
High-content screening ngff metadata schema empty image

mfranzon opened this issue · 4 comments

I am trying to open a .zarr folder with this metadata schema choosing napari-plugin as reader, napari does not raise any error but the image loaded is just an "empty" array.
This is my folder structure:
As you see, I have just one dataset path (0)
This is the result after I drag and drop it on napari with the plugin:

This is the output of the napari with -vvv :

`10:22:39 DEBUG Created nested FSStore(/test2.zarr, r, {'dimension_separator': '/', 'normalize_keys': False})

10:22:39 DEBUG 0.4 matches None?

10:22:39 DEBUG 0.3 matches None?

10:22:39 DEBUG 0.2 matches None?
10:22:39 DEBUG V01:None v. 0.1
10:22:39 DEBUG treating /test2.zarr [zgroup] as Plate

10:22:39 INFO root_attr: plate

10:22:39 DEBUG {'acquisitions': [{'id': 1, 'name': 'single acquisition'}], 'columns': [{'name': '1'}], 'field_count': 1, 'name': 'test', 'rows': [{'name': 'A'}], 'version': '0.3', 'wells': [{'path': 'A/1'}]}

10:22:39 INFO plate_data: {'acquisitions': [{'id': 1, 'name': 'single acquisition'}], 'columns': [{'name': '1'}], 'field_count': 1, 'name': 'test', 'rows': [{'name': 'A'}], 'version': '0.3', 'wells': [{'path': 'A/1'}]}

10:22:39 DEBUG open(ZarrLocation(/test2.zarr/A/1))
10:22:39 DEBUG Created nested FSStore(/test2.zarr/A/1, r, {'dimension_separator': '/', 'normalize_keys': False})
10:22:39 DEBUG 0.4 matches None?
10:22:39 DEBUG 0.3 matches None?
10:22:39 DEBUG 0.2 matches None?
10:22:39 DEBUG V01:None v. 0.1

10:22:39 DEBUG treating /test2.zarr/A/1 [zgroup] as Well

10:22:39 INFO root_attr: well

10:22:39 DEBUG {'images': [{'path': '0'}], 'version': '0.3'}

10:22:39 INFO well_data: {'images': [{'path': '0'}], 'version': '0.3'}

10:22:39 DEBUG open(ZarrLocation(/test2.zarr/A/1/0))

10:22:39 DEBUG Created nested FSStore(/test2.zarr/A/1/0, r, {'dimension_separator': '/', 'normalize_keys': False})

10:22:39 DEBUG 0.4 matches 0.3?
10:22:39 DEBUG 0.3 matches 0.3?
10:22:39 WARNING version mismatch: detected:FormatV03, requested:FormatV04

10:22:39 DEBUG Created nested FSStore(/test2.zarr/A/1/0, r, {'dimension_separator': '/', 'normalize_keys': False})

10:22:39 DEBUG treating /test2.zarr/A/1/0 [zgroup] as Multiscales

10:22:39 INFO root_attr: multiscales

10:22:39 DEBUG [{'version': '0.3', 'axes': [{'name': 'y', 'type': 'space', 'unit': 'centimeter'}, {'name': 'x', 'type': 'space', 'unit':
'centimeter'}], 'datasets': [{'path': '0'}], 'metadata': {'kwargs': {'axes_names': ['y', 'x']}}}]

10:22:39 INFO root_attr: omero
10:22:39 DEBUG {'id': 1, 'version': '0.3'}

10:22:39 INFO root_attr: channels
10:22:39 DEBUG [{'active': True, 'coefficient': 1, 'color': '0000FF', 'family': 'linear', 'inverted': False, 'label': 'LaminB1', 'window': {'end': 1500, 'max': 65535, 'min': 0, 'start': 0}}]

10:22:39 INFO root_attr: rdefs

10:22:39 DEBUG {'defaultT': 0, 'defaultZ': 118, 'model': 'color'}

10:22:39 INFO datasets [{'path': '0'}]

10:22:39 INFO resolution: 0

10:22:39 INFO - shape ('y', 'x') = (8640, 7680)

10:22:39 INFO - chunks = ['2160', '2560']

10:22:39 INFO - dtype = uint16
10:22:39 DEBUG open(ZarrLocation(/test2.zarr/A/1/0/labels))

10:22:39 DEBUG Created nested FSStore(/test2.zarr/A/1/0/labels, r, {'dimension_separator': '/', 'normalize_keys': False})

10:22:39 WARNING version mismatch: detected:FormatV04, requested:FormatV03
10:22:39 DEBUG Created nested FSStore(/test2.zarr/A/1/0/labels, r, {'dimension_separator': '/', 'normalize_keys': False})

10:22:39 DEBUG treating /test2.zarr/A/1/0 [zgroup] as OMERO

10:22:39 INFO root_attr: multiscales

10:22:39 DEBUG [{'version': '0.3', 'axes': [{'name': 'y', 'type': 'space', 'unit': 'centimeter'}, {'name': 'x', 'type': 'space', 'unit': 'centimeter'}], 'datasets': [{'path': '0'}], 'metadata': {'kwargs': {'axes_names': ['y', 'x']}}}]

10:22:39 INFO root_attr: omero
10:22:39 DEBUG {'id': 1, 'version': '0.3'}
10:22:39 INFO root_attr: channels
10:22:39 DEBUG [{'active': True, 'coefficient': 1, 'color': '0000FF', 'family': 'linear', 'inverted': False, 'label': 'LaminB1', 'window': {'end': 1500, 'max': 65535, 'min': 0, 'start': 0}}]

10:22:39 INFO root_attr: rdefs
10:22:39 DEBUG {'defaultT': 0, 'defaultZ': 118, 'model': 'color'}

10:22:39 DEBUG creating lazy_reader. row:0 col:0

10:22:39 DEBUG img_pyramid_shapes: [(8640, 7680)]

10:22:39 DEBUG target_level: 0
10:22:39 DEBUG get_stitched_grid() level: 0, tile_shape: (8640, 7680)

10:22:39 DEBUG treating /test2.zarr [zgroup] as ome-zarr

10:22:39 DEBUG returning /test2.zarr [zgroup]

10:22:39 DEBUG transforming /test2.zarr [zgroup]

10:22:39 DEBUG node.metadata: {'axes': [{'name': 'y', 'type': 'space', 'unit': 'centimeter'}, {'name': 'x', 'type': 'space', 'unit': 'centimeter'}], 'metadata': {'plate': {'acquisitions': [{'id': 1, 'name': 'single acquisition'}], 'columns': [{'name': '1'}], 'field_count': 1, 'name': 'test', 'rows': [{'name': 'A'}], 'version': '0.3', 'wells': [{'path': 'A/1'}]}}}

10:22:39 DEBUG Transformed: ([dask.array<from-value, shape=(8640, 7680), dtype=uint16, chunksize=(8640, 7680), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>], {}, 'image')

10:22:39 DEBUG ImageSlice.init
10:22:39 DEBUG ImageSlice.init
10:22:39 DEBUG LOADING tile... A/1/0/0 with shape: (8640, 7680)
10:22:39 DEBUG ImageSlice.init`

I hope that this informations could be helpful to better understand the issue.
Thank you very much for your work and for the help in figure out what's going on.

@mfranzon My initial suspicion while looking at the layout and the logs is that the data is stored according to the OME-NGFF 0.3 specification but the chunks themselves are written using the OME-NGFF 0.1 layout i.e. separated by a . separator. Which software generated this Zarr dataset?

In version 0.2 and above, we modified the chunk separator to use / instead. This would explain why you get a blank plane as the library should use a default fill value if no chunk is found. We have a few representative samples for the OME-NGFF 0.3 specification published on this blog post. Probably the most relevant for the modality you are talking about here (HCS, XY dimensions) is the sample generated from idr0094 i.e.

@sbesson you are completly right. The problem was exactly this. I generate zarr dataset with a custom implementation, and to generate the chunks I am using dask.to_zarr() function, which probably follows the OME-NGFF 0.1 layout. Do you think it would be better move to another software ?
Another time, thank you very much!

I am not versed enough in the Dask API and the compatibility with the OME-NGFF specification. Quickly looking at and especially the extra keywords delegated to, it might be possible to pass dimension_separator='/' to write data as nested chunks.

From our side, the other alternative I could suggest is to look at which is the underlying library used by this plugin for reading OME-NGFF but also has some support for writing OME-NGFF. In terms of pros/cons, this library should ensure the best support/compliance with the OME-NGFF versions, the API/functionalities/documentation is probably less mature and still under development but now is actually a good time to get feedback on how to improve this.
For HCS specifically, a starting point might be to look at some of tests which demonstrate the current API semantics for writing a plate.

Thank you very much for your hints! Really useful