
Help match HPO and MP EQs

rays22 opened this issue · 2 comments

Some MP terms already have Equivalent Class axioms, while the exactly matching HPO term does not have any.
The same is true for some HPO-MP matching term pairs.

  • Create a table to help axiomatise HPO and MP terms. The EQ from one ontology of a matching term pair can be used in the other ontology for the matching term if it did not already exist.
  1. Use exact or close matches from Mouse-Human Ontology Mapping Initiative (MHMI) table mh_mapping_initiative/mappings/mp_hp_mgi_all.sssom.tsv
  2. Extract the Equivalent Class axioms from HPO and MP.
    robot export --input ontology-edit.owl --header "ID|LABEL|Equivalent Class" --include "classes properties" --export ontology-edit.owl-EQs.tsv
  1. Create a table of HP-MP matching terms and the EQs where available.

A table with mapped 321 HPO-MP terms and EQs
has four groups:

  1. Both HPO and the matching MP term have EQs, but the EQs differ. These 80 pairs need manual alignment.
  2. Only the MP term has an EQ.
  3. Only the HPO term has an EQ.
  4. No EQ for either.
Mappings Table
HP:0003307 Hyperlordosis has part' some ('curved ventral' and ('characteristic of' some 'vertebral column') and ('has modifier' some abnormal) and ('has modifier' some pathological)) MP:0000162 lordosis has part' some ('curved rostral' and ('characteristic of' some 'vertebral column') and ('has modifier' some abnormal) and ('has modifier' some pathological)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0012417 Hypocapnia has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('carbon dioxide' and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003032 hypocapnia has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some 'carbon dioxide') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0040303 Decreased serum iron has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('iron atom' and ('part of' some 'blood serum'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0004151 decreased circulating iron level has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('iron atom' and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0002900 Hypokalemia has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('potassium atom' and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0004119 hypokalemia has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some blood) and (towards some 'potassium atom') and ('has modifier' some abnormal) and ('has modifier' some pathological)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0031831 Decreased serum zinc has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('zinc atom' and ('part of' some 'blood serum'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0031172 decreased circulating zinc level has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('zinc atom' and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0031891 Decreased eosinophil count has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (eosinophil and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0005012 decreased eosinophil cell number has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some eosinophil) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001882 Leukopenia has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (leukocyte and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000221 decreased leukocyte cell number has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some leukocyte) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001888 Lymphopenia has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (lymphocyte and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0005016 decreased lymphocyte cell number has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some lymphocyte) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001943 Hypoglycemia has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some blood) and (towards some glucose) and ('has modifier' some abnormal) and ('has modifier' some pathological)) MP:0005560 decreased circulating glucose level has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (glucose and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001638 Cardiomyopathy has part' some ('decreased functionality' and ('characteristic of' some myocardium) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0005330 cardiomyopathy has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some cardiomyopathy) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0002615 Hypotension has part' some ('decreased pressure' and ('characteristic of' some (blood and ('part of' some 'blood vessel'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal) and ('has modifier' some chronic)) MP:0001596 hypotension has part' some ('decreased pressure' and ('characteristic of' some blood) and ('characteristic of part of' some 'blood vessel') and ('has modifier' some abnormal) and ('has modifier' some chronic)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001635 Congestive heart failure has part' some ('decreased rate' and ('characteristic of' some 'heart contraction') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0006138 congestive heart failure has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some 'heart contraction') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0004409 Hyposmia has part' some ('decreased sensitivity of a process' and ('characteristic of' some 'sensory perception of smell') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0008544 impaired olfaction has part' some ('decreased rate' and ('characteristic of' some 'sensory perception of smell') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001252 Muscular hypotonia has part' some ('decreased tonicity' and ('characteristic of' some 'muscle organ') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0004144 hypotonia has part' some ('decreased tonicity' and ('characteristic of' some 'muscle organ') and ('has modifier' some abnormal) and ('has modifier' some pathological)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000958 Dry skin has part' some ('decreased water composition' and ('characteristic of' some 'skin of body') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003853 dry skin has part' some ('decreased water composition' and ('characteristic of' some 'zone of skin') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000402 Stenosis of the external auditory canal has part' some ('decreased width' and ('characteristic of' some 'external acoustic meatus') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0031285 external auditory canal stenosis has part' some (constricted and ('characteristic of' some 'external acoustic meatus') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0002948 Vertebral fusion has part' some ('fused with' and ('characteristic of' some vertebra) and (towards some 'bony vertebral centrum') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0004609 vertebral fusion has part' some ('fused with' and ('characteristic of' some vertebra) and (towards some vertebra) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0040223 Pulmonary hemorrhage has part' some ('having extra processual parts' and (towards some ('hemorrhage and non-specified extravasation' and ('part of' some lung))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001182 lung hemorrhage has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('hemorrhage and non-specified extravasation' and ('occurs in' some lung))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001537 Umbilical hernia has part' some ('herniated into' and ('characteristic of part of' some 'abdominal viscera') and (towards some umbilicus) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0010146 umbilical hernia has part' some (herniated and ('characteristic of' some 'umbilical cord') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0003155 Elevated circulating alkaline phosphatase concentration has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some 'alkaline phosphatase, tissue-nonspecific isozyme') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002968 increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('alkaline phosphatase, tissue-nonspecific isozyme' and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0012416 Hypercapnia has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('carbon dioxide' and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002318 hypercapnia has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some 'carbon dioxide') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001941 Acidosis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('chemical entity' and ('part of' some 'bodily fluid') and ('has role' some acid))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003031 acidosis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('chemical entity' and ('has role' some acid) and ('part of' some 'bodily fluid'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001342 Cerebral hemorrhage has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('hemorrhage and non-specified extravasation' and ('part of' some brain))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001916 intracerebral hemorrhage has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('hemorrhage and non-specified extravasation' and ('part of' some 'cerebral hemisphere'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0025439 Pharyngitis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some 'chordate pharynx'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0031095 pharyngitis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some 'chordate pharynx'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0012819 Myocarditis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some myocardium))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001856 myocarditis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some myocardium))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000093 Proteinuria has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('protein polypeptide chain' and ('part of' some urine))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002962 increased urine protein level has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (protein and ('part of' some urine))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0004942 Aortic aneurysm has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (aneurysm and ('part of' some aorta)))) MP:0006278 aortic aneurysm has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (aneurysm and ('part of' some aorta))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000790 Hematuria has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (blood and ('part of' some urine))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0005161 hematuria has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (erythrocyte and ('part of' some urine))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0003259 Elevated circulating creatinine concentration has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (creatinine and ('part of' some 'blood serum'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0010064 increased circulating creatine level has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (creatine and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0002151 Increased serum lactate has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (lactate and ('part of' some 'blood serum'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0013405 increased circulating lactate level has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (lactate and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001974 Leukocytosis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (leukocyte and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000218 increased leukocyte cell number has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some leukocyte) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0002633 Vasculitis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (vasculitis and ('part of' some 'blood vessel'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001863 blood vessel inflammation has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some 'blood vessel'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0003074 Hyperglycemia has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some blood) and (towards some glucose) and ('has modifier' some abnormal) and ('has modifier' some pathological)) MP:0005559 increased circulating glucose level has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (glucose and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000122 Unilateral renal agenesis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some kidney) and ('has modifier' some abnormal) and ('has modifier' some unilateral)) MP:0003604 single kidney has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some kidney) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0003470 Paralysis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some paralysis) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000753 paralysis has part' some (paralysed and ('characteristic of' some 'organism subdivision') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000268 Dolichocephaly has part' some ('increased anterior-posterior diameter' and ('characteristic of' some head) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003742 narrow head has part' some ('decreased width' and ('characteristic of' some head) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0002659 Increased susceptibility to fractures has part' some ('increased fragility' and ('characteristic of' some 'bone element') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000061 fragile skeleton has part' some (fragile and ('characteristic of' some 'skeletal system') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0002789 Tachypnea has part' some ('increased rate' and ('characteristic of' some 'respiratory gaseous exchange by respiratory system') and ('has modifier' some 'severe intensity') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0005426 tachypnea has part' some ('increased frequency' and ('characteristic of' some 'respiratory gaseous exchange by respiratory system') and ('has modifier' some 'severe intensity') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001287 Meningitis has part' some ('increased rate' and ('characteristic of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some 'meningeal cluster'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0031110 meningitis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some 'meningeal cluster'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0012486 Myelitis has part' some ('increased rate' and ('characteristic of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some 'spinal cord'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0030987 spinal cord inflammation has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some 'spinal cord'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000123 Nephritis has part' some ('increased rate' and ('characteristic of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some kidney))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001859 kidney inflammation has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some kidney))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0002090 Pneumonia has part' some ('increased rate' and ('characteristic of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some lung))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001861 lung inflammation has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some lung))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0100614 Myositis has part' some ('increased rate' and ('characteristic of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some musculature))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0004510 myositis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some myositis) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001701 Pericarditis has part' some ('increased rate' and ('characteristic of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some pericardium))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001845 pericarditis has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some 'inflammatory response') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0011675 Arrhythmia has part' some ('irregular rhythm' and ('characteristic of' some 'heart contraction') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001636 irregular heartbeat has part' some ('irregular rhythm' and ('characteristic of part of' some 'heart contraction') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001284 Areflexia has part' some ('lacking processual parts' and ('characteristic of' some reflex) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0031122 areflexia has part' some (absent and ('characteristic of' some reflex) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001363 Craniosynostosis has part' some ('premature closure' and ('characteristic of' some 'skeletal joint') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000081 premature cranial suture closure has part' some ('premature closure' and ('characteristic of' some 'cranial suture') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000708 Behavioral abnormality has part' some ('process quality' and ('characteristic of' some 'behavior process') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0004924 abnormal behavior has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of' some 'behavior process') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0002084 Encephalocele has part' some ('protruding out of' and ('characteristic of' some (tissue and ('part of' some brain))) and (towards some skull) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0012260 encephalomeningocele has part' some ('protruding out of' and (('characteristic of' some (tissue and ('part of' some brain) and ('part of' some 'brain meninx'))) and (towards some skull) and ('has modifier' some abnormal))) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001651 Dextrocardia has part' some ('right side of' and ('characteristic of' some heart) and (towards some chest) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000644 dextrocardia has part' some ('right side of' and ('characteristic of' some chest) and (towards some heart) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001159 Syndactyly has part' some ('Toe syndactyly' or 'Finger syndactyly') MP:0000564 syndactyly has part' some ('fused with' and ('characteristic of' some digit) and (towards some digit) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000528 Anophthalmia has part' some (absent and ('characteristic of' some 'eyeball of camera-type eye') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001293 anophthalmia has part' some (absent and ('characteristic of' some 'camera-type eye') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001663 Ventricular fibrillation has part' some (asynchronous and ('characteristic of' some 'cardiac muscle contraction') and ('characteristic of' some 'cardiac ventricle') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0006110 ventricular fibrillation has part' some (asynchronous and ('characteristic of' some ('cardiac muscle contraction' and ('occurs in' some 'cardiac ventricle'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000413 Atresia of the external auditory canal has part' some (atretic and ('characteristic of' some 'external acoustic meatus') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0009707 absent external auditory canal has part' some (absent and ('characteristic of' some 'external acoustic meatus') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000453 Choanal atresia has part' some (atretic and ('characteristic of' some 'posterior nasal aperture') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0008970 choanal atresia has part' some (atretic and ('characteristic of' some 'internal naris') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000698 Conical tooth has part' some (conical and ('characteristic of' some dentition) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0030499 conical tooth has part' some (conical and ('characteristic of' some 'calcareous tooth') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0002021 Pyloric stenosis has part' some (constricted and ('characteristic of' some 'pyloric antrum') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003307 pyloric stenosis has part' some (constricted and ('characteristic of' some pylorus) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0010674 Abnormality of the curvature of the vertebral column has part' some (curvature and ('characteristic of part of' some 'vertebral column') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0004174 abnormal spine curvature has part' some (curvature and ('characteristic of' some 'vertebral column') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000961 Cyanosis has part' some (cyan and ('characteristic of' some 'skin of body') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001575 cyanosis has part' some (cyan and ('characteristic of' some 'zone of skin') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0002181 Cerebral edema has part' some (edematous and ('characteristic of part of' some telencephalon) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0011854 cerebral edema has part' some (edematous and ('characteristic of' some brain) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0002206 Pulmonary fibrosis has part' some (fibrotic and ('characteristic of' some lung) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003426 pulmonary interstitial fibrosis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (fibrosis and ('part of' some 'lung connective tissue'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0012795 Abnormality of the optic disc has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'optic disc') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0008259 abnormal optic disk morphology has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of' some 'optic disc') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001999 Abnormal facial shape has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some face) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0030071 abnormal face shape has part' some (shape and ('characteristic of' some face) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0002605 Hepatic necrosis has part' some (necrotic and ('characteristic of part of' some liver) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001654 hepatic necrosis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('necrotic cell death' and ('occurs in' some liver))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001700 Myocardial necrosis has part' some (necrotic and ('characteristic of part of' some myocardium) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0006085 myocardium necrosis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('necrotic cell death' and ('occurs in' some myocardium))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001742 Nasal obstruction has part' some (obstructed and ('characteristic of part of' some nose) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0031101 nasal obstruction has part' some (obstructed and ('characteristic of' some 'nasal cavity') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0004307 Abnormal anatomic location of the heart has part' some (position and ('characteristic of part of' some heart) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0006065 abnormal heart position or orientation has part' some (position and ('characteristic of' some heart) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000520 Proptosis has part' some (protruding and ('characteristic of' some 'eyeball of camera-type eye') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002750 exophthalmos has part' some (protruding and ('characteristic of' some 'camera-type eye') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000372 Abnormality of the auditory canal has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some 'external acoustic meatus') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0006033 abnormal external auditory canal morphology has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of' some 'external acoustic meatus') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0008516 Abnormality of the vertebral spinous processes has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some 'neural spine') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0004601 abnormal vertebral spinous process morphology has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of' some 'neural spine') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000364 Hearing abnormality has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some 'sensory perception of sound') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001963 abnormal hearing physiology has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of' some 'sensory perception of sound') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000925 Abnormality of the vertebral column has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some 'vertebral column') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0004703 abnormal vertebral column morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'vertebral column') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001000 Abnormality of skin pigmentation has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some (pigmentation and ('occurs in' some 'zone of skin'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002095 abnormal skin pigmentation has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of' some (pigmentation and ('occurs in' some 'skin of body'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001928 Abnormality of coagulation has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some coagulation) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002551 abnormal blood coagulation has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of' some 'blood coagulation') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0003336 Abnormal enchondral ossification has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of' some ('endochondral ossification' and ('occurs in' some 'bone element'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0008272 abnormal endochondral bone ossification has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of' some 'endochondral ossification') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0011849 Abnormal bone ossification has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of' some (ossification and ('occurs in' some 'bone element'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0008271 abnormal bone ossification has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some ossification) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0001750 Single ventricle has part' some (undivided and ('characteristic of' some 'cardiac ventricle') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0010432 common ventricle has part' some (absent and ('characteristic of' some 'interventricular septum') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) disagree (to be reviewed)
HP:0000175 Cleft palate has part' some ('closure incomplete' and ('characteristic of' some 'secondary palate') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000111 cleft palate   HPO to MP
HP:0011892 Low levels of vitamin K has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some 'vitamin K') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0031263 decreased vitamin K level   HPO to MP
HP:0012418 Hypoxemia has part' some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (dioxygen and (part_of some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0012549 hypoxemia   HPO to MP
HP:0000405 Conductive hearing impairment has part' some ('decreased rate' and ('characteristic of' some 'vibrational conductance of sound to the inner ear') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0006326 conductive hearing impairment   HPO to MP
HP:0000407 Sensorineural hearing impairment has part' some ('decreased rate' and ('characteristic of' some ('sensory perception of sound' and ('occurs in' some nerve))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0006329 sensorineural hearing impairment   HPO to MP
HP:0007633 Bilateral microphthalmos has part' some ('decreased size' and ('characteristic of' some 'eyeball of camera-type eye') and ('has modifier' some abnormal) and ('has modifier' some bilateral)) MP:0031290 bilateral microphthalmia   HPO to MP
HP:0000568 Microphthalmia has part' some ('decreased size' and ('characteristic of' some 'eyeball of camera-type eye') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001297 microphthalmia   HPO to MP
HP:0000023 Inguinal hernia has part' some ('herniated into' and ('characteristic of' some 'abdominal wall') and (towards some 'inguinal ring') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0006077 inguinal hernia   HPO to MP
HP:0003281 Increased serum ferritin has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('ferritin complex' and (part_of some 'blood serum'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0011890 increased circulating ferritin level   HPO to MP
HP:0000509 Conjunctivitis has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some conjunctiva))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001311 conjunctivitis   HPO to MP
HP:0012592 Albuminuria has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (albumin and (part_of some urine))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002871 albuminuria   HPO to MP
HP:0003118 Increased circulating cortisol level has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (cortisol and (part_of some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0014161 increased circulating cortisol level   HPO to MP
HP:0000107 Renal cyst has part' some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (cyst and (part_of some kidney))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003675 kidney cysts   HPO to MP
HP:0002446 Astrocytosis has part' some ('increased rate' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('cell growth' and ('occurs in' some astrocyte))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003354 astrocytosis   HPO to MP
HP:0002171 Gliosis has part' some ('increased rate' and ('characteristic of' some 'glial cell growth') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002183 gliosis   HPO to MP
HP:0002119 Ventriculomegaly has part' some ('increased size' and ('characteristic of' some 'brain ventricle') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0011380 enlarged brain ventricles   HPO to MP
HP:0000105 Enlarged kidney has part' some ('increased size' and ('characteristic of' some kidney) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003068 enlarged kidney   HPO to MP
HP:0002240 Hepatomegaly has part' some ('increased size' and ('characteristic of' some liver) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000599 enlarged liver   HPO to MP
HP:0000039 Epispadias has part' some ('mislocalised dorsally' and ('characteristic of' some 'urethral meatus') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003598 epispadia   HPO to MP
HP:0000648 Optic atrophy has part' some (atrophied and ('characteristic of' some 'cranial nerve II') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001059 optic nerve atrophy   HPO to MP
HP:0410170 Hippocampal atrophy has part' some (atrophied and ('characteristic of' some 'hippocampal formation') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0030003 hippocampus atrophy   HPO to MP
HP:0001272 Cerebellar atrophy has part' some (atrophied and ('characteristic of' some cerebellum) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0014185 cerebellum atrophy   HPO to MP
HP:0008066 Abnormal blistering of the skin has part' some (blistered and ('characteristic of part of' some 'skin of body') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001208 blistering   HPO to MP
HP:0000767 Pectus excavatum has part' some (concave and ('characteristic of' some sternum) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0012514 pectus excavatum   HPO to MP
HP:0001680 Coarctation of aorta has part' some (constricted and ('characteristic of' some aorta) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003387 aorta coarctation   HPO to MP
HP:0012741 Unilateral cryptorchidism has part' some (Cryptorchidism and ('has modifier' some abnormal) and ('has modifier' some unilateral)) MP:0031286 unilateral cryptorchism   HPO to MP
HP:0000807 Glandular hypospadias has part' some (displaced and ('characteristic of' some 'male urethral meatus') and (towards some 'base of glans penis') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0031295 glanular hypospadia   HPO to MP
HP:0003244 Penile hypospadias has part' some (displaced and ('characteristic of' some 'male urethral meatus') and (towards some 'ventral surface of penis') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0031294 penile hypospadia   HPO to MP
HP:0002202 Pleural effusion has part' some (edematous and ('characteristic of' some 'pleural cavity') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0010334 pleural effusion   HPO to MP
HP:0000988 Skin rash has part' some (erythematous and ('characteristic of part of' some 'skin of body') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0031103 skin rash   HPO to MP
HP:0002836 Bladder exstrophy has part' some (everted and ('characteristic of' some 'urinary bladder') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0013282 urinary bladder exstrophy   HPO to MP
HP:0012332 Abnormal autonomic nervous system physiology has part' some (functionality and ('characteristic of' some 'autonomic nervous system') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0006276 abnormal autonomic nervous system physiology   HPO to MP
HP:0012638 Abnormal nervous system physiology has part' some (functionality and ('characteristic of' some 'nervous system') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003633 abnormal nervous system physiology   HPO to MP
HP:0012211 Abnormal renal physiology has part' some (functionality and ('characteristic of' some kidney) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002136 abnormal kidney physiology   HPO to MP
HP:0001539 Omphalocele has part' some (herniated and ('characteristic of' some 'abdominal viscera') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003052 omphalocele   HPO to MP
HP:0002716 Lymphadenopathy has part' some (hyperplastic and ('characteristic of' some 'lymph node') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000702 enlarged lymph nodes   HPO to MP
HP:0000028 Cryptorchidism has part' some (mislocalised and ('characteristic of' some testis) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002286 cryptorchism   HPO to MP
HP:0001646 Abnormal aortic valve morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'aortic valve') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002747 abnormal aortic valve morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0011844 Abnormal appendicular skeleton morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'appendicular skeleton') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0009250 abnormal appendicular skeleton morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0003312 Abnormal form of the vertebral bodies has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'bony vertebral centrum') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000141 abnormal vertebral body morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0002500 Abnormal cerebral white matter morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'cerebral hemisphere white matter') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0008026 abnormal brain white matter morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0000889 Abnormal clavicle morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'clavicle bone') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0005298 abnormal clavicle morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0005344 Abnormal carotid artery morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'common carotid artery plus branches') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0004181 abnormal carotid artery morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0006704 Abnormal coronary artery morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'coronary artery') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0004111 abnormal coronary artery morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0011821 Abnormality of facial skeleton has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'facial skeleton') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0005274 abnormal viscerocranium morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0001633 Abnormal mitral valve morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'mitral valve') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000286 abnormal mitral valve morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0030966 Abnormal pulmonary artery morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'pulmonary artery') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000484 abnormal pulmonary artery morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0001641 Abnormal pulmonary valve morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'pulmonary valve') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002748 abnormal pulmonary valve morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0000174 Abnormal palate morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'secondary palate') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003755 abnormal palate morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0001702 Abnormal tricuspid valve morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some 'tricuspid valve') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002624 abnormal tricuspid valve morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0001679 Abnormal aortic morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some aorta) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000272 abnormal aorta morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0012443 Abnormality of brain morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some brain) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002152 abnormal brain morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0025426 Abnormal bronchus morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some bronchus) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002264 abnormal bronchus morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0031703 Abnormal ear morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some ear) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002102 abnormal ear morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0001627 Abnormal heart morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some heart) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000266 abnormal heart morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0000929 Abnormal skull morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some skull) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000438 abnormal cranium morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0000766 Abnormal sternum morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some sternum) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000157 abnormal sternum morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0003468 Abnormal vertebral morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of part of' some vertebra) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000137 abnormal vertebrae morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0012303 Abnormal aortic arch morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some 'arch of aorta') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0004113 abnormal aortic arch morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0011035 Abnormal renal cortex morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some 'cortex of kidney') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000521 abnormal kidney cortex morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0005107 Abnormal sacrum morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some 'fused sacrum') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0010113 abnormal sacrum morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0001711 Abnormal left ventricle morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some 'heart left ventricle') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003921 abnormal heart left ventricle morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0001707 Abnormal right ventricle morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some 'heart right ventricle') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003920 abnormal heart right ventricle morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0011994 Abnormal atrial septum morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some 'interatrial septum') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000282 abnormal interatrial septum morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0011390 Morphological abnormality of the inner ear has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some 'internal ear') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000026 abnormal inner ear morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0010438 Abnormal ventricular septum morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some 'interventricular septum') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000281 abnormal interventricular septum morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0025579 Abnormal left atrium morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some 'left cardiac atrium') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003923 abnormal heart left atrium morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0001832 Abnormal metatarsal morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some 'metatarsal bone') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003072 abnormal metatarsal bone morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0009121 Abnormal axial skeleton morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some 'postcranial axial skeleton') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002114 abnormal axial skeleton morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0030968 Abnormal pulmonary vein morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some 'pulmonary vein') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002726 abnormal pulmonary vein morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0025580 Abnormal right atrium morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some 'right cardiac atrium') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003922 abnormal heart right atrium morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0100671 Abnormal trabecular bone morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some 'trabecular network of bone') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000130 abnormal trabecular bone morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0410042 Abnormal liver morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some liver) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000598 abnormal liver morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0002624 Abnormal venous morphology has part' some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some vein) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002725 abnormal vein morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0001191 Abnormal carpal morphology has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some 'carpal bone') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000554 abnormal carpal bone morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0000587 Abnormality of the optic nerve has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some 'cranial nerve II') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0001330 abnormal optic nerve morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0000359 Abnormality of the inner ear has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some 'internal ear') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000026 abnormal inner ear morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0005108 Abnormal intervertebral disk morphology has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some 'intervertebral disk') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0004173 abnormal intervertebral disk morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0001939 Abnormality of metabolism/homeostasis has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some 'metabolic process') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0005376 homeostasis/metabolism phenotype   HPO to MP
HP:0006707 Abnormality of the hepatic vasculature has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some 'vasculature of liver') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0009820 abnormal liver vasculature morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0000775 Abnormality of the diaphragm has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some diaphragm) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002279 abnormal diaphragm morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0011297 Abnormal digit morphology has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some digit) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002110 abnormal digit morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0010478 Abnormality of the urachus has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of part of' some urachus) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0003616 abnormal urachus morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0000682 Abnormality of dental enamel has part' some (quality and ('characteristic of' some (enamel and (part_of some 'calcareous tooth'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0002576 abnormal enamel morphology   HPO to MP
HP:0002751 Kyphoscoliosis has part' some (quality and ('has part' some Scoliosis) and ('has part' some Kyphosis) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP:0000069 kyphoscoliosis   HPO to MP
HP:0011900 Hypofibrinogenemia   MP:0012330 decreased circulating fibrinogen level has_part some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('fibrinogen complex' and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0031851 Reduced hematocrit   MP:0000208 decreased hematocrit has_part some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (erythrocyte and (part_of some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0020062 Decreased hemoglobin concentration   MP:0002874 decreased hemoglobin content has_part some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (hemoglobin and (part_of some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0020060 Decreased red blood cell count   MP:0002875 decreased erythrocyte cell number has_part some ('decreased amount' and ('characteristic of' some erythrocyte) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0002015 Dysphagia   MP:0003158 dysphagia has_part some ('decreased rate' and ('characteristic of' some swallowing) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0025406 Asthenia   MP:0000746 weakness has_part some ('decreased strength' and ('characteristic of part of' some 'multicellular organism') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0030319 Weakness of facial musculature   MP:0031314 facial muscle weakness has_part some ('decreased strength' and ('characteristic of' some 'facial muscle') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0011106 Hypovolemia   MP:0010128 hypovolemia has_part some ('decreased volume' and ('characteristic of' some blood) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0010296 Ankyloglossia   MP:0013264 tongue ankylosis has_part some ('fused with' and ('characteristic of' some tongue) and (towards some 'mouth floor') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0025407 Rectourethral fistula   MP:0011786 rectourethral fistula has_part some ('has extra parts of type' and ('characteristic of' some urethra) and ('characteristic of' some rectum) and (towards some fistula) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0012384 Rhinitis   MP:0001867 rhinitis has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some 'nasal cavity mucosa'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0002383 Encephalitis   MP:0001847 brain inflammation has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some brain))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0011950 Bronchiolitis   MP:0031054 bronchiolitis has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some bronchiole))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0012387 Bronchitis   MP:0031055 bronchitis has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some bronchus))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0100633 Esophagitis   MP:0003278 esophageal inflammation has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some esophagus))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0002102 Pleuritis   MP:0031053 pleuritis has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of part of' some ('inflammatory response' and ('occurs in' some pleura))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0031964 Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration   MP:0002941 increased circulating alanine transaminase level has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some 'alanine aminotransferase 1') and ('characteristic of part of' some blood) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0031956 Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration   MP:0005343 increased circulating aspartate transaminase level has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('aspartate aminotransferase, cytoplasmic' and (part_of some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0011227 Elevated circulating C-reactive protein concentration   MP:0031059 increased circulating C-reactive protein level has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('C-reactive protein' and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0011899 Hyperfibrinogenemia   MP:0012331 increased circulating fibrinogen level has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('fibrinogen complex' and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0002138 Subarachnoid hemorrhage   MP:0031109 subarachnoid hemorrhage has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('hemorrhage and non-specified extravasation' and ('part of' some 'subarachnoid space'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0012541 Cephalohematoma   MP:0001915 intracranial hemorrhage has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('hemorrhage and non-specified extravasation' and (part_of some cranium))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0030356 Increased serum interferon-gamma level   MP:0008577 increased circulating interferon-gamma level has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some ('interferon gamma' and (part_of some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0033199 Increased circulating interleukin 10   MP:0008593 increased circulating interleukin-10 level has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (interleukin-10 and (part_of some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0030783 Increased serum interleukin-6   MP:0008596 increased circulating interleukin-6 level has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (interleukin-6 and (part_of some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0033178 Increased circulating interleukin 8   MP:0011714 increased circulating interleukin-8 level has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (interleukin-8 and (part_of some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0033438 Elevated circulating myoglobin concentration   MP:0031108 increased circulating myoglobin level has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (myoglobin and ('part of' some blood))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0001397 Hepatic steatosis   MP:0002628 hepatic steatosis has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some (steatosis and (part_of some liver))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0011897 Neutrophilia   MP:0000219 increased neutrophil cell number has_part some ('increased amount' and ('characteristic of' some neutrophil) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0001649 Tachycardia   MP:0002626 increased heart rate has_part some ('increased frequency' and ('characteristic of part of' some 'heart contraction') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0009926 Epiphora   MP:0001349 epiphora has_part some ('increased rate' and ('characteristic of' some 'tear secretion') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0030875 Abnormality of pulmonary circulation   MP:0002295 abnormal pulmonary circulation has_part some ('process quality' and ('characteristic of' some ('blood circulation' and ('occurs in' some 'lung blood vessel'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0011611 Interrupted aortic arch   MP:0004157 interrupted aortic arch has_part some ('structurally discontinuous' and ('characteristic of' some 'arch of aorta') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0000016 Urinary retention   MP:0003622 ischuria has_part some (arrested and ('characteristic of' some micturition) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0005110 Atrial fibrillation   MP:0008543 atrial fibrillation has_part some (asynchronous and ('characteristic of' some ('cardiac muscle contraction' and ('occurs in' some 'cardiac atrium'))) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0100750 Atelectasis   MP:0001177 atelectasis has_part some (collapsed and ('characteristic of part of' some lung) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0005133 Right ventricular dilatation   MP:0002754 dilated heart right ventricle has_part some (dilated and ('characteristic of' some 'heart right ventricle') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0000126 Hydronephrosis   MP:0000519 hydronephrosis has_part some (dilated and ('characteristic of' some 'renal pelvis') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0012375 Chemosis   MP:0031097 conjunctival chemosis has_part some (edematous and ('characteristic of' some conjunctiva) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0012020 Right aortic arch   MP:0004158 right aortic arch has_part some (inverted and ('characteristic of' some 'arch of aorta') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0032929 Abnormal chondrocyte morphology   MP:0000166 abnormal chondrocyte morphology has_part some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some chondrocyte) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0031411 Abnormal chromosome morphology   MP:0003702 abnormal chromosome morphology has_part some (morphology and ('characteristic of' some chromosome) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0002878 Respiratory failure   MP:0001953 respiratory failure has_part some (non-functional and ('characteristic of' some 'respiratory system') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0000074 Ureteropelvic junction obstruction   MP:0011491 ureteropelvic junction obstruction has_part some (obstructed and ('characteristic of' some 'ureteropelvic junction') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0012790 Abnormal intramembranous ossification   MP:0008273 abnormal intramembranous bone ossification has_part some (quality and ('characteristic of' some 'intramembranous ossification') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0040106 Morphological abnormality of the lateral semicircular canal   MP:0000037 abnormal lateral semicircular canal morphology has_part some (quality and ('characteristic of' some 'lateral semicircular canal') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0001288 Gait disturbance   MP:0001406 abnormal gait has_part some (quality and ('characteristic of' some gait) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0001096 Keratoconjunctivitis   MP:0006194 keratoconjunctivitis has_part some (quality and (has_part some 'increased incidence of corneal inflammation') and (has_part some conjunctivitis) and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0011590 Double aortic arch   MP:0004159 double aortic arch has_part some (split and ('characteristic of' some 'arch of aorta') and ('has modifier' some abnormal)) MP to HPO
HP:0000041 Chordee   MP:0003555 chordee   lack EQ
HP:0000070 Ureterocele   MP:0011767 ureterocele   lack EQ
HP:0000125 Pelvic kidney   MP:0011361 pelvic kidney   lack EQ
HP:0000224 Hypogeusia   MP:0031091 hypogeusia   lack EQ
HP:0000360 Tinnitus   MP:0003741 tinnitus   lack EQ
HP:0000384 Preauricular skin tag   MP:0031305 preauricular skin tag   lack EQ
HP:0000473 Torticollis   MP:0030126 torticollis   lack EQ
HP:0000519 Developmental cataract   MP:0031345 developmental cataract   lack EQ
HP:0000565 Esotropia   MP:0005256 esotropia   lack EQ
HP:0000577 Exotropia   MP:0005255 exotropia   lack EQ
HP:0000622 Blurred vision   MP:0006149 decreased visual acuity   lack EQ
HP:0000651 Diplopia   MP:0006150 double vision   lack EQ
HP:0000787 Nephrolithiasis   MP:0002708 nephrolithiasis   lack EQ
HP:0000808 Penoscrotal hypospadias   MP:0031296 penoscrotal hypospadia   lack EQ
HP:0000967 Petechiae   MP:0008816 petechiae   lack EQ
HP:0000979 Purpura   MP:0011515 purpura   lack EQ
HP:0001250 Seizure   MP:0002064 seizures   lack EQ
HP:0001254 Lethargy   MP:0005202 lethargy   lack EQ
HP:0001269 Hemiparesis   MP:0031201 hemiparesis   lack EQ
HP:0001279 Syncope   MP:0031302 syncope   lack EQ
HP:0001298 Encephalopathy   MP:0013806 encephalopathy   lack EQ
HP:0001336 Myoclonus   MP:0000243 myoclonus   lack EQ
HP:0001388 Joint laxity   MP:0030797 joint laxity   lack EQ
HP:0001414 Microvesicular hepatic steatosis   MP:0031116 microvesicular hepatic steatosis   lack EQ
HP:0001684 Secundum atrial septal defect   MP:0010405 ostium secundum atrial septal defect   lack EQ
HP:0001696 Situs inversus totalis   MP:0011252 situs inversus totalis   lack EQ
HP:0001698 Pericardial effusion   MP:0005312 pericardial effusion   lack EQ
HP:0001719 Double outlet right ventricle   MP:0000284 double outlet right ventricle   lack EQ
HP:0001741 Phimosis   MP:0003554 phimosis   lack EQ
HP:0001942 Metabolic acidosis   MP:0012551 metabolic acidosis   lack EQ
HP:0001977 Abnormal thrombosis   MP:0005048 abnormal thrombosis   lack EQ
HP:0002013 Vomiting   MP:0003260 vomiting   lack EQ
HP:0002018 Nausea   MP:0003259 nausea   lack EQ
HP:0002020 Gastroesophageal reflux   MP:0003286 gastroesophageal reflux   lack EQ
HP:0002094 Dyspnea   MP:0001954 respiratory distress   lack EQ
HP:0002098 Respiratory distress   MP:0001954 respiratory distress   lack EQ
HP:0002105 Hemoptysis   MP:0031100 hemoptysis   lack EQ
HP:0002107 Pneumothorax   MP:0010822 pneumothorax   lack EQ
HP:0002110 Bronchiectasis   MP:0011012 bronchiectasis   lack EQ
HP:0002185 Neurofibrillary tangles   MP:0003214 neurofibrillary tangles   lack EQ
HP:0002204 Pulmonary embolism   MP:0031080 pulmonary embolism   lack EQ
HP:0002248 Hematemesis   MP:0003261 hematemesis   lack EQ
HP:0002301 Hemiplegia   MP:0031202 hemiplegia   lack EQ
HP:0002408 Cerebral arteriovenous malformation   MP:0010530 cerebral arteriovenous malformation   lack EQ
HP:0002414 Spina bifida   MP:0003054 spina bifida   lack EQ
HP:0002435 Meningocele   MP:0012259 meningocele   lack EQ
HP:0002475 Myelomeningocele   MP:0009929 meningomyelocele   lack EQ
HP:0002637 Cerebral ischemia   MP:0006080 brain ischemia   lack EQ
HP:0002779 Tracheomalacia   MP:0013753 tracheomalacia   lack EQ
HP:0002786 Tracheobronchomalacia   MP:0031308 tracheobronchomalacia   lack EQ
HP:0002937 Hemivertebrae   MP:0008832 hemivertebra   lack EQ
HP:0003116 Abnormal echocardiogram   MP:0011925 abnormal heart echocardiography feature   lack EQ
HP:0003201 Rhabdomyolysis   MP:0031112 rhabdomyolysis   lack EQ
HP:0003298 Spina bifida occulta   MP:0005297 spina bifida occulta   lack EQ
HP:0003546 Exercise intolerance   MP:0012106 impaired exercise endurance   lack EQ
HP:0003565 Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate   MP:0031063 increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate   lack EQ
HP:0003645 Prolonged partial thromboplastin time   MP:0012359 increased partial thromboplastin time   lack EQ
HP:0005160 Total anomalous pulmonary venous return   MP:0010441 total anomalous pulmonary venous connection   lack EQ
HP:0005972 Respiratory acidosis   MP:0012550 respiratory acidosis   lack EQ
HP:0006515 Interstitial pneumonitis   MP:0001862 interstitial pneumonia   lack EQ
HP:0006517 Alveolar proteinosis   MP:0010998 pulmonary alveolar proteinosis   lack EQ
HP:0008081 Pes valgus   MP:0031291 pes valgus   lack EQ
HP:0008151 Prolonged prothrombin time   MP:0012356 increased prothrombin time   lack EQ
HP:0010445 Primum atrial septal defect   MP:0010404 ostium primum atrial septal defect   lack EQ
HP:0010735 Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia   MP:0031350 polyostotic fibrous dysplasia   lack EQ
HP:0010773 Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return   MP:0010442 partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection   lack EQ
HP:0010775 Vascular ring   MP:0010466 vascular ring   lack EQ
HP:0011480 Unilateral microphthalmos   MP:0031289 unilateral microphthalmia   lack EQ
HP:0011546 Abnormal atrioventricular connection   MP:0010435 abnormal heart atrium and ventricle connection   lack EQ
HP:0011620 Abnormality of abdominal situs   MP:0031284 abdominal situs abnormality   lack EQ
HP:0011623 Muscular ventricular septal defect   MP:0010420 muscular ventricular septal defect   lack EQ
HP:0011970 Cerebral amyloid angiopathy   MP:0004254 cerebral amyloid angiopathy   lack EQ
HP:0012156 Hemophagocytosis   MP:0031070 hemophagocytosis   lack EQ
HP:0012378 Fatigue   MP:0002899 fatigue   lack EQ
HP:0012735 Cough   MP:0031088 coughing   lack EQ
HP:0025095 Sneeze   MP:0031089 sneezing   lack EQ
HP:0025337 Red eye   MP:0031347 red eye   lack EQ
HP:0025435 Increased circulating lactate dehydrogenase concentration   MP:0011971 increased circulating lactate dehydrogenase level   lack EQ
HP:0030828 Wheezing   MP:0031086 wheezing   lack EQ
HP:0030829 Abnormal breath sound   MP:0001950 abnormal respiratory sounds   lack EQ
HP:0030830 Crackles   MP:0031104 crackles   lack EQ
HP:0030831 Rhonchi   MP:0031105 ronchi   lack EQ
HP:0030853 Heterotaxy   MP:0004133 heterotaxia   lack EQ
HP:0030953 Conjunctival hyperemia   MP:0031096 conjunctival hyperemia   lack EQ
HP:0031249 Parageusia   MP:0031092 dysgeusia   lack EQ
HP:0031266 Podocyte foot process effacement   MP:0008140 podocyte foot process effacement   lack EQ
HP:0031417 Rhinorrhea   MP:0031102 rhinorrhea   lack EQ
HP:0031965 Increased RBC distribution width   MP:0010067 increased red blood cell distribution width   lack EQ
HP:0032044 Decreased vigilance   MP:0020224 decreased alertness   lack EQ
HP:0032177 Parenchymal consolidation   MP:0031113 pulmonary parenchymal consolidation   lack EQ
HP:0032198 Decreased prothrombin time   MP:0012355 decreased prothrombin time   lack EQ
HP:0032308 Increased circulating procalcitonin level   MP:0031065 increased circulating procalcitonin level   lack EQ
HP:0033006 Diffuse alveolar damage   MP:0031237 diffuse alveolar damage   lack EQ
HP:0033041 Cytokine storm   MP:0031066 cytokine storm   lack EQ
HP:0033106 Elevated circulating D-dimer concentration   MP:0031083 increased circulating D-dimer level   lack EQ
HP:0033332 Elevated circulating amyloid A   MP:0031234 increased circulating serum amyloid protein level   lack EQ
HP:0033363 Hyaline membranes   MP:0011018 pulmonary hyaline membrane formation   lack EQ
HP:0033655 Pulmonary cavity   MP:0031119 pulmonary cavitation   lack EQ
HP:0040246 Reduced antithrombin antigen   MP:0012325 decreased circulating antithrombin level   lack EQ
HP:0041051 Ageusia   MP:0031090 ageusia   lack EQ
HP:0100309 Subdural hemorrhage   MP:0031117 subdural hemorrhage   lack EQ
HP:0100315 Lewy bodies   MP:0014065 Lewy bodies   lack EQ
HP:0100520 Oliguria   MP:0003620 oliguria   lack EQ
HP:0100588 Paraphimosis   MP:0010033 paraphimosis   lack EQ
HP:0100724 Hypercoagulability   MP:0031214 hypercoagulability   lack EQ
HP:0100758 Gangrene   MP:0031126 gangrene   lack EQ
HP:0100777 Exostoses   MP:0009877 exostosis   lack EQ
HP:0100806 Sepsis   MP:0005044 sepsis   lack EQ
HP:0410173 Increased troponin I level in blood   MP:0031079 increased circulating troponin I level   lack EQ
HP:0410174 Increased troponin T level in blood   MP:0031078 increased circulating troponin T level   lack EQ

nice thanks for making this issue! Will you open PRs on HP and MP repos?