A static site generator for data apps, dashboards, reports, and more. Observable Framework combines JavaScript on the front-end for interactive graphics with any language on the back-end for data analysis.
- 5
SQLite module fails to be fetched in final build
#1907 opened by ManuelR-D - 0
Use existing duckdb wasm database to render charts
#1904 opened by kalyanm2305 - 4
docs/duckdb: error in extension section (using Firefox)
#1886 opened by srenatus - 0
#1892 opened by jesssgauthier - 0
#1891 opened by jesssgauthier - 2
JSX/React and styled components broken
#1889 opened by ian-leggett - 3
- 5
Support alternative npm registries
#1817 opened by EE2dev - 4
investigating: slow S3 proxying
#1884 opened by srenatus - 3
Support for nested sections, please
#1844 opened by Martien - 1
Publish minor version of @observable/framework with React patch to NPM to fix CI builds
#1878 opened by caseyg - 2
Missing deckgl package.
#1877 opened by FilipByren - 8
Framework v1.13 building a broken version of React 19
#1866 opened by sbarre - 1
Create new app, fails to serve locally with UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY
#1873 opened by qd-danh - 2
Observable not on NPM?
#1871 opened by zachcp - 0
how to import plotly
#1867 opened by galsang-git - 0
- 11
broken links should break the build
#1730 opened by Fil - 2
Unexpected error: Node is not defined
#1854 opened by Martien - 1
Update places to find support
#1826 opened by bbkane - 5
- 1
Opt-out of implicit imports?
#1735 opened by steve-a-jones - 0
- 0
DuckDB: drop support for mvp?
#1756 opened by Fil - 2
Clean URLs and Apache httpd: use .htaccess
#1822 opened by Martien - 0
Dynamic column names in SQL query
#1819 opened by MoritzStefaner - 1
documentation errata: yarn is documented as being used by default during `create` but is not
#1790 opened by malcook - 2
Support Deno
#1795 opened by felippecaso - 1
jQuery UI found by keyword search
#1801 opened by malcook - 3
avoid nested logs?
#1788 opened by Fil - 0
Not found: /index
#1799 opened by enadol - 0
Using a /data/ path in sql front-matter is broken
#1796 opened by Fil - 1
- 0
Allow global DuckDBConfig
#1791 opened by mbostock - 0
`cleanUrls: "preserve-index"` to preserve `/index.html`
#1781 opened by mbostock - 0
Request deploy message earlier?
#1789 opened by Fil - 3
Suggestion: add `npm install` to the README
#1783 opened by yurivish - 1
Allow verbose URLs from home - `/index.html`
#1782 opened by aaronkyle - 0
Issue: H3HexagonLayer requires h3-js, but h3-js import via npm fails in Observable
#1773 opened by achirkunov - 0
Parametrized pages not found
#1770 opened by johanna-einsiedler - 1
bracketed parameter name as a parameter value
#1760 opened by Fil - 1
HTML Structure and SEO
#1763 opened by mcmcclur - 3
- 1
Example with custom text markers?
#1753 opened by jaanli - 2
- 0
- 0
Deduplicate imports after resolving in `renderModule`
#1718 opened by Fil - 0
DuckDB window function returns tuple instead of value
#1712 opened by angrytongan - 2
4-column grid rendered as 2 columns with 1.12.0
#1709 opened by happz - 0