INFO] [1593068506.472892459]: Camera Rectification Paramters:
[ INFO] [1593068506.472944093]: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
[ INFO] [1593068506.473398419]: Camera Projection Paramters:
[ INFO] [1593068506.473426968]: 913.700317 0.000000 953.448302 0.000000 0.000000 1063.296631 777.871993 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
[ INFO] [1593068506.473462493]: Camera coeffs provided, camera info messges will be published.
[ INFO] [1593068506.473510134]: Creating system instance...
[ INFO] [1593068506.475830768]: Retreiving list of cameras...
[ INFO] [1593068507.567492759]: Numer of cameras found: 1
[ INFO] [1593068507.567537031]: Cameras connected: 1
[ INFO] [1593068507.567564419]: -0122D636
[ WARN] [1593068507.567625342]: Camera 19060278 not detected!!!
[FATAL] [1593068507.567648847]: ASSERTION FAILED
file = /home/coostar/zsx_ros/src/spinnaker_sdk_camera_driver/src/capture.cpp
line = 317
cond = cams.size()
message =
[FATAL] [1593068507.567657675]: None of the connected cameras are in the config list!
[FATAL] [1593068507.567663171]:
[acquisition_node-1] process has died [pid 5736, exit code -5, cmd /home/coostar/zsx_ros/devel/lib/spinnaker_sdk_camera_driver/acquisition_node __name:=acquisition_node __log:=/home/coostar/.ros/log/4a69339c-b6ac-11ea-bc5c-283a4d36ae91/acquisition_node-1.log].
log file: /home/coostar/.ros/log/4a69339c-b6ac-11ea-bc5c-283a4d36ae91/acquisition_node-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
I try setting : binning = 2 launch file ,then got the results above.
Would you mind tell me what i can do, thanks.
@ZhouSongxin you error is different from the one in this issue. See #76 , it should be fixed in the dev branch. Can you try running that.
I try the method of #76 ,like yesterday, set 0122D636 in both master_cam and cam_ids in yaml file.And also I set ROSCONSOLE_CONFIG_FILE to debug_console.conf.
it doesnt work, the info tell me that the question is in the C++ statement"ROS_ASSERT_MSG(nh_pvt_.getParam("cam_ids", cam_id_vec),"If cam_aliases are provided, they should be the same number as cam_ids and should correspond in order!");",
then I go to #84 , i try the operation like
and i replace the hex(0122D636 ) to octal(19060278).at the same time, i still use std_console.conf
then i solved the question,but another problem come out. As follow:
roslaunch spinnaker_sdk_camera_driver acquisition_node.launch ... logging to /home/coostar/.ros/log/fed23494-b74e-11ea-b573-283a4d36ae91/roslaunch-coostar-10152.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://coostar:44775/
- /acquisition_node/binning: 2
- /acquisition_node/cam_aliases: ['cam0']
- /acquisition_node/cam_ids: [19060278]
- /acquisition_node/color: False
- /acquisition_node/delay: 1.0
- /acquisition_node/distortion_coeffs: [[-0.021141875266...
- /acquisition_node/distortion_model: plumb_bob
- /acquisition_node/exposure_time: 0
- /acquisition_node/frames: 3400
- /acquisition_node/image_height: 1536
- /acquisition_node/image_width: 2048
- /acquisition_node/intrinsic_coeffs: [[1886.9232141485...
- /acquisition_node/live: False
- /acquisition_node/live_grid: False
- /acquisition_node/master_cam: 19060278
- /acquisition_node/max_rate_save: False
- /acquisition_node/projection_coeffs: [[913.700317, 0.0...
- /acquisition_node/rectification_coeffs: [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, ...
- /acquisition_node/save: False
- /acquisition_node/save_path: ~
- /acquisition_node/save_type: bmp
- /acquisition_node/skip: 20
- /acquisition_node/soft_framerate: 20
- /acquisition_node/target_grey_value: 0
- /acquisition_node/time: False
- /acquisition_node/to_ros: True
- /acquisition_node/utstamps: False
- /rosdistro: kinetic
- /rosversion: 1.12.14
acquisition_node (spinnaker_sdk_camera_driver/acquisition_node)
process[acquisition_node-1]: started with pid [10174]
[ INFO] [1593139408.755183852]: [ OK ] USB memory: 1000 MB
[ INFO] [1593139408.755317581]: *** PARAMETER SETTINGS ***
[ INFO] [1593139408.755337426]: ** Date = 20200626
[ INFO] [1593139408.756300496]: Save path set via parameter to: /home/coostar
[ INFO] [1593139408.756345362]: Camera IDs:
[ INFO] [1593139408.757010898]: 19060278
[ INFO] [1593139408.757555222]: Camera Aliases:
[ INFO] [1593139408.757568956]: 19060278 >> cam0
[ INFO] [1593139408.758143536]: Unique time stamps for each camera: false
[ INFO] [1593139408.758429994]: color set to: false
[ INFO] [1593139408.758716646]: Exporting images to ROS: true
[ INFO] [1593139408.759002433]: Showing live images setting: false
[ INFO] [1593139408.759308624]: Showing grid-style live images setting: false
[ INFO] [1593139408.759606340]: Max Rate Save Mode: false
[ INFO] [1593139408.759921349]: Displaying timing details: false
[ INFO] [1593139408.760296414]: No. of images to skip set to: 20
[ INFO] [1593139408.760663884]: Init sleep delays set to : 1.00 sec
[ WARN] [1593139408.761003730]: 'fps' Parameter not set, using default behavior: fps=20.00
[ INFO] [1593139408.761292030]: 'exposure_time'=0, Setting autoexposure
[ INFO] [1593139408.761638786]: 'target_grey_value'=0, Setting AutoExposureTargetGreyValueAuto to Continuous/ auto
[ INFO] [1593139408.761924476]: Binning set to: 2
[ INFO] [1593139408.762206113]: Using Software rate control, rate set to: 20
[ INFO] [1593139408.762542450]: Saving images set to: 0
[ INFO] [1593139408.762855510]: Camera Intrinsic Paramters:
[ INFO] [1593139408.762934991]: 1886.923214 0.000000 604.721488 0.000000 1886.666877 493.477267 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
[ INFO] [1593139408.763243693]: Camera Distortion Paramters:
[ INFO] [1593139408.763266673]: -0.021142 -0.373387 2.385983 3.282457
[ INFO] [1593139408.763587511]: Camera Rectification Paramters:
[ INFO] [1593139408.763633405]: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
[ INFO] [1593139408.763938537]: Camera Projection Paramters:
[ INFO] [1593139408.763987862]: 913.700317 0.000000 953.448302 0.000000 0.000000 1063.296631 777.871993 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
[ INFO] [1593139408.763997285]: Camera coeffs provided, camera info messges will be published.
[ INFO] [1593139408.764013552]: Creating system instance...
[ INFO] [1593139410.254052358]: Retreiving list of cameras...
[ INFO] [1593139411.353335625]: Numer of cameras found: 1
[ INFO] [1593139411.353361903]: Cameras connected: 1
[ INFO] [1593139411.353419118]: -19060278
[ INFO] [1593139411.389818807]: Dynamic Reconfigure: Level : 4294967295
[ INFO] [1593139411.391937882]: *** FLUSH SEQUENCE ***
[ INFO] [1593139411.391976311]: Initializing cameras...
[ INFO] [1593139411.655824640]: Deinitializing cameras...
[ INFO] [1593139411.660457856]: All cameras deinitialized.
[ INFO] [1593139413.660655242]: Initializing cameras...
[ INFO] [1593139414.005140662]: *** ACQUISITION ***
[FATAL] [1593139418.589195618]: Excption: Spinnaker: Stream has been aborted. [-1012]
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Spinnaker::Exception'
what(): Spinnaker: Camera is not started. [-1002]
[acquisition_node-1] process has died [pid 10174, exit code -6, cmd /home/coostar/zsx_ros/devel/lib/spinnaker_sdk_camera_driver/acquisition_node __name:=acquisition_node __log:=/home/coostar/.ros/log/fed23494-b74e-11ea-b573-283a4d36ae91/acquisition_node-1.log].
log file: /home/coostar/.ros/log/fed23494-b74e-11ea-b573-283a4d36ae91/acquisition_node-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
Does the camera work smoothly in SpinView? Also try setting binning to 2 to reduce bandwidth.
It cannt work so smoothly with stream being aborted.
I set binning to 2.Unfortunately, the connection isnt stable.
[FATAL] [1593143068.343876371]: Excption: Spinnaker: Error writing to device at register address: 000C8824. Please try reconnecting the device. [-1010]
Thank you for your help very much.
best wishes for you!
this node needs a bunch of parameters to work correctly, that is why it is better to use the roslaunch file where you setup all the required parameters. rosrun would require to independently setup all the parameters on the parameter server. Is there a reason you don't want to use roslaunch ?
Also since this code uses a nodelet, the roslaunch also launches the required nodelet manager.
@shahvi Thank you for the clarification. I will use roslaunch. I was just confused as to why rosrun gave me an error while roslaunch worked fine.