3-axis Brushless Gimbal Controller, based on STM32 32-bit microcontroller
- 3
- 1
Access to code, being able to contribute/modify.
#33 opened by AndKe - 2
downgrading to a single-axis gimbal
#32 opened by Shen-LW - 1
- 6
Gerber Files for NT Modules (IMU)
#28 opened by natiz - 4
- 1
- 0
Question: how one could reach the most responsive control and highest rotation speeds?
#23 opened by alpha358 - 1
#25 opened by shivamydv2001 - 12
- 0
about python library
#20 opened by sung-wook-kim - 0
I have error NT Imu.
#21 opened by muharremcaglayan - 1
Website problem
#22 opened by ocmeros - 6
10 magnets on motor at 0.90 i2c
#19 opened by whoim2 - 1
Question: Can you use the storm 32 as a driver
#16 opened by finnBsch - 2
Firmware source code
#17 opened by serghov - 1
CRC calculation
#18 opened by justas- - 2
IMU not available
#15 opened - 1
When the frost, the suspension begins chaos
#13 opened by whakru - 9
MOST usful feature suggestion
#7 opened by Tommixoft - 1
STorM32 BGC board v0.17
#1 opened by olliw42 - 1
STorM32 BGC board v1.10
#2 opened by olliw42 - 1
STorM32 BGC board v1.2 rev1
#3 opened by olliw42 - 1
Storm32NT 2.11e IMU orientation switched
#5 opened by Gregmaan - 1
- 4
Is firmware OpenSource
#6 opened by Tommixoft - 1
- 1
- 1
Does betacopter work on the stock solo?
#11 opened by k4kfh - 1
Storm32bgc Wiki down
#12 opened by Seeelefant - 1
2 axis encoder support
#14 opened by catasaurus-rex - 1