- 6
Move this repository under another account
#64 opened by zonca - 0
First draft of Output FITS Structure
#63 opened by gmduvvuri - 1
Update to include packages that are needed to run (currently in requirements.txt)
#59 opened by scfleming - 0
Have attempt to make output directories (recursively) if they don't exist.
#62 opened by scfleming - 0
Check that file input is correct format (3 columns, etc.) and exit gracefully if not.
#61 opened by scfleming - 2
Make sure code can run on short cadence data
#21 opened by scfleming - 0
Flux discontinuity in Kepler data
#52 opened by emprice - 0
- 1
Implement Bob's Optimized BLS_PULSE
#10 opened by scfleming - 1
- 2
- 2
Find a better way to test
#48 opened by emprice - 1
- 3
- 0
- 3
- 1
- 2
FITS file bundling for all results from bls_pulse
#49 opened by emprice - 4
Add ability to search for the best positive AND best negative feature in a segment at the same time.
#27 opened by scfleming - 2
Python directory structure
#33 opened by emprice - 2
Convert code to doxygen/sphinx friendly format.
#36 opened by scfleming - 2
- 2
- 6
- 1
Update Hadoop on gordon documentation.
#43 opened by scfleming - 5
Run at least one job successfully on Gordon.
#46 opened by scfleming - 0
Should y-axis plot range be a simple fraction of the difference between ymax-ymin?
#47 opened by scfleming - 2
Finish development of cython branch.
#41 opened by scfleming - 10
Test Bulk De-Trending of Lightcurves Prior To BLS Search On Real and Simulated Data
#6 opened by scfleming - 4
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
Convert from simplejson to json
#31 opened by scfleming - 1
Add ability to download Q17 LC data.
#32 opened by scfleming - 1
- 5
Update the bls_pulse* unit test so that it allows simulated transists that straddle a segment boundary to fail.
#25 opened by scfleming - 2
- 2
Add module to drive bls_pulse.
#8 opened by scfleming - 2
Convert from optparse to argparse module
#7 opened by scfleming - 9
Test vectorized version of BLS_PULSE, consider replacing with serial version.
#11 opened by scfleming - 1
Investigate failed unit test cases.
#24 opened by scfleming - 1
Improve Pass/Fail criteria in unit tests.
#22 opened by scfleming - 2
Setup Travis-CI
#13 opened by zonca - 1
- 1
- 1
- 2