PHANTOMPEAKQUALTOOLS throws stack overflow exception
krokicki opened this issue · 1 comments
krokicki commented
Description of the bug
PHANTOMPEAKQUALTOOLS throws a stack overflow exception on certain types of input data. This issue suggests a fix by increasing the default --max-ppsize
. This is already implemented in MULTIQC_CUSTOM_PHANTOMPEAKQUALTOOLS and should be added to PHANTOMPEAKQUALTOOLS as well.
Command used and terminal output
nextflow run -profile janelia --input samples.csv --read_length 50 --outdir ./results --fasta internal.fasta --gff internal.gff
Caused by:
Process `NFCORE_CHIPSEQ:CHIPSEQ:PHANTOMPEAKQUALTOOLS (neg_rep1)` terminated with an error exit status (1)
Command executed:
RUN_SPP=`which run_spp.R`
Rscript -e "library(caTools); source(\"$RUN_SPP\")" -c="neg_rep1.mLb.clN.sorted.bam" -savp="neg_rep1.spp.pdf" -savd="neg_rep1.spp.Rdata" -out="neg_rep1.spp.out" -p=6
cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
phantompeakqualtools: 1.2.2
Command exit status:
Command output:
ChIP data: neg_rep1.mLb.clN.sorted.bam
Control data: NA
strandshift(min): -500
strandshift(step): 5
strandshift(max) 1500
user-defined peak shift NA
exclusion(min): 10
exclusion(max): NaN
num parallel nodes: 6
FDR threshold: 0.01
NumPeaks Threshold: NA
Output Directory: .
narrowPeak output file name: NA
regionPeak output file name: NA
Rdata filename: neg_rep1.spp.Rdata
plot pdf filename: neg_rep1.spp.pdf
result filename: neg_rep1.spp.out
Overwrite files?: FALSE
Reading ChIP tagAlign/BAM file neg_rep1.mLb.clN.sorted.bam
opened /tmp/RtmpEulNd9/neg_rep1.mLb.clN.sorted.tagAlign2961e49a6f
done. read 326050 fragments
Command error:
INFO: Environment variable SINGULARITYENV_NXF_DEBUG is set, but APPTAINERENV_NXF_DEBUG is preferred
WARNING: Skipping mount /var/apptainer/mnt/session/etc/resolv.conf [files]: /etc/resolv.conf doesn't exist in container
Loading required package: Rcpp
Error: protect(): protection stack overflow
Execution halted
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