Git repository for the Olin Aquatic Robotic Systems team. Learn how to do things in our wiki.
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In order to run OARS code, you need the following things setup on your computer:
- Ubuntu (14.04 highly recommended)
- test by running
lsb_release -a
in a terminal
- test by running
- ROS (indigo recommended)
- test by running
rosversion -d
in a terminal
- test by running
- A properly-configured catkin workspace
- test by running
in a terminal. The result should include /home/yourname/catkin_ws/src - If this fails, go to Appendix A to debug and fix it.
- test by running
- git (any version fine)
- test by running
git --version
in a terminal
- test by running
- V-REP (educational version, ≥3.3.2)
- test by running
a command that is yet to be determined
in a terminal
- test by running
- the oars-roboboat git repository in your catkin_ws/src folder
- test by running
roscd oars_pkg
in a terminal
- test by running
- All of the dependencies of the oars packages
- test by running
rosdep update
rosdep --ignore-src check --from-paths $(rospack find oars_pkg)/..
- fix by running
sudo apt-get update
rosdep --ignore-src install --from-paths $(rospack find oars_pkg)/..
- Turn eveything on (e-stop can remain off)
- Connect several times via SSH
- Run relevant scripts on boat
roslaunch oars_pkg core.launch
rosrun oars_pkg _config:=courses/sample_course.json
- When you're ready:
rosrun oars_pkg test1
- Setup your computer with ROS_IP, ROS_MASTER_URI, and then...
roslaunch oars_pkg joystick.launch
Turn the tugboat on
- The Raspberry Pi should be powered from a USB power bank
Connect to the tugboat via SSH
Connect to the
WiFI network (passwordR0B0TS-RULE
) -
Visit and find the "inet addr" starting with 192.168.*.*
In Terminal, connect to the Raspberry Pi using the command
ssh pi@192.168.**.**
(with the IP address from above)- The password is
- The password is
Update the code on the tugboat to match what you want to test
in the ssh session
roscd oars_pkg
git checkout master
(or whatever branch you are working on) -
git pull
Run the code on the boat computer (over SSH)
In one tab:
In another tab, launch one of the launch files beginning with
. These correspond to different modes of operation (e.g. piloting Jankboat 1 around obstacle course A, piloting the tugboat in search of an underwater sound's source). For example, runroslaunch oars_pkg app_tugboat.launch
to pilot the tugboat.
(Optional) Use a joystick to manually control the boat. Note: All of these commands should be run on your computer, not on the boat (via SSH).
a) Plug in the controller to your computer via USB
b) Tell your computer that a ROS master is running on the tugboat:
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<tugboat_ip_address>:11311
c) Tell ROS what your IP address is:
export ROS_IP=<your_ip_address>
d) Launch the necessary nodes:
roslaunch oars_pkg joystick.launch
If you're running into trouble, make sure your computer can see the joystick by running
ls /dev/input/js*
. (There may be multiplejs#
devices on your computer, so you might want to try disconnecting the joystick, running the aforementioned command, plugging the joystick back in, and running the command again to make sure a new device showed up.) -
If the joystick isn’t
, runroslaunch oars_pkg joystick.launch dev:=/dev/input/js#
(where the#
is replaced by the correct number).
In a terminal type cd ~/catkin_ws/src
If it works, you have a catkin_ws folder already, continue to Step 2
If it doesn’t work, follow the instructions here, then continue to Step 2
In a terminal, type gedit ~/.bashrc
In the resulting text file, add the following two lines to the bottom of the file, if they aren’t there:
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash |
This file is loaded every time you open a terminal, so it stores the "default" location of your catkin workspace. Any code in the ~/catkin_ws/src directory will now be useable by ROS (once you close and reopen your terminal)