:package: Non-parametric Causal Effects Based on Modified Treatment Policies :crystal_ball:
- 1
- 0
Renaming the shift and shifted parameters.
#96 opened by nt-williams - 2
Elaborate on error for lmtp_contrast
#73 opened by kathoffman - 1
Why is `cumprod` not applied to density ratios in `cf_tmle2()` as in `cf_tmle()`
#151 opened by ddu10300 - 1
Error in isotonic projection in ltmp_survival.R
#149 opened by shodaiinose - 2
- 0
Incorporate competing risks
#143 opened by nt-williams - 0
Survival Curve Wrapper
#140 opened by nt-williams - 1
- 1
Weights not used in standard error calculation
#134 opened by kathoffman - 1
- 1
Reduntant if statement
#126 opened by lorenzoFabbri - 0
Rename `mtp` argument
#127 opened by nt-williams - 0
Formula interface
#83 opened by nt-williams - 2
Add outcome_type = 'survival'
#76 opened by nt-williams - 1
- 3
Shift machine learning backend to mlr3?
#107 opened by nt-williams - 0
- 4
Error when running lmtp_contrast()
#117 opened by upulcooray - 1
- 1
Change 'effect' to 'estimate' in 'Population mean effects' portion of output.
#120 opened by nt-williams - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
Add option to not cross-fit nuisance parameters
#112 opened by idiazst - 7
Parameter to directly input shifted data and sidestep writing a shift function.
#89 opened by nt-williams - 0
#106 opened by nt-williams - 1
Competing Risk for Survival Analysis
#75 opened by nt-williams - 5
- 1
remove extra column from sim_point_surv data
#91 opened by kathoffman - 1
Fails when data is a data.table
#88 opened by nt-williams - 0
Move the trimming of density ratios with SDR to before calling estimate_sdr
#93 opened by nt-williams - 0
Need indicator for whether an observation followed the treatment rule if dynamic regime.
#94 opened by nt-williams - 0
Update paper citation with JASA acceptance
#103 opened by nt-williams - 0
"id = " generating errors in lmtp_tmle()
#105 opened by joshua-nugent - 2
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Please consider new CRAN submission to allow for next version of future to be released
#101 opened by HenrikBengtsson - 1
- 1
Error in glm.fit running vignette
#97 opened by jvpoulos - 1
the input to this function in Y should be a vector, sometimes it is not and some SuperLearner wrappers fail on it
#85 opened by idiazst - 1
- 1
Incorporate survey weights
#78 opened by nt-williams - 1
event_locf speed
#80 opened by kathoffman - 1
Future RNG issue
#81 opened by nt-williams - 1
Future `values()` is deprecated
#82 opened by nt-williams - 1
- 1
Incorrectly calculating theta with SDR
#87 opened by nt-williams - 1
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