
A modular utility-based AI for Unity.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


SenteAI is an exploration of creating a dynamic, utility-based AI that can adapt to player actions. Each AI agent is composed of stackable Module components, which handle things such as health, vision, or the agent's brain for decision-making. These Module components, along with Action components, can be easily added or customized to adjust an agent's behavior, as they are both part of Unity's ScriptableObject class.

The name "Sente" (先手) is derived from Japanese, meaning "seizing the initiative" or "taking the first move." It reflects the idea behind the AI, where agents are proactive and continuously evaluating their environment to seize opportunities.


  • Unity 6 (6000.0.28f1)
  • Git


The Agent base class is shared by both the Player and the Enemy for handling common functionality, such as executing Module components.


public class Agent : MonoBehaviour
    public List<Module> Modules { get; private set; } = new();
    public List<AgentAction> Actions { get; private set; } = new();

    public virtual void Update()
        foreach (var module in Modules)


Both the Player and the Enemy have a brain Module, which handles the execution of Action components such as attacking or moving.

public class Brain : Module
    public override void Execute(Agent agent)
        if (!_cooldownHandler.IsReady())

        AgentAction decidedAction = ActionSelectionStrategy.SelectAction(agent);

        if (decidedAction != null)