bfconvert: Using channel option does not remove additional channel elements from OME-XML
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Issue was reported on forum thread
The original error was reported when trying to read using AICSImage resulted in the error:
ValueError: conflicting sizes for dimension 'C': length 1 on the data but length 2 on coordinate 'C'
The issue can be reproduced with command line tools from BF 7.1.0 and using sample file from
Running the below command then generates an OME-TIFF which contains 2 channel elements in the OME-XML:
bfconvert -channel 1 xyc_8bit__membranes_nuclei.tif xyc_8bit__membranes_nuclei.ome.tiff
Note that this is not apparent when using showinf -omexml
but instead can be seen when using a tool such as tiffinfo to view the image description tag.
When viewed with showinf -omexml
only a single channel element is seen:
<Image ID="Image:0" Name="xyc_8bit__membranes_nuclei.tiff">
<Pixels BigEndian="true" DimensionOrder="XYCZT" ID="Pixels:0" Interleaved="false" SignificantBits="8" SizeC="1" SizeT="1" SizeX="475" SizeY="354" SizeZ="1" Type="uint8">
<Channel ID="Channel:0:0" SamplesPerPixel="1">
<TiffData FirstC="0" FirstT="0" FirstZ="0" IFD="0" PlaneCount="1">
<UUID FileName="xyc_8bit__membranes_nuclei.ome.tiff">urn:uuid:26dd8113-b0f8-465d-b860-52ef2d031195</UUID>
When using tiffinfo you see 2 channel elements:
<Image ID="Image:0" Name="xyc_8bit__membranes_nuclei.tiff">
<Pixels BigEndian="true" DimensionOrder="XYCZT" ID="Pixels:0" Interleaved="false" SignificantBits="8" SizeC="1" SizeT="1" SizeX="475" SizeY="354" SizeZ="1" Type="uint8">
<Channel ID="Channel:0:0" SamplesPerPixel="1">
<Channel ID="Channel:0:1" SamplesPerPixel="1"><LightPath/></Channel>
<TiffData FirstC="0" FirstT="0" FirstZ="0" IFD="0" PlaneCount="1">
<UUID FileName="xyc_8bit__membranes_nuclei.ome.tiff">urn:uuid:26dd8113-b0f8-465d-b860-52ef2d031195</UUID>
This issue has been mentioned on Forum. There might be relevant details there: