Feature request - Keyboard shortcuts for sliders
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Dear developers of OMERO.iviewer,
due to the corona restrictions we are using the viewer now as a digital replacement for teaching microscopy using large high-resolution z-stacks, and I personally like this solution very much.
However, switching through the z-layers somehow breaks the user experience since one has to attend to the z-slider, where panning and zooming can be executed quickly by direct mouse interaction. Would be possible to use something like pressing the Ctrl-key together with turning the mouse wheel to flick through the z-layers, or at least have a keyboard shortcut, e.g. the cursor keys, for switching over to the next / previous layer?
Stay safe and well,
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the feedback. We've not focussed on providing keyboard shortcuts yet, but I can see this would be a useful feature.
In the meantime, the current Z and T sliders should respond to Arrow keys if they are in "focus" (selected first with the mouse).
I understand that this is not ideal, since when you click on another focusable element, you will lose the keyboard shortcuts, but hopefully it is still useful to know.