- 0
Process `NFCORE_CHIPSEQ:PREPARE_GENOME:GFFREAD` declares 2 input channels but 1 were specified
#432 opened by ftabaro - 3
#335 opened by fgualdr - 0
Process `NFCORE_CHIPSEQ:CHIPSEQ:FASTQ_ALIGN_BWA:BAM_SORT_STATS_SAMTOOLS:SAMTOOLS_SORT (SRR5627136_REP2_T1)` terminated with an error exit status (1)
#431 opened by NicoleChant - 1
Not a valid path value when provide genome by fasta and gtf in compressed gz format, and not providing genome index or gene bed
#427 opened by ljw20180420 - 1
cutadapt `trim_nextseq` config typo
#429 opened by cmatKhan - 0
Process `NFCORE_CHIPSEQ:CHIPSEQ:MULTIQC` terminated with an error exit status
#428 opened by Sungryong-Oh - 3
Can't run if there is no control
#384 opened by d-jch - 0
Refactor local modules to use an conda environment yml file and not ping modules directly
#417 opened by JoseEspinosa - 0
- 0
- 1
Error: Process `NFCORE_CHIPSEQ:CHIPSEQ:ALIGN_BOWTIE2:BOWTIE2_ALIGN (WT_HA_IP_REP1_T1)` terminated with an error exit status (1)
#411 opened by Sungryong-Oh - 2
- 4
MACS2 steps did not carried out
#336 opened by wook2014 - 5
Normalisation of bigwig files
#357 opened by alhh507 - 2
Default values for p-value and FDR
#364 opened by amibe1 - 2
- 2
Error running the pipline test in the BWA index step
#376 opened by Alhajuji - 2
Macs2 Output
#388 opened by kittyBS - 4
Error converting BAM to tagalign file
#316 opened by CLAIRE-cuhk - 12
Spike ins normalization
#321 opened by EmanuelSoda - 0
Add --only_step options
#337 opened by IStevant - 2
Error with NextSeq trimming
#375 opened by gitMakeCoffee - 0
- 2
IDR analysis
#386 opened by ZeinBader - 4
nf-core download skips 'bowtie2 align' singularity image with container string parsing error
#318 opened by rdwngs - 2
Both '--read_length' and '--macs_gsize' not specified! Please specify either to infer MACS2 genome size for peak calling.
#328 opened by ariadnaaterrades - 3
Samplesheet description in the documentation
#320 opened by IStevant - 3
#333 opened by nayem-haque - 6
- 2
- 1
Header missing is in bowtie2 outputted bam files
#347 opened by chiefcat - 4
package or namespace load failed for ‘UpSetR’
#360 opened by Nicobouch - 1
minor "samplesheet_pe.csv" format issue
#369 opened by hukai916 - 1
Update MACS to v3
#378 opened by alexpmagalhaes - 1
Get rid of checkIfExists for params paths
#367 opened by JoseEspinosa - 1
- 0
- 1
Improve website on parameters section Alignment Options for argument --save_unaligned
#385 opened by aghr - 1
- 0
- 1
- 3
No Space left on device error
#361 opened by Shashankti - 1
PHANTOMPEAKQUALTOOLS throws stack overflow exception
#370 opened by krokicki - 1
- 3
Process `NFCORE_CHIPSEQ:CHIPSEQ:ALIGN_BWA_MEM:BWA_MEM (EBAC_Input_REP2_T1)` terminated with an error exit status (1)
#355 opened by JiahuaQu - 18
mergeBed ERROR: Requested column 10, but database file - only has fields 1 - 9.
#356 opened by JiahuaQu - 3
Problem with samplesheet
#348 opened by peculiar97 - 1
Metro map draft for nf-core/chipseq
#317 opened by G-Sarah - 1
nextflow error: No such variable: input
#334 opened by tanayb001 - 0
Error 404 for ChIP-seq assets/blacklists
#330 opened by FelixKrueger