Biochemist & Biotechnologist. PhD candidate at @plant_env, @uth.gr #bioinformatics, plant-fungal omics
Larissa Greece
olgatsiouri1996's Following
- harish0201India
- mmcguffiplasmidsaurus
- BabisPeteinarelis
- GeorgeMpoukGreece
- GeorgeMouchtLarissa , Greece+
- sstadickBio-Rad Laboratories
- TimothyStilesSan Francisco
- TlaskalVInstitute of Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry, Biology Centre
- AstrobioMikeNASA Ames Research Center
- MJChimalLytica
- chaninnCenter of Data Mining and Biomedical Informatics, Faculty of Medical Technology, Mahidol University
- ForrestKnightVirginia Beach, VA
- KalleHalldenElite Athlete Coaching
- NatJWalker-HaleDurham, United Kingdom
- bpuckerPlant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Institute of Plant Biology, TU Braunschweig
- johnafishBookshelved