Importing plate data per image
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi all,
as discussed a bit off-topic with @will-moore at will-moore/parade-crossfilter#17 I'm a bit unhappy with how the plate data upload works in omero-metadata.
At the moment I use Cellprofiler per Image result tables and generate a csv-file with KNIME out of it that is ready to use with populate metadata
. Beside some manual definition (e.g. plate name) everything else is automated (including reconstruction of the image name, that is created in Omero for my plates e.g. "Index.idx.xml [Well 1, Field 1]", as our system PerkinElmer Operetta CLS always creates a Index.idx.xml file which is used for import into Omero) .
So in theory everything is fine from data perspective, but I have a lot of trouble to get the data into Omero. Please find below an example file, that I would like to upload.
The idea is to include all information that I have (plate,well,image), to be able to populate on the layer of plates or screens. But this is not possible due to several reasons:
- the well and image information cannot be included at the same time:
omero_metadata.populate.MetadataError: Well Column and Image Column cannot be resolved at the same time. Pick one.
- the image name cannot be resolved:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Index.idx.xml [Well 1 Field 1]'
(see full log in above cross-linked issue) => although this is possible for dataset/image! - the plate column name may not be included, when uploaded to a plate:
AttributeError: 'PlateWrapper' object has no attribute 'value_resolver'
- I would like to add also ROIs per image, but this does not make any sense if I am unable to map them to a specific image (not well)
So from my point of view it should be possible to add all given information and omero-metadata should just use the most granular one (plate > well > image > roi ). It should not block the upload just due to too many information.
This topic might a an extension of #51, but covers more, so I wanted to create it separately. Especially because of the image name resolution.
I appreciate any thoughts or changes of the current situation.
Thanks, Anna
Working on this at #64