
Create visualisations to prove that the tide data matches with the image tide maps previously provided

NathanSkene opened this issue · 2 comments

We need to establish whether the tide information is provided based on high water portsmouth (the nearest large port) or is actually the tide local to that time / place (there can be small offset)

On these tide maps, they give tides in terms of time from high water.... high water doesn't actually refer to high water at that location, it is high water at the nearest port (in this case, Portsmouth).

We should just double check that the data we've got fits with the tides being set correctly for the local area. Could just paste comparable maps into this issue, side-by-side with the tide maps, once we've got visualisations working?

For this, I'm assuming you want this to be visualised on the front end rather than us just checking with a GRIB visualisation tool.
If this is the case, these are the steps

  • Add a map to the app, and research which ones allow data to be overlayed but Google or OSM should be fine.
  • Figure out how to display an arrow at a point given its magnitude and direction
  • Get a grid of data from the tide API and display arrows for each