Simultaneously-Collected Multimodal Lying Pose Dataset: Towards In-Bed Human Pose Monitoring under Adverse Vision Conditions (TPAMI 2022)
- Alex-web100Carnegie Mellon University
- chenhaomingbob
- cy-4Montreal
- DLwbm123Fudan University
- DonJon86
- Earthnook
- Engr-NadeemShahGermany
- estherguImperial College London
- GuanghaoZhu663
- heldercSouthern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)
- henrycleverGeorgia Institute of Technology
- hygenie1228CVLAB, Seoul National Univ.
- imabackstabber
- Joon-Jung
- KaiWU17TUM
- kninad@IRVLUTD, University of Texas at Dallas
- liuchenneu
- MohamedAfhamTU Darmstadt
- nnnnnhnbgjChangchun University of Science and Technology
- pgrady3Georgia Institute of Technology
- RyotaroNumataFastLabel
- SajjadAemmiParsTechAI
- shjdlx
- tamaskaracsony
- thamidurmSri Lanka
- Thunderltx
- TiggerJeff3669
- wTheRockbGoogle
- wx-bRIOS
- xyAmy
- yazicizIstanbul Technical University
- yileichen123
- yunambuCisco Systems G.K.
- ZeyuFuUniversity of Exeter
- zhongnansuAWS OpenSearch