
install error!!

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sudo ./bootstrap_toolchain

autoproj: installing a proper Ruby environment (this can take a long time)
autoproj: installing autoproj and its dependencies (this can take a long time)
./bootstrap_toolchain:677:in `block in filter_uptodate_gems': undefined method `source_index' for Gem:Module (NoMethodError)
Did you mean?  sources
	from ./bootstrap_toolchain:675:in `delete_if'
	from ./bootstrap_toolchain:675:in `filter_uptodate_gems'
	from ./bootstrap_toolchain:974:in `install'
	from ./bootstrap_toolchain:1559:in `<main>'

We added a new installation method which does not require Ruby or any other additional dependencies in #34. Please check the new top-level README.md for further details.