A Computational Lingutistics dropout student, whose life got in a way at the time, but now, 10 years later, is trying to get back to doing what he loves.
Looking for a job in Germany and PolandGermany / Poland
nikczemnydev's Stars
HTML, CSS, React.js - Reactodo - modern to do list web application - and my first React.js project . A minimalist and efficient to-do list application designed to help you manage your tasks effortlessly.
HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript - Notflix - not Netflix Movie Information App - is a demo product web application that provides a satisfying movie browsing experience. It accesses The Movie Database (TMDb) through their API to download information about the most popular movies.
Java - Fibonacci Sequence - recursive solution.
Java - Fibonacci Sequence - non-recursive, more efficient iterative solution.
Java - DataVisualizator - data visualization (from Polish visualisation = wizualizacja) program that allows users to create pie charts and bar charts from their data. The program is designed to be as user-friendly as possible (given it's a command line tool), guiding users through the process of creating their own custom charts in 2 very easy steps
HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript - BugSquashTheGame - my new product is a fun and interactive game that challenges your reflexes and hand-eye coordination. The game is perfect for those who are interested in learning how to code web applications.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Slide In Scroll - web app product ready to deploy anywhere, it's an implementation of an engaging scrolling effect showing content elegantly sliding in and out of view from left and right alternately as the user scrolls up and down.
HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript - HydrationTracker - Daily Water Drinking Tracker. HydrationTracker is a simple and effective web application product designed to help users stay hydrated by tracking their daily water intake.
Java - Concordancer - in Computational Linguistics (which is my programming background) concordance is a listing of each occurence of a word or pattern in a corpus (for instance - a book) with the words (in CL - contexts) surrounding it.
HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript - ExpandingGallery - a pretty gallery product to showcase some pretty pictures as well as my skills. : )
HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Unblur Effect Loading - a mini project that demonstrates one of the neat ways to harness CSS with JS to make loading elements (or even websites in their entirety) clean, modern and beautiful.
Java - CollocationsFinder - in Computational Linguistics collocations are words that appear together much more often than they would only by chance. This program can be trained on any text, then based on some factors it will tell you if any 2 words you want to search for are collocations.