
Awesome LLM compression research papers and tools.

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Awesome LLM Compression

Awesome LLM compression research papers and tools to accelerate LLM training and inference.




  • A Survey on Model Compression for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • The Efficiency Spectrum of Large Language Models: An Algorithmic Survey
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Efficient Large Language Models: A Survey
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [GitHub Page]

  • Towards Efficient Generative Large Language Model Serving: A Survey from Algorithms to Systems
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Understanding LLMs: A Comprehensive Overview from Training to Inference
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Faster and Lighter LLMs: A Survey on Current Challenges and Way Forward
    IJCAI 2024 (Survey Track) [Paper] [GitHub Page]

  • A Survey of Resource-efficient LLM and Multimodal Foundation Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • A Survey on Hardware Accelerators for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • A Comprehensive Survey of Compression Algorithms for Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • A Survey on Transformer Compression
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Model Compression and Efficient Inference for Large Language Models: A Survey
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • A Survey on Knowledge Distillation of Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [GitHub Page]

  • Efficient Prompting Methods for Large Language Models: A Survey
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]


🌟 Feel free to explore the subpage for LLM quantization

  • ZeroQuant: Efficient and Affordable Post-Training Quantization for Large-Scale Transformers
    NeurIPS 2022 [Paper] [Code (DeepSpeed)]

  • LLM.int8(): 8-bit Matrix Multiplication for Transformers at Scale
    NeurIPS 2022 [Paper] [Code]

  • Outlier Suppression: Pushing the Limit of Low-bit Transformer Language Models
    NeurIPS 2022 [Paper] [Code]

  • LUT-GEMM: Quantized Matrix Multiplication based on LUTs for Efficient Inference in Large-Scale Generative Language Models
    Arxiv 2022 [Paper]

  • SmoothQuant: Accurate and Efficient Post-Training Quantization for Large Language Models
    ICML 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • FlexRound: Learnable Rounding based on Element-wise Division for Post-Training Quantization
    ICML 2023 [Paper] [Code (DeepSpeed)]

  • Understanding INT4 Quantization for Transformer Models: Latency Speedup, Composability, and Failure Cases
    ICML 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • The case for 4-bit precision: k-bit Inference Scaling Laws
    ICML 2023 [Paper]

  • GPTQ: Accurate Post-Training Quantization for Generative Pre-trained Transformers
    ICLR 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • PreQuant: A Task-agnostic Quantization Approach for Pre-trained Language Models
    ACL 2023 [Paper]

  • Boost Transformer-based Language Models with GPU-Friendly Sparsity and Quantization
    ACL 2023 [Paper]

  • QLoRA: Efficient Finetuning of Quantized LLMs
    NeurIPS 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • The Quantization Model of Neural Scaling
    NeurIPS 2023 [Paper]

  • Quantized Distributed Training of Large Models with Convergence Guarantees
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • RPTQ: Reorder-based Post-training Quantization for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • ZeroQuant-V2: Exploring Post-training Quantization in LLMs from Comprehensive Study to Low Rank Compensation
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Integer or Floating Point? New Outlooks for Low-Bit Quantization on Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Memory-Efficient Fine-Tuning of Compressed Large Language Models via sub-4-bit Integer Quantization
    NeurIPS 2023 [Paper]

  • Compress, Then Prompt: Improving Accuracy-Efficiency Trade-off of LLM Inference with Transferable Prompt
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • AWQ: Activation-aware Weight Quantization for LLM Compression and Acceleration
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • LLM-QAT: Data-Free Quantization Aware Training for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • SpQR: A Sparse-Quantized Representation for Near-Lossless LLM Weight Compression
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • OWQ: Lessons learned from activation outliers for weight quantization in large language models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • SqueezeLLM: Dense-and-Sparse Quantization
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • INT2.1: Towards Fine-Tunable Quantized Large Language Models with Error Correction through Low-Rank Adaptation
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • LQ-LoRA: Low-rank Plus Quantized Matrix Decomposition for Efficient Language Model Finetuning
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • INT-FP-QSim: Mixed Precision and Formats For Large Language Models and Vision Transformers
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • QIGen: Generating Efficient Kernels for Quantized Inference on Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Do Emergent Abilities Exist in Quantized Large Language Models: An Empirical Study
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • ZeroQuant-FP: A Leap Forward in LLMs Post-Training W4A8 Quantization Using Floating-Point Formats
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code (DeepSpeed)]

  • OliVe: Accelerating Large Language Models via Hardware-friendly Outlier-Victim Pair Quantization
    ISCA 2023 [Paper]

  • NUPES : Non-Uniform Post-Training Quantization via Power Exponent Search
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • GPT-Zip: Deep Compression of Finetuned Large Language Models
    ICML 2023 Workshop ES-FoMO [Paper]

  • Generating Efficient Kernels for Quantized Inference on Large Language Models
    ICML 2023 Workshop ES-FoMO [Paper]

  • Gradient-Based Post-Training Quantization: Challenging the Status Quo
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • FineQuant: Unlocking Efficiency with Fine-Grained Weight-Only Quantization for LLMs
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • OmniQuant: Omnidirectionally Calibrated Quantization for Large Language Models
    ICLR 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • FPTQ: Fine-grained Post-Training Quantization for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • eDKM: An Efficient and Accurate Train-time Weight Clustering for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • QuantEase: Optimization-based Quantization for Language Models -- An Efficient and Intuitive Algorithm
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Norm Tweaking: High-performance Low-bit Quantization of Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Understanding the Impact of Post-Training Quantization on Large-scale Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • MEMORY-VQ: Compression for Tractable Internet-Scale Memory
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Optimize Weight Rounding via Signed Gradient Descent for the Quantization of LLMs
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Efficient Post-training Quantization with FP8 Formats
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code (Intel® Neural Compressor)]

  • QA-LoRA: Quantization-Aware Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Rethinking Channel Dimensions to Isolate Outliers for Low-bit Weight Quantization of Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • ModuLoRA: Finetuning 3-Bit LLMs on Consumer GPUs by Integrating with Modular Quantizers
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • PB-LLM: Partially Binarized Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Dual Grained Quantization: Efficient Fine-Grained Quantization for LLM
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Rethinking Channel Dimensions to Isolate Outliers for Low-bit Weight Quantization of Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • QLLM: Accurate and Efficient Low-Bitwidth Quantization for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • LoftQ: LoRA-Fine-Tuning-Aware Quantization for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • QFT: Quantized Full-parameter Tuning of LLMs with Affordable Resources
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • TEQ: Trainable Equivalent Transformation for Quantization of LLMs
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code (Intel® Neural Compressor)]

  • BitNet: Scaling 1-bit Transformers for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • FP8-LM: Training FP8 Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • QUIK: Towards End-to-End 4-Bit Inference on Generative Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • AFPQ: Asymmetric Floating Point Quantization for LLMs
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • AWEQ: Post-Training Quantization with Activation-Weight Equalization for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Atom: Low-bit Quantization for Efficient and Accurate LLM Serving
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • QMoE: Practical Sub-1-Bit Compression of Trillion-Parameter Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Dissecting the Runtime Performance of the Training, Fine-tuning, and Inference of Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • How Does Calibration Data Affect the Post-training Pruning and Quantization of Large Language Models?
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • A Speed Odyssey for Deployable Quantization of LLMs
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Enabling Fast 2-bit LLM on GPUs: Memory Alignment, Sparse Outlier, and Asynchronous Dequantization
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Quantizable Transformers: Removing Outliers by Helping Attention Heads Do Nothing
    NeurIPS 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Efficient LLM Inference on CPUs
    NeurIPS 2023 on Efficient Natural Language and Speech Processing [Paper] [Code]

  • The Cost of Compression: Investigating the Impact of Compression on Parametric Knowledge in Language Models
    EMNLP Findings 2023 [Paper]

  • Zero-Shot Sharpness-Aware Quantization for Pre-trained Language Models
    EMNLP 2023 [Paper]

  • Revisiting Block-based Quantisation: What is Important for Sub-8-bit LLM Inference?
    EMNLP 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Outlier Suppression+: Accurate quantization of large language models by equivalent and optimal shifting and scaling
    EMNLP 2023 [Paper]

  • Watermarking LLMs with Weight Quantization
    EMNLP 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Enhancing Computation Efficiency in Large Language Models through Weight and Activation Quantization
    EMNLP 2023 [Paper]

  • LLM-FP4: 4-Bit Floating-Point Quantized Transformers
    EMNLP 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Agile-Quant: Activation-Guided Quantization for Faster Inference of LLMs on the Edge
    AAAI 2024 [Paper]

  • SmoothQuant+: Accurate and Efficient 4-bit Post-Training WeightQuantization for LLM
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • CBQ: Cross-Block Quantization for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • ZeroQuant(4+2): Redefining LLMs Quantization with a New FP6-Centric Strategy for Diverse Generative Tasks
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • QuIP: 2-Bit Quantization of Large Language Models With Guarantees
    NeurIPS 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • A Performance Evaluation of a Quantized Large Language Model on Various Smartphones
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • DeltaZip: Multi-Tenant Language Model Serving via Delta Compression
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • FlightLLM: Efficient Large Language Model Inference with a Complete Mapping Flow on FPGA
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Extreme Compression of Large Language Models via Additive Quantization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Quantized Side Tuning: Fast and Memory-Efficient Tuning of Quantized Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Inferflow: an Efficient and Highly Configurable Inference Engine for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • FP6-LLM: Efficiently Serving Large Language Models Through FP6-Centric Algorithm-System Co-Design
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • KVQuant: Towards 10 Million Context Length LLM Inference with KV Cache Quantization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Can Large Language Models Understand Context?
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • EdgeQAT: Entropy and Distribution Guided Quantization-Aware Training for the Acceleration of Lightweight LLMs on the Edge
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Any-Precision LLM: Low-Cost Deployment of Multiple, Different-Sized LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • LQER: Low-Rank Quantization Error Reconstruction for LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • KIVI: A Tuning-Free Asymmetric 2bit Quantization for KV Cache
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • BiLLM: Pushing the Limit of Post-Training Quantization for LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • QuIP#: Even Better LLM Quantization with Hadamard Incoherence and Lattice Codebooks
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • L4Q: Parameter Efficient Quantization-Aware Training on Large Language Models via LoRA-wise LSQ
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • TP-Aware Dequantization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • ApiQ: Finetuning of 2-Bit Quantized Large Language Model
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Accurate LoRA-Finetuning Quantization of LLMs via Information Retention
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • BitDelta: Your Fine-Tune May Only Be Worth One Bit
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • QDyLoRA: Quantized Dynamic Low-Rank Adaptation for Efficient Large Language Model Tuning
    AAAI EIW Workshop 2024 [Paper]

  • Any-Precision LLM: Low-Cost Deployment of Multiple, Different-Sized LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • BitDistiller: Unleashing the Potential of Sub-4-Bit LLMs via Self-Distillation
    ACL 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • OneBit: Towards Extremely Low-bit Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • DB-LLM: Accurate Dual-Binarization for Efficient LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • WKVQuant: Quantizing Weight and Key/Value Cache for Large Language Models Gains More
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • GPTVQ: The Blessing of Dimensionality for LLM Quantization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • APTQ: Attention-aware Post-Training Mixed-Precision Quantization for Large Language Models
    DAC 2024 [Paper]

  • A Comprehensive Evaluation of Quantization Strategies for Large Language Models
    DAC 2024 [Paper]

  • No Token Left Behind: Reliable KV Cache Compression via Importance-Aware Mixed Precision Quantization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Evaluating Quantized Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • FlattenQuant: Breaking Through the Inference Compute-bound for Large Language Models with Per-tensor Quantization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • LLM-PQ: Serving LLM on Heterogeneous Clusters with Phase-Aware Partition and Adaptive Quantization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • IntactKV: Improving Large Language Model Quantization by Keeping Pivot Tokens Intact
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • On the Compressibility of Quantized Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • EasyQuant: An Efficient Data-free Quantization Algorithm for LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • QAQ: Quality Adaptive Quantization for LLM KV Cache
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • GEAR: An Efficient KV Cache Compression Recipefor Near-Lossless Generative Inference of LLM
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • What Makes Quantization for Large Language Models Hard? An Empirical Study from the Lens of Perturbation
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • SVD-LLM: Truncation-aware Singular Value Decomposition for Large Language Model Compression
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • AffineQuant: Affine Transformation Quantization for Large Language Models
    ICLR 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Oh! We Freeze: Improving Quantized Knowledge Distillation via Signal Propagation Analysis for Large Language Models
    ICLR Practical ML for Low Resource Settings Workshop 2024 [Paper]

  • Accurate Block Quantization in LLMs with Outliers
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • QuaRot: Outlier-Free 4-Bit Inference in Rotated LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Minimize Quantization Output Error with Bias Compensation
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Cherry on Top: Parameter Heterogeneity and Quantization in Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Increased LLM Vulnerabilities from Fine-tuning and Quantization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Quantization of Large Language Models with an Overdetermined Basis
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • How Good Are Low-bit Quantized LLaMA3 Models? An Empirical Study
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code] [Model]

  • How to Parameterize Asymmetric Quantization Ranges for Quantization-Aware Training
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Mitigating the Impact of Outlier Channels for Language Model Quantization with Activation Regularization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • KV Cache is 1 Bit Per Channel: Efficient Large Language Model Inference with Coupled Quantization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • When Quantization Affects Confidence of Large Language Models?
    NAACL 2024 [Paper]

  • QServe: W4A8KV4 Quantization and System Co-design for Efficient LLM Serving
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Learning from Students: Applying t-Distributions to Explore Accurate and Efficient Formats for LLMs
    ICML 2024 [Paper]

  • LLM-QBench: A Benchmark Towards the Best Practice for Post-training Quantization of Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • SKVQ: Sliding-window Key and Value Cache Quantization for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Combining multiple post-training techniques to achieve most efficient quantized LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Edge Intelligence Optimization for Large Language Model Inference with Batching and Quantization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Unlocking Data-free Low-bit Quantization with Matrix Decomposition for KV Cache Compression
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • SliM-LLM: Salience-Driven Mixed-Precision Quantization for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • OAC: Output-adaptive Calibration for Accurate Post-training Quantization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • PV-Tuning: Beyond Straight-Through Estimation for Extreme LLM Compression
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • SpinQuant -- LLM quantization with learned rotations
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Compressing Large Language Models using Low Rank and Low Precision Decomposition
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Athena: Efficient Block-Wise Post-Training Quantization for Large Language Models Using Second-Order Matrix Derivative Information
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Exploiting LLM Quantization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • One QuantLLM for ALL: Fine-tuning Quantized LLMs Once for Efficient Deployments
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • LCQ: Low-Rank Codebook based Quantization for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • LoQT: Low Rank Adapters for Quantized Training
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • CLAQ: Pushing the Limits of Low-Bit Post-Training Quantization for LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • I-LLM: Efficient Integer-Only Inference for Fully-Quantized Low-Bit Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Outliers and Calibration Sets have Diminishing Effect on Quantization of Modern LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Rotation and Permutation for Advanced Outlier Management and Efficient Quantization of LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • QJL: 1-Bit Quantized JL Transform for KV Cache Quantization with Zero Overhead
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • ShiftAddLLM: Accelerating Pretrained LLMs via Post-Training Multiplication-Less Reparameterization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Low-Rank Quantization-Aware Training for LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • TernaryLLM: Ternarized Large Language Model
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Examining Post-Training Quantization for Mixture-of-Experts: A Benchmark
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Delta-CoMe: Training-Free Delta-Compression with Mixed-Precision for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • QQQ: Quality Quattuor-Bit Quantization for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • QTIP: Quantization with Trellises and Incoherence Processing
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Prefixing Attention Sinks can Mitigate Activation Outliers for Large Language Model Quantization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Mixture of Scales: Memory-Efficient Token-Adaptive Binarization for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Tender: Accelerating Large Language Models via Tensor Decomposition and Runtime Requantization
    ISCA 2024 [Paper]

  • SDQ: Sparse Decomposed Quantization for LLM Inference
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Attention-aware Post-training Quantization without Backpropagation
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • EDGE-LLM: Enabling Efficient Large Language Model Adaptation on Edge Devices via Layerwise Unified Compression and Adaptive Layer Tuning and Voting
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Compensate Quantization Errors: Make Weights Hierarchical to Compensate Each Other
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Layer-Wise Quantization: A Pragmatic and Effective Method for Quantizing LLMs Beyond Integer Bit-Levels
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • CDQuant: Accurate Post-training Weight Quantization of Large Pre-trained Models using Greedy Coordinate Descent
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • OutlierTune: Efficient Channel-Wise Quantization for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • T-MAC: CPU Renaissance via Table Lookup for Low-Bit LLM Deployment on Edge
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • GPTQT: Quantize Large Language Models Twice to Push the Efficiency
    ICORIS 2024 [Paper]

  • Improving Conversational Abilities of Quantized Large Language Models via Direct Preference Alignment
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • How Does Quantization Affect Multilingual LLMs?
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • RoLoRA: Fine-tuning Rotated Outlier-free LLMs for Effective Weight-Activation Quantization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Q-GaLore: Quantized GaLore with INT4 Projection and Layer-Adaptive Low-Rank Gradients
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • FlashAttention-3: Fast and Accurate Attention with Asynchrony and Low-precision
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Accuracy is Not All You Need
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • BitNet b1.58 Reloaded: State-of-the-art Performance Also on Smaller Networks
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • LeanQuant: Accurate Large Language Model Quantization with Loss-Error-Aware Grid
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Fast Matrix Multiplications for Lookup Table-Quantized LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • EfficientQAT: Efficient Quantization-Aware Training for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • LRQ: Optimizing Post-Training Quantization for Large Language Models by Learning Low-Rank Weight-Scaling Matrices
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Exploring Quantization for Efficient Pre-Training of Transformer Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Spectra: A Comprehensive Study of Ternary, Quantized, and FP16 Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Mamba-PTQ: Outlier Channels in Recurrent Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • PQCache: Product Quantization-based KVCache for Long Context LLM Inference
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Compensate Quantization Errors+: Quantized Models Are Inquisitive Learners
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Accurate and Efficient Fine-Tuning of Quantized Large Language Models Through Optimal Balance
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

Pruning and Sparsity

🌟 Feel free to explore the subpage for LLM pruning

  • The Lazy Neuron Phenomenon: On Emergence of Activation Sparsity in Transformers
    ICLR 2023 [Paper]

  • Deja Vu: Contextual Sparsity for Efficient LLMs at Inference Time
    ICML 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • LoSparse: Structured Compression of Large Language Models based on Low-Rank and Sparse Approximation
    ICML 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • LLM-Pruner: On the Structural Pruning of Large Language Models
    NeurIPS 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • ZipLM: Inference-Aware Structured Pruning of Language Models
    NeurIPS 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • H2O: Heavy-Hitter Oracle for Efficient Generative Inference of Large Language Models
    NeurIPS 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Scissorhands: Exploiting the Persistence of Importance Hypothesis for LLM KV Cache Compression at Test Time
    NeurIPS 2023 [Paper]

  • The Emergence of Essential Sparsity in Large Pre-trained Models: The Weights that Matter
    NeurIPS 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Learning to Compress Prompts with Gist Tokens
    NeurIPS 2023 [Paper]

  • Dynamic Context Pruning for Efficient and Interpretable Autoregressive Transformers
    NeurIPS 2023 [Paper]

  • Prune and Tune: Improving Efficient Pruning Techniques for Massive Language Models
    ICLR 2023 TinyPapers [Paper]

  • SparseGPT: Massive Language Models Can Be Accurately Pruned in One-Shot
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • AdaLoRA: Adaptive Budget Allocation for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Unlocking Context Constraints of LLMs: Enhancing Context Efficiency of LLMs with Self-Information-Based Content Filtering
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Rethinking the Role of Scale for In-Context Learning: An Interpretability-based Case Study at 66 Billion Scale
    ACL 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Structured Pruning for Efficient Generative Pre-trained Language Models
    ACL 2023 [Paper]

  • A Simple and Effective Pruning Approach for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Pruning Meets Low-Rank Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Structural pruning of large language models via neural architecture search
    AutoML 2023 [Paper]

  • Pruning Large Language Models via Accuracy Predictor
    ICASSP 2024 [Paper]

  • Flash-LLM: Enabling Cost-Effective and Highly-Efficient Large Generative Model Inference with Unstructured Sparsity
    VLDB 2024 [Paper] [Cde]

  • Compressing LLMs: The Truth is Rarely Pure and Never Simple
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Junk DNA Hypothesis: A Task-Centric Angle of LLM Pre-trained Weights through Sparsity
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Model Tells You What to Discard: Adaptive KV Cache Compression for LLMs
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Compresso: Structured Pruning with Collaborative Prompting Learns Compact Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Outlier Weighed Layerwise Sparsity (OWL): A Missing Secret Sauce for Pruning LLMs to High Sparsity
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Sheared LLaMA: Accelerating Language Model Pre-training via Structured Pruning
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Dynamic Sparse No Training: Training-Free Fine-tuning for Sparse LLMs
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • One-Shot Sensitivity-Aware Mixed Sparsity Pruning for Large Language Models
    ICASSP 2024 [Paper]

  • Survival of the Most Influential Prompts: Efficient Black-Box Prompt Search via Clustering and Pruning
    EMNLP 2023 Findings [Paper]

  • The Cost of Compression: Investigating the Impact of Compression on Parametric Knowledge in Language Models
    EMNLP Findings 2023 [Paper]

  • Divergent Token Metrics: Measuring degradation to prune away LLM components -- and optimize quantization
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • LoRAShear: Efficient Large Language Model Structured Pruning and Knowledge Recovery
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • ReLU Strikes Back: Exploiting Activation Sparsity in Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • E-Sparse: Boosting the Large Language Model Inference through Entropy-based N:M Sparsity
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Beyond Size: How Gradients Shape Pruning Decisions in Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • How Does Calibration Data Affect the Post-training Pruning and Quantization of Large Language Models?
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • BESA: Pruning Large Language Models with Blockwise Parameter-Efficient Sparsity Allocation
    OpenReview [Paper] [Code]

    OpenReview 2023 [Paper]

  • An Efficient Plug-and-Play Post-Training Pruning Strategy in Large Language Models
    Preprints 2023 [Paper]

  • Lighter, yet More Faithful: Investigating Hallucinations in Pruned Large Language Models for Abstractive Summarization
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Mini-GPTs: Efficient Large Language Models through Contextual Pruning
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • The LLM Surgeon
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Fluctuation-based Adaptive Structured Pruning for Large Language Models
    AAAI 2024 [Paper]

  • How to Prune Your Language Model: Recovering Accuracy on the "Sparsity May Cry'' Benchmark
    CPAL 2024 [Paper]

  • PERP: Rethinking the Prune-Retrain Paradigm in the Era of LLMs
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Fast and Optimal Weight Update for Pruned Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • APT: Adaptive Pruning and Tuning Pretrained Language Models for Efficient Training and Inference
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Scaling Sparse Fine-Tuning to Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • SliceGPT: Compress Large Language Models by Deleting Rows and Columns
    ICLR 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Shortened LLaMA: A Simple Depth Pruning for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Everybody Prune Now: Structured Pruning of LLMs with only Forward Passes
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • NutePrune: Efficient Progressive Pruning with Numerous Teachers for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • LaCo: Large Language Model Pruning via Layer Collapse
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Why Lift so Heavy? Slimming Large Language Models by Cutting Off the Layers
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • EBFT: Effective and Block-Wise Fine-Tuning for Sparse LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Data-free Weight Compress and Denoise for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Gradient-Free Adaptive Global Pruning for Pre-trained Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • ShortGPT: Layers in Large Language Models are More Redundant Than You Expect
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • LLaVA-PruMerge: Adaptive Token Reduction for Efficient Large Multimodal Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Compressing Large Language Models by Streamlining the Unimportant Layer
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • LoRAP: Transformer Sub-Layers Deserve Differentiated Structured Compression for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Shears: Unstructured Sparsity with Neural Low-rank Adapter Search
    NAACL 2024 [Paper]

  • Eigenpruning
    NAACL 2024 Abstract [Paper]

  • OpenBA-V2: Reaching 77.3% High Compression Ratio with Fast Multi-Stage Pruning
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Pruning as a Domain-specific LLM Extractor
    NAACL 2024 Findings [Paper] [Code]

  • Differentiable Model Scaling using Differentiable Topk
    ICML 2024 [Paper]

  • COPAL: Continual Pruning in Large Language Generative Models
    ICML 2024 [Paper]

  • Pruner-Zero: Evolving Symbolic Pruning Metric from scratch for Large Language Models
    ICML 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Feature-based Low-Rank Compression of Large Language Models via Bayesian Optimization
    ACL Findings 2024 [Paper]

  • Surgical Feature-Space Decomposition of LLMs: Why, When and How?
    ACL 2024 [Paper]

  • Pruning Large Language Models to Intra-module Low-rank Architecture with Transitional Activations
    ACL Findings 2024 [Paper]

  • Light-PEFT: Lightening Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning via Early Pruning
    ACL Findings 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • MoreauPruner: Robust Pruning of Large Language Models against Weight Perturbations
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • ALPS: Improved Optimization for Highly Sparse One-Shot Pruning for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • HiP Attention: Sparse Sub-Quadratic Attention with Hierarchical Attention Pruning
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Optimization-based Structural Pruning for Large Language Models without Back-Propagation
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • BlockPruner: Fine-grained Pruning for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Rethinking Pruning Large Language Models: Benefits and Pitfalls of Reconstruction Error Minimization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • RankAdaptor: Hierarchical Dynamic Low-Rank Adaptation for Structural Pruned LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • What Matters in Transformers? Not All Attention is Needed
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Pruning via Merging: Compressing LLMs via Manifold Alignment Based Layer Merging
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • ShadowLLM: Predictor-based Contextual Sparsity for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Finding Transformer Circuits with Edge Pruning
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Efficient Expert Pruning for Sparse Mixture-of-Experts Language Models: Enhancing Performance and Reducing Inference Costs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • MINI-LLM: Memory-Efficient Structured Pruning for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Reconstruct the Pruned Model without Any Retraining
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • A deeper look at depth pruning of LLMs
    ICML TF2M Workshop 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Greedy Output Approximation: Towards Efficient Structured Pruning for LLMs Without Retraining
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Pruning Large Language Models with Semi-Structural Adaptive Sparse Training
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]


  • Lifting the Curse of Capacity Gap in Distilling Language Models
    ACL 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Symbolic Chain-of-Thought Distillation: Small Models Can Also "Think" Step-by-Step
    ACL 2023 [Paper]

  • Distilling Step-by-Step! Outperforming Larger Language Models with Less Training Data and Smaller Model Sizes
    ACL 2023 [Paper]

  • SCOTT: Self-Consistent Chain-of-Thought Distillation
    ACL 2023 [Paper]

  • DISCO: Distilling Counterfactuals with Large Language Models
    ACL 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • LaMini-LM: A Diverse Herd of Distilled Models from Large-Scale Instructions
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • How To Train Your (Compressed) Large Language Model
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • The False Promise of Imitating Proprietary LLMs
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • GPT4All: Training an Assistant-style Chatbot with Large Scale Data Distillation from GPT-3.5-Turbo
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • PaD: Program-aided Distillation Specializes Large Models in Reasoning
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • MiniLLM: Knowledge Distillation of Large Language Models
    ICLR 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • On-Policy Distillation of Language Models: Learning from Self-Generated Mistakes
    ICLR 2024 [Paper]

  • GKD: Generalized Knowledge Distillation for Auto-regressive Sequence Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Chain-of-Thought Prompt Distillation for Multimodal Named Entity and Multimodal Relation Extraction
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Task-agnostic Distillation of Encoder-Decoder Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Sci-CoT: Leveraging Large Language Models for Enhanced Knowledge Distillation in Small Models for Scientific QA
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Baby Llama: knowledge distillation from an ensemble of teachers trained on a small dataset with no performance penalty
    CoNLL 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Can a student Large Language Model perform as well as it's teacher?
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Multistage Collaborative Knowledge Distillation from Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Lion: Adversarial Distillation of Closed-Source Large Language Model
    EMNLP 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • MCC-KD: Multi-CoT Consistent Knowledge Distillation
    EMNLP 2023 [Paper]

  • PromptMix: A Class Boundary Augmentation Method for Large Language Model Distillation
    EMNLP 2023 [Paper]

  • YODA: Teacher-Student Progressive Learning for Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Knowledge Fusion of Large Language Models
    ICLR 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Knowledge Distillation for Closed-Source Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • TinyLLM: Learning a Small Student from Multiple Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Towards Cross-Tokenizer Distillation: the Universal Logit Distillation Loss for LLMs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Revisiting Knowledge Distillation for Autoregressive Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Sinkhorn Distance Minimization for Knowledge Distillation
    COLING 2024 [Paper]

  • Divide-or-Conquer? Which Part Should You Distill Your LLM?
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Learning to Maximize Mutual Information for Chain-of-Thought Distillation
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • DistiLLM: Towards Streamlined Distillation for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Efficiently Distilling LLMs for Edge Applications
    NAACL 2024 [Paper]

  • Rethinking Kullback-Leibler Divergence in Knowledge Distillation for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Distilling Algorithmic Reasoning from LLMs via Explaining Solution Programs
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Compact Language Models via Pruning and Knowledge Distillation
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

Efficient Prompting

  • Did You Read the Instructions? Rethinking the Effectiveness of Task Definitions in Instruction Learning
    ACL 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Batch Prompting: Efficient Inference with Large Language Model APIs
    EMNLP 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Adapting Language Models to Compress Contexts
    EMNLP 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Compressing Context to Enhance Inference Efficiency of Large Language Models
    EMNLP 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • LLMLingua: Compressing Prompts for Accelerated Inference of Large Language Models
    EMNLP 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Vector-Quantized Prompt Learning for Paraphrase Generation
    EMNLP 2023 Findings [Paper]

  • Efficient Prompting via Dynamic In-Context Learning
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Learning to Compress Prompts with Gist Tokens
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • In-context Autoencoder for Context Compression in a Large Language Model
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Discrete Prompt Compression with Reinforcement Learning
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • BatchPrompt: Accomplish more with less
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • (Dynamic) Prompting might be all you need to repair Compressed LLMs
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • RECOMP: Improving Retrieval-Augmented LMs with Compression and Selective Augmentation
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • LongLLMLingua: Accelerating and Enhancing LLMs in Long Context Scenarios via Prompt Compression
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Extending Context Window of Large Language Models via Semantic Compression
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Boosting LLM Reasoning: Push the Limits of Few-shot Learning with Reinforced In-Context Pruning
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • The Impact of Reasoning Step Length on Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Compressed Context Memory For Online Language Model Interaction
    ICLR 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Learning to Compress Prompt in Natural Language Formats
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Say More with Less: Understanding Prompt Learning Behaviors through Gist Compression
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • StreamingDialogue: Prolonged Dialogue Learning via Long Context Compression with Minimal Losses
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • LLMLingua-2: Data Distillation for Efficient and Faithful Task-Agnostic Prompt Compression
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • PCToolkit: A Unified Plug-and-Play Prompt Compression Toolkit of Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • PROMPT-SAW: Leveraging Relation-Aware Graphs for Textual Prompt Compression
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Prompts As Programs: A Structure-Aware Approach to Efficient Compile-Time Prompt Optimization
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Adapting LLMs for Efficient Context Processing through Soft Prompt Compression
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Compressing Long Context for Enhancing RAG with AMR-based Concept Distillation
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Unifying Demonstration Selection and Compression for In-Context Learning
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • SelfCP: Compressing Long Prompt to 1/12 Using the Frozen Large Language Model Itself
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Fundamental Limits of Prompt Compression: A Rate-Distortion Framework for Black-Box Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]


  • FlashAttention: Fast and Memory-Efficient Exact Attention with IO-Awareness
    Arxiv 2022 [Paper]

  • TensorGPT: Efficient Compression of the Embedding Layer in LLMs based on the Tensor-Train Decomposition
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Dynamic Context Pruning for Efficient and Interpretable Autoregressive Transformers
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • SkipDecode: Autoregressive Skip Decoding with Batching and Caching for Efficient LLM Inference
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Scaling In-Context Demonstrations with Structured Attention
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Response Length Perception and Sequence Scheduling: An LLM-Empowered LLM Inference Pipeline
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • CPET: Effective Parameter-Efficient Tuning for Compressed Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Ternary Singular Value Decomposition as a Better Parameterized Form in Linear Mapping
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • LLMCad: Fast and Scalable On-device Large Language Model Inference
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • vLLM: Efficient Memory Management for Large Language Model Serving with PagedAttention
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • LongLoRA: Efficient Fine-tuning of Long-Context Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • LORD: Low Rank Decomposition Of Monolingual Code LLMs For One-Shot Compression
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Mixture of Tokens: Efficient LLMs through Cross-Example Aggregation
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Efficient Streaming Language Models with Attention Sinks
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Efficient Large Language Models Fine-Tuning On Graphs
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • SparQ Attention: Bandwidth-Efficient LLM Inference
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Rethinking Compression: Reduced Order Modelling of Latent Features in Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • PowerInfer: Fast Large Language Model Serving with a Consumer-grade GPU
    Arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Dataset Quantization
    ICCV 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Text Alignment Is An Efficient Unified Model for Massive NLP Tasks
    NeurIPS 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Context Compression for Auto-regressive Transformers with Sentinel Tokens
    EMNLP 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • TCRA-LLM: Token Compression Retrieval Augmented Large Language Model for Inference Cost Reduction
    EMNLP 2023 Findings [Paper]

  • Retrieval-based Knowledge Transfer: An Effective Approach for Extreme Large Language Model Compression
    EMNLP 2023 Findings [Paper]

  • FFSplit: Split Feed-Forward Network For Optimizing Accuracy-Efficiency Trade-off in Language Model Inference
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • LoMA: Lossless Compressed Memory Attention
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Medusa: Simple LLM Inference Acceleration Framework with Multiple Decoding Heads
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • BiTA: Bi-Directional Tuning for Lossless Acceleration in Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • CompactifAI: Extreme Compression of Large Language Models using Quantum-Inspired Tensor Networks
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • BAdam: A Memory Efficient Full Parameter Training Method for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • NoMAD-Attention: Efficient LLM Inference on CPUs Through Multiply-add-free Attention
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Not all Layers of LLMs are Necessary during Inference
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • GaLore: Memory-Efficient LLM Training by Gradient Low-Rank Projection
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Dynamic Memory Compression: Retrofitting LLMs for Accelerated Inference
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Smart-Infinity: Fast Large Language Model Training using Near-Storage Processing on a Real System
    HPCA 2024 [Paper]

  • Keyformer: KV Cache Reduction through Key Tokens Selection for Efficient Generative Inference
    MLSys 2024 [Paper]

  • ALoRA: Allocating Low-Rank Adaptation for Fine-tuning Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Parameter Efficient Quasi-Orthogonal Fine-Tuning via Givens Rotation
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Training LLMs over Neurally Compressed Text
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • TriForce: Lossless Acceleration of Long Sequence Generation with Hierarchical Speculative Decoding
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • SnapKV: LLM Knows What You are Looking for Before Generation
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • Characterizing the Accuracy - Efficiency Trade-off of Low-rank Decomposition in Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • KV-Runahead: Scalable Causal LLM Inference by Parallel Key-Value Cache Generation
    ICML 2024 [Paper]

  • Token-wise Influential Training Data Retrieval for Large Language Models
    ACL 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • PyramidInfer: Pyramid KV Cache Compression for High-throughput LLM Inference
    ACL 2024 [Paper]

  • ZipCache: Accurate and Efficient KV Cache Quantization with Salient Token Identification
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • MiniCache: KV Cache Compression in Depth Dimension for Large Language Models
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Basis Selection: Low-Rank Decomposition of Pretrained Large Language Models for Target Applications
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • PyramidKV: Dynamic KV Cache Compression based on Pyramidal Information Funneling
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • A Simple and Effective L2 Norm-Based Strategy for KV Cache Compression
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • LazyLLM: Dynamic Token Pruning for Efficient Long Context LLM Inference
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • RazorAttention: Efficient KV Cache Compression Through Retrieval Heads
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • AdaCoder: Adaptive Prompt Compression for Programmatic Visual Question Answering
    Arxiv 2024 [Paper]


  • BMCook: Model Compression for Big Models [Code]

  • llama.cpp: Inference of LLaMA model in pure C/C++ [Code]

  • LangChain: Building applications with LLMs through composability [Code]

  • GPTQ-for-LLaMA: 4 bits quantization of LLaMA using GPTQ [Code]

  • Alpaca-CoT: An Instruction Fine-Tuning Platform with Instruction Data Collection and Unified Large Language Models Interface [Code]

  • vllm: A high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs [Code]

  • LLaMA Efficient Tuning: Fine-tuning LLaMA with PEFT (PT+SFT+RLHF with QLoRA) [Code]

  • gpt-fast: Simple and efficient pytorch-native transformer text generation in <1000 LOC of python. [Code]

  • Efficient-Tuning-LLMs: (Efficient Finetuning of QLoRA LLMs). QLoRA, LLama, bloom, baichuan-7B, GLM [Code]

  • bitsandbytes: 8-bit CUDA functions for PyTorch [Code]

  • ExLlama: A more memory-efficient rewrite of the HF transformers implementation of Llama for use with quantized weights. [Code]

  • lit-gpt: Hackable implementation of state-of-the-art open-source LLMs based on nanoGPT. Supports flash attention, 4-bit and 8-bit quantization, LoRA and LLaMA-Adapter fine-tuning, pre-training. [Code]

  • Lit-LLaMA: Implementation of the LLaMA language model based on nanoGPT. Supports flash attention, Int8 and GPTQ 4bit quantization, LoRA and LLaMA-Adapter fine-tuning, pre-training. [Code]

  • lama.onnx: LLaMa/RWKV onnx models, quantization and testcase [Code]

  • fastLLaMa: An experimental high-performance framework for running Decoder-only LLMs with 4-bit quantization in Python using a C/C++ backend. [Code]

  • Sparsebit: A model compression and acceleration toolbox based on pytorch. [Code]

  • llama2.c: Inference Llama 2 in one file of pure C [Code]

  • Megatron-LM: Ongoing research training transformer models at scale [Code]

  • ggml: Tensor library for machine learning [Code]

  • LLamaSharp: C#/.NET binding of llama.cpp, including LLaMa/GPT model inference and quantization, ASP.NET core integration and UI [Code]

  • rwkv.cpp: NT4/INT5/INT8 and FP16 inference on CPU for RWKV language model [Code]

  • Can my GPU run this LLM?: Calculate GPU memory requirement & breakdown for training/inference of LLM models. Supports ggml/bnb quantization [Code]

  • TinyChatEngine: On-Device LLM Inference Library [Code]

  • TensorRT-LLM: TensorRT-LLM provides users with an easy-to-use Python API to define Large Language Models (LLMs) and build TensorRT engines that contain state-of-the-art optimizations to perform inference efficiently on NVIDIA GPUs. [Code]

  • IntLLaMA: A fast and light quantization solution for LLaMA [Code]

  • EasyLLM: Built upon Megatron-Deepspeed and HuggingFace Trainer, EasyLLM has reorganized the code logic with a focus on usability. While enhancing usability, it also ensures training efficiency [Code]

  • GreenBit LLaMA: Advanced Ultra-Low Bitrate Compression Techniques for the LLaMA Family of LLMs [Code]

  • Intel® Neural Compressor: An open-source Python library supporting popular model compression techniques on all mainstream deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch, ONNX Runtime, and MXNet) [Code]

  • LLM-Viewer: Analyze the inference of Large Language Models (LLMs). Analyze aspects like computation, storage, transmission, and hardware roofline model in a user-friendly interface. [Code]

  • LLaMA3-Quantization: A repository dedicated to evaluating the performance of quantizied LLaMA3 using various quantization methods. [Code]

  • LLamaSharp: A C#/.NET library to run LLM models (🦙LLaMA/LLaVA) on your local device efficiently. [Code]

  • Green-bit-LLM: A toolkit for fine-tuning, inferencing, and evaluating GreenBitAI's LLMs. [Code] [Model]

  • Bitorch Engine: Streamlining AI with Open-Source Low-Bit Quantization. [Code]

  • LLaMA-Factory: Unify Efficient Fine-Tuning of 100+ LLMs [Code]

  • LLMC: A tool designed for LLM Compression. [Code]


This is an active repository and your contributions are always welcome! Before you add papers/tools into the awesome list, please make sure that:

  • The paper or tools is related to Large Language Models (LLMs). If the compression algorithms or tools are only evaluated on small-scale language models (e.g., BERT), they should not be included in the list.
  • The paper should be inserted in the correct position in chronological order (publication/arxiv release time).
  • The link to [Paper] should be the arxiv page, not the pdf page if this is a paper posted on arxiv.

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Star History Chart